Celebrity Big Brother scandal

Celebrity Big Brother scandal

Some old gay British dude was kicked off a reality show for being red pilled on camera. Transcript is hilarious.



tl;dr pls

Just look at the previous thread that used the exact same images and text.
>If I was a Nazi [I'd keep you, addressing a Jewish girl] in my personal concentration camp.

I mean, he made a lot of good points, there.

Also, who the FUCK cries over their great grandparent? Jesus Christ, give me a break. You probably didn't even know them.

>old white guy says blacks and whites are different
>blacks have crime-prone brains
>sjws offended, brings up hitler
>responds with holocaust jokes
>jewess cries

>It's only a laugh, HAHAHHAAH
absolute madman

British Trump supporter (probably) spews vicious hate facts about African American People of Colour and God's Chosen People.

Holy shit this is gold

Based as fuck.

daily reminder that the red pill =/= racism

daily reminder that pointing out differences between people = severe discrimination that should be punished by involuntary euthanasia.

Fuck you. "Racism" is a made up bogey used by the most hateful supremacists the world has ever known to intimidate their moral superiors. Then they doubled down and declared that only whites could be racists, and that racism against whites was not only good but a moral imperative.

Holy fuck i need to see this

Daily reminder that only white people can be racist.

>crying to take the attention away from her irrationality and loss of argument
typical woman

holy fucking lel, oh my god

>reality show
>gets censored for being too real

Daily reminder that racism is a Marxist term devised to neuter free thought.

wtf i love biggins now

this man is a walking Sup Forums thread fucking kek

>t. nigger

>Big Brother
b/ tier post

>what scientist said this, what channel was it on?