Why does this chick sucks ass so much

Why does this chick sucks ass so much

> im not leaving my car

after one fucking episode and she sucks ass already and she is acting like she is the one who cant die

>the vampire cant die

> the preacher can make people do what he want

but this chick is written knowing she has plot armor

I dropped it 4 episodes in solely because of her. Everything else was great, but one character was written so terribly obnoxious, she ruined the whole thing for me. I never even read the comics, but I understand she's completely different.

Getting mighty tired of the ultra-cocky always-outwits-everyone female trope. It's lazy.

This is a fun show, stop being faggots.

Eh, she's not great, but she isn't a huge part of it. I kept waiting to figure out what her super power was, but it seems to be just that she's a based black chick.

>powerful af

Please tell me this isn't real

in season 2 she is its only 3 of them travling the car the episode is out

Ah, I hadn't realized the new season was out. Neat.

I'm sorry, what?

Can mainstream media stop using this fucking format already?

>notice a pattern
>choose to be pissed about it

grow up

Season 2 seems a lot more solid so far. If you decide to pick it back up you can just skip the rest of season 1 and start here, nothing happens in the rest of that season anyways.

> Mainstream media

We get it, you hate strong women. If you don't like it, just stop watching. Save us your unneeded grief.

>he thinks this is a good example of a strong woman, and not at all insulting or pandering

>stop watching a show you dropped 4 episodes in

This post is insincere and crap.

Comic Tulip was so hot. Fuck this shit.

Was thinking the exact same this. Every day were getting closer to 'Ow My Balls!"

I just hope Deblanc comes backfor season 2.
The Fiore and Deblanc dynamic is what kept me watching season 1.

>one episode
>Season 2 seems a lot more solid so far


Its not that shes a strong woman character its that she really is just poorly written and very predictable with her behaviour. Any supporting role in OITNB has more depth than her.

First ten minutes of season 2>entirety of season 1