How do you think KOTH would have handled an episode on transgenders?

How do you think KOTH would have handled an episode on transgenders?

>another blatant Sup Forums bait thread

I don't hate minorities and gays and even I think trannies are mentally ill

They touched on it a bit when Dale got all superpatriotic and Hank's driver's license came in with a F instead of M for sex.

Does "The Peggy Horror Picture Show" not count?

They did one with cross dressers, or something.

Hank also once offhandedly mentioned a bank teller who was "in-between genders".


didnt they already have a peggy/cross dresser episode? it was sorta sweet actually

Drag queens just dress up for entertainment purposes, at the end of the show they take the outfits and makeup off.

"Mother, can you stop being supportive for one minute?"

Hank's response to it would probably be the same as it is with anything involving sexuality, gender or genitals and he'd just awkwardly remove himself from the conversation, so it'd probably be an episode revolving around Peggy or Bobby.

Yeah, Hank would just avoid the subject entirely unless his opinion was directly asked. He'd probably say he didn't really understand it, but he'd also say it wasn't any of his business if the behavior in question wasn't hurting anyone.

They could easily have it be a Hank episode, Hank sets up an interview with a Betty Hopkins who turns out to be a very tall, strong woman with huge hands and weird little boobs. Hank is super uncomfortable with him/her but at some point during the interview Hank excuses himself to have a quiet mini freakout and Betty helps a customer or keenly notices a maintenance issue and fixes it. Hank realizes Betty is a perfectly functional person even if Betty used to be Billy, and there's a B plot where Bill has a crush on her and it's played for a laugh when the gang discovers she used to/still has a cock.


They did do one...

>Hank meets a person who shares his love of propane and propane accessories
>Hank becomes pals with said person
>Hank sees person go into bathroom opposite of gender that he believes them to be
>"uh hehe that's the wrong restroom"
>Person reveals that they are trans
>Hank realizes that being transgendered isn't what solely defines a person

>Hank meets a male to female transgender
>that boy ain't right

The main guy seems to be transgendered since his mom got really defensive when he brought up Peggy thinking she would bash him for "not being a real woman"

I think that was more in reference to him being gay, which he probably was.

Dale would probably think they were a spy or some shit


>I don't hate minorities and gays

Wow, you sound like such a saint.

well i'm not gonna kiss their asses and say they should get benefits but that guy was accusing people against trannies to be Sup Forums