Dumbing of Age

I'm not even sure what to think anymore.

Other urls found in this thread:


I know what you should think:

"I need to stop subjecting myself to this torture and drop this comic."

Trust me, the only times I've heard about Willis was from here. If you guys didn't bitch about him, he would live a life of obscurity.

He makes enough money to live off from this comic, user

don't worry, this comic will tell you what to think eventually

actually what? is this the future? why would there be ultracar toys? did ultracar become famous? i quit shortpacked a long time ago

What the hell is up with her glasses?

this is hack fan-fiction tear exposition.
>everyone hated me
>whatever reason was convenient
probably a fucking clue about something, isn't it?

Okay so quick breakdown.

This is an alternate Universe where Willis is using all the same characters from Shortpacked!, but they're in college. Also Carla is Ultra Car from Shortpacked!, but in this Universe instead of being a humaney lookin' robot or whatever, she's a transgender girl who based her entire life around a shitty cartoon show back in the 90's.

>Everyone else hated me for whatever reason was convenient.

Yeah, I'm certain people hated her for reasons completely unrelated to the fact that she's a huge annoying asshole. Then again, she is a spoiled rich kid, so it's not like that's unusual.

I genuinly don't get Carl's logic.

What do you expect when Willis himself has stated that she's constantly trying to be an asshole to people.

Also get this, Jacob is one of the characters who has a cast profile. Not Mary, or Hank, or even Leslie, but Jacob somehow gets a cast profile.

It's weird, when he was talking about Dexter & Monkey Master a couple strips ago he was articulating himself pretty well "something about cultural relevant", and then on this strip he's reduced to the diction of a ten-year-old talking about far jokes. This really inconsistent.

I think he's intentionally being juvenille just to piss Carla off

but that might be giving him too much credit.

It's another instance of Willis not being able to just leave a strip alone. He's done this before but the one that sticks out the most is where Becky and Joyce are talking about something in her old room and they joke about picking up sticks or something. Then he updated that to involve Joyce overreacting and looking like a spaz about the sticks.

It's cute that you think that

so the joke is he takes the show on the superficial level but she has all these memories. but I'm worried somehow it will be drama about him disrespecting the show and her. i mean her whole speech is about how it's not the actual show it's these memories and feelings!!


Same guy?

Carla's a guy, dude.

Everyone hated Carla for whatever reason was convenient.

Maybe, JUST MAYBE, it's because Carla is an obnoxious asshole, and ALWAYS HAS BEEN?

But why?

What would he get out of that? Why would one WANT to be hated?

Pretty much. Willis decided some time ago that anything that made Walky happy was for the wrong reasons.

>Is constantly an asshole to everyone because she craves attention.
>Is disheartened when that attention is negative or openly hostile.
>Didn't even come from a neglectful family situation that might explain such behavior, and in fact comes from a privileged, wealthy corporate/engineering family with parents that doted on her and paid for everything she's ever wanted or needed.
>We're supposed to sympathize with this character because...trans?

Carla is one of the least relatable characters in this entire shit show of a webcomic. Nothing about her behavior is justified or even logical given her upbringing. She's just an asshole that fucks with people and then acts surprised when someone lashes out right back like Mary did. And then she flaunts her power, money, and influence right back at Mary with that dangerous pie-machine prank.

Not even Becky is this completely infuriating.

It's nice to know how people feel about you
instead of wondering if people are talking about you behind your back I'm assuming there's some sort of solace in knowing for certain that they are doing it

Because Willis can't write anymore.

>Everyone else hated me for whatever reason was convenient.

Maybe it's because you're a bitch cunt whose deranged gender-change did nothing but legitimize the fact that you're a bitch.

I imagine most people would feel completely ambivalent to Carla's existence if she wasn't such a tremendous twat.

That would imply he could write at one point.

So, the reason she's set on being a humongous asshole to everybody is because she wants people to hate her on her own terms. She'd rather be hated for the bad things she actually did and enjoys than for existing.


>Carla underwent gender reassignment because of a failed children's cartoon show.

Literally any last ability to be taken seriously gone.

>Parents that aren't awful
How long will that last?

That's because Becky actually had shit happen to her and Carla was just an anti-social asshole.

I want this meeting to happen now, just to see Willis try and justify the hugbox surrounding Carla.
>Becky: Yeah, my dad kidnapped me and beat up my girlfriend because it turns out I like girls. Mom also tried to commit suicide and I walked in on her doing it once.
>Carla: Yeah well, my favorite cartoon didn't have any toys.

The logic behind this tactic is flawed, because there are plenty of people who would not hate Carla simply for existing / being trans that WOULD grow to hate her because she's doing annoying shit all the time.

Hopefully Ross comes back and just shoots Carla. I take back what I said previously, Becky I don't think actually knows better. She's just plain stupid. Carla is a cunt with rich parents who give her whatever she wants and can't comprehend why nobody likes her.

>for whatever reason was convenient
You're a bitch, full stop.

Apparently she might be adopted. Or a robot. But she's definitely an asshole.

Well, thinking you're a woman in a man's body is mentally ill to start with.

>Obsesses over cartoons which even the most retarded children knew was shit

Am I supposed to empathize with a moron?

Oh, right, Willy fans are...

>Apparently she might be adopted.


>Or a robot.

This isn't Questionable Content.

Attention whore

This is a weird exchange, because Walky is a huge cartoon dork who was bullied by his childhood friend Billie and her popular clique. He hasn't been shown to have a single actual friend from high school or even elementary outside of Billie, and he's obsessed with that D&MM show (it's why him and Dorothy are together). The idea that he can get so worked up and emotional about that show that was obviously really important to him, while also not showing any deep emotional attachment is backwards.

Basically, Carla going "my life sucked but at least I had that cartoon" and Walky responding with "duh, the cartoon I liked has farts" is really bad writing. Even though Walky is about being macho, it really does read like "male nerd = bad, trans/female nerd = good." Garbage.

>>Parents that aren't awful

Id say spoiling him to the point where they'll pay to get him butchered rather than get him therapy pretty much means theyre awful.

Im willing to bet if Carl told them to destroy the lives of Mary and her entire family, theyd do it

Oh boy is he ever.

Willis wanted it to be painfully obvious that Carla is the right one here. No, there's no argument or anything going on, but Carla must be always made to look right.

>Carla going "my life sucked but at least I had that cartoon"

This would have some weight if Carla's life ACTUALLY sucked, instead of her coming from a wealthy, loving, and supportive family and most of the bad shit / hatred she gets being the result of her own shitty behavior. The fact that she's rich and white pretty much trumps any of the shit she might get for being trans.

>people hated me for every reason that was convenient
There is always a reason, ALWAYS. Its not fucking rocket science, if you're deviant of have surplus negative traits without a personality of sense of humor to negate it then you will and should be bullied into conforming into a reasonable human standard.

That means hammering out the impurities in the very core of your being that hold you back. people either emerge stronger of shatter though the experience, its a social make or break experience necessity in growing up. Thats why people grow out being a sperg or learn to embrace it 100%, the wheat has to be culled.

>a bourgeois acts bourgeois
>being surprised


I know in context this strip is dumb as hell, but the idea that Carla opens up and leaves herself vulnerable expressing her deep emotional attachment to a children's cartoon in the middle of a nerd fight just to have Walky not give a single fuck made me laugh out loud. Kudos Willis, you've failed into greatness.

No, she just wants people to pay attention to her. That's it, she's an attention whore. Nobody but her parents paid attention to her as a kid so she'll act like an asshole just because it means people will have to pay attention to her.

She's honestly one of the shittiest, most self-centered assholes I've ever seen in a webcomic.

Christ, at this point Willis is pretty much outlining one of Cerberus' fucking comment essays panel-by-panel, letting her know exactly how to praise him and what words to use. This is infuriating.

I wonder if anyone who archive binges this comic will be able to tell the exact point Carla went from "the new Mike" to "whatever Cerberus tells me she is".

Hey, I found a comic that shows his emotional investment.

>be Carla
>rich as shit parents are loaded in dosh
>Loved by family and spoiled constantly
>act like lord fontmerory a annoying boy prince all though school
>people dont like it
>double down on being annoying since nobody pays attention to me otherwise
>disguise all self pity into righteous indignation at all criticism going though the *trans* filter
>suprised when people dont like me

people in real life like this die alone and unloved unless somebody marries into the money and arranges an 'accident'


The fact TF wiki has an article on him shows what a gargantuan narcissist he is.

- Has a blog
- posts regularly at Allspark
- Has had half a dozen comic strips featuring him in some form.
- Made his own "Walkypedia" to showcase every aspect of his creation
- Pays so TFU.Info has TWO banner ads of his comic on every single solitary page
- Makes TFWIKI to force more of his opinions, attitudes and biases onto readers

He's far more than an ordinary attention whore. He's an attention SINGULARITY from which the tiniest ray of humility can escape

what did he mean by this

How is Walky even remotely negroid

Are we sure his family aren't just Mexicans pretending to be black for the pity points and they just didn't tell the kids "We're really beaners, i mean even our eyes are beans"

Ooooh, I think I get it now. See, I was coming at her behavior thinking it was illogical that someone without a neglectful home life would crave attention so strongly, but you've opened my eyes. It's BECAUSE her parents paid so much attention to her and gave her everything she ever wanted (from toys to hormones) that she needs attention from others. She got so used to being the center of the universe that the idea of people being ambivalent to her existence was incomprehensible. Even if it's negative attention, she NEEDS to be acknowledged. It's not about "being hated on her own terms". To Carla, someone not having an opinion about her AT ALL is far, far worse than being hated.

It all makes sense to me now.

>tfw married a passing trap but shes such a annoying peice of shit and more hung than me so decide to cut the breaks of her car
>tfw have to tell her i love her with a strait face before she drives off

I'm actually genuinely interested to see where Willis goes with the very CONCEPT of Carla's parents considering her original 'parent' was Joe and he's just another student now.

Christ, did Willis just start randomly raging about some cartoon cancellation and decide to insert his rant into his strips for a few days? Like what the fuck is this? I know he's bad, but that last panel is Dobson-tier.

>Everyone else hated me for whatever reason was convenient
It's a little late for me to give a shit about a character getting hate when the story has explicitly stated that she wants to get hate.

>Christ, did Willis just start randomly raging about some cartoon cancellation and decide to insert his rant into his strips for a few days?
One of the things he had her mention was Ultra Car getting canceled due to it not getting ratings in the right demographic so yes, he believes the (long disproven) rumor that Young Justice was canceled because girls watched it and decided to include that in his story.

This is going to end with the Ultra Car cartoon going on netflix and getting new seasons due to Carla's parents money, isn't it?


I thought it was canceled because nothing Greg Weisman has his hand in can last longer than two seasons?

>In which a person's told to check their privilege by one of the most privileged people on campus.

Carla an asshole? This Carla ? No way!


Nobody bought the toys. That's really it.

Because toys are only for collectors these days. Just make a fucking pay to win game where you can upgrade the heroes and sell it for 99 cents. Kids'll eat that shit up.

CN also grossly mismanaged its time slots. You'd see tons of advertisements for it but rarely the show itself.

I guess having is not as pleasing a thing as wanting

I feel like if someone I didn't particularly like decided to waste my time with their life story I would end up fucking with them like this

What an insufferable little shit.
We get it, you're rich.
The tactful thing isn't to rub it in people's faces.

The toys weren't particularly good. They never made Superboy and Miss Martian

Im going to take a shot in the fucking dark and assume the reason people hate him is because hes an asshole and has always been somewhat unpleasant to deal with. So then it comes back to Im an asshole because people thought I was an asshole for being an asshole. Except now hes got silicon and a skirt

I want to know if Willis has that level of self-awareness, since this is obviously the narrator talking directly to the audience through Carl, or if he's truly so oblivious.

Carla is the worst

Willis doesn't care.
He went fucking completionist on the Justice League Unlimited figures, and they were fucking terrible.

Walky being an ass here is badly out of character. Willis a hack, news at 11. Billie a shit

Did B^Uckly or Winston Rowntree guest write this?

>...So we searched everywhere, we did. Every Walmart, Target, and Toys R Us in the Indianapolis area. Nothing. We found out Ultra Car toys didn't exist. Nobody wanted the license.

>But one day I come home from school and there it is. It's a little Ultra Car toy. My mom and dad made me one. A scratch-build.

>She even went from car mode to spaceship mode to submarine mode...that day I realized that I had a family.

>Everyone else made fun of me for being the weird, awkward kid from foster care. But no matter they said or did to me...there was still Ultra Car waiting for me at home, letting me know that my mom and dad loved me no matter what.

>I loved that little car. I loved her. I wouldn't be, I couldn't be, who I am today without her.

It doesn't help that Ronnie is also partly responsible.

I wish I could read the whole Brown Family arc (Joyce, Jaqueline, Joe being Joyce's confidant, etc) in a comic that is not this comic.

I really want a good loss of faith story in a comic.

Only if it is followed up by a restoration arc.
Those can bring some real feels.

There's lots of stuff wrong with doa. But I see nothing wrong with this specific comic whatsoever. She projected on a work of fiction when she was younger. That's pretty normal. Also, parents lover her. Good for them.

Bottom left dog looks pretty chill.

The conspiracy runs deeper!

In all seriousness though, is that just a webring-style banner, or do the creators manually select what goes there?

Is that supposed to garner sympathy?
I don't care if everyone hated her when she was a kid and she liked a show no one else did. She's still an awful immature cunt that starts shit and then can't handle consequences.

is there like

a clinical condition for being unable to write characters that resemble human beings

it feels like he's deliberately avoiding it at this point

I think Hiveworks forces it on all its partners.

It's not a condition, it's just a result of getting his views on the real world from an echo chamber.

The reason we bitch about willis comics is to innoculate ourselves against the dumb shit some ______ized female is going to drop in our laps that she got from a David Willis comic, like the idea that trannies are human.

I think this is the biggest example of character assassination to prove a point. Walky is an insensitive dick about cartoons because he has watched a bulk of them. He's basically the closest thing their universe has to a Sup Forums shitposter. But he has a very deep and emotional connection with shows. They were basically the only constant in his life after his sister went to Tennesee and his only other friend left. Someone like Walky would be more than understanding about how a cartoon can actually mean more to someone.

But we need someone to be a dick and Walky's Male and JUST white enough so...

Being a hack?

>it's an author-tries-to-justify-his-toy-obsession strip
Don't worry Carla, I'm sure someday, with enough hindsight, you'll figure out the reasons everyone hated you.

well it's not like he can extract that internally, even those who admit being his friends think he's a failure of a human being.


Hide the thread and move on, autist.

The jumpbar helps their popular comics feed the less popular ones, so if nothing else we can be happy that people might go from Shortpacked to Whomp! and get some damn culture.

there have also been rumors that his wife fucks dudes at cons but considering she looks like an even more androgynous clone of him they are highly questionable.

The ironing

Whatever are you blathering on about?