I'm a staffer with the Trump campaign. It's literally falling apart...

I'm a staffer with the Trump campaign. It's literally falling apart. Trump and Pence are growing more bitter towards each other behind the scenes, his advisors are all considering jumping ship, and Trump himself is starting to crack under the weight. I've personally been delivering more and more pain medication to him over the past few weeks ever since the RNC. Whatever poker face he had in the public eye before this week is likely going to fade away very soon, the presidency is literally giving him full-on panic attacks and dangerous blood pressure. I've heard him screaming behind locked doors about how he can't keep up the charade anymore and that he has absolutely nothing ready for the debates in terms of a strategy or range of issues. Paul Manafort is probably going to leave the campaign by the end of the month anyway, likely followed by the bulk of Trump's advisory team, leaving him dead in the water, because this man doesn't know politics to save his life. He knows he'll bomb at the debates, he knows his poll numbers are slipping, he knows everyone with any common sense in his own campaign is getting the fuck outta dodge before it crashes and burns.

I've been wanting to say this for weeks now and I don't have anywhere else to go without taking to the press. If you have a question please ask. They'll never know I came here.

Other urls found in this thread:


Thank you for Correcting The Record.

Nice try, clinton foundation and/or JIDF

>oy vey goyim, listen to my bullshit story


Can you prove it?

If you can't I can just LARP I guess

Record corrected. Thank you.

we know where you live

Hi pol my name is donald j trump and I'm here to tell you this man doesn't work for me

Give proof fag

>I'm not American, but I still think my opinion matters

Give it a rest, CTR.

Remember to sage, kids!

Why would Trump feel he would fall apart in a debate with Clinton when he did fine in all the primary debates?

Drumpffftpt would sleep for more than 4 hours if he was taking opiates my good friend. And he's a bully so he doesn't all emotional like a pussy :`D

>I've personally been delivering more and more pain medication to him over the past few weeks ever since the RNC.

My dad works for obama and he says you're lying

1 post by this ID

Thank you for correcting the record.

No homo, but I want to fuck you in the ass CTR shill.

Wtf! I love Tump now!

>1 post by this ID

Hey shillcunt watch this

>1 post by this ID

I remember taking adderall and coming up with shit like this too, in this exact format.

CTR shills are roleplaying now?
Thid is literally shit trolling and bait, fucking sage and slide it.

Thank you for Correcting The Record



Wow this is a whole $.75 post. You're good OP but I'm better!

Thank you for correcting the record.



>he can't keep up the charade anymore
Is Donald Trump actually a center-right bleeding heart in conservative clothing?

You're one of Trumps 60 staffers? I could believe Clinton staffer because she needs 1,000. Totally mismanged

Read that again, but replace Trump with hillary. It suddenly makes sense

how could anyone be so dumb as to think this New York Clown could ever become president?

it really boggles the mind

You guys mail me letters asking for campaign donations. I mail them back with a blank paper inside to cost the campaign some postage.

if you're paying anything near what a stamp costs I've cost you almost five bucks already

Haha drumpf btfo I am now #HillShill

OP, if you are legitimate post a comment.

Brilliant. Start adding smug pepes. Can I get on their mailing list and cost them money as well?

He's not
Was a legit Trump staffer and posted like 15 times

Nice try, but we have an immortal primal meme god on our side, shill. Soon you shall behold the awesome power of Kek.

I'm donald Trump wife and I confirm this post

Hey OP, which CTR shill are you?


Wait Trump campaign or Klantons?

People stuck inside their internet hug boxes think they're the "silent majority" then say that things are rigged when in reality everyone hates them and will never go along with their stupid ideas..

I'll do that next time and post it on here.

I'm sure you'll start getting mailings if you do anything that could possibly give them your name and address and make them think you're a likely Trump voter. I'm sure I'm on the list because I gave ten bucks to a Republican in a local race during the 2014 midterms.

oh shit that iD

Oh ok.

Pack up guys.it's obviously over.


>1 post by this ID
Thank you for correcting the record
Also i like the part about him using pain meds very hitler like

Weak. Sage.

how long after Don loses the election will his new book come out?

I'm a staffer with the Clinton campaign. It's literally falling apart. Clinton and Kaine are growing more bitter towards each other behind the scenes, her advisors are all considering jumping ship, and Clinton herself is starting to crack under the weight. I've personally been delivering more and more pain medication to her over the past few weeks ever since the DNC. Whatever poker face she had in the public eye before this week is likely going to fade away very soon, the presidency is literally giving her full-on panic attacks and dangerous blood pressure. I've heard her screaming behind locked doors about how she can't keep up the charade anymore and that she has absolutely nothing ready for the debates in terms of a strategy or range of issues. Debby Schultz is probably going to leave the campaign by the end of the month anyway, likely followed by the bulk of Clinton's advisory team, leaving her dead in the water, because this woman doesn't know politics to save her life. She knows she'll bomb at the debates, she knows her poll numbers are slipping, she knows everyone with any common sense in her own campaign is getting the fuck outta dodge before it crashes and burns.

I've been wanting to say this for weeks now and I don't have anywhere else to go without taking to the press. If you have a question please ask. They'll never know I came here.


How do I get on hillarys mailing list?

>Trying to prevent the Hillary debate
You're scared hill shill
I can see it

When you support OP, you're supposed to use different words, phrases, etc, so it doesn't look like you're the same person, or a bunch of people reading the same manual.

Her Majesty's staff are pretty much incompetent, hastily trained and under pressure not to blow it, because if she loses, heads will roll, literally.

reread post


you have a single vote out of 300millions. Your importance compared to people you quoted is minuscule. And if they shill for trump on the internet they probably had more impact than you

>I'm a staffer with the Trump campaign
Nice try.

I didnt read a single word passed 'falling apart'

I confused you for an actual user. When will CTR fuck off and die?

Eric here, can confirm


sage kys

>posted like 15 times
Are there screencaps?

I work with Rick Scotts staff. Everyone was laughing at Trumps jab at him. Nobody took his Zika joke serious too. Also, theres rumors going around that Reince Preibus has called to meeting prominent republicans, one being Scott himself. It could only mean one thing..

Fuck off CTR retard

Your shit ruins this board

You should reach out to the fine staff at CTR, see if they need your talent and dedication

If trump had a normal brain he would know he should be afraid. But dumb people are the ones who dont know what to be afraid of.

I saw you guys paid some guy $100,000. How would I go about getting hired?

I'd shill for a few weeks for a hundred grand.

a leaf

Im Ivanka, and I can also confirm this

Correct The Record super PAC 455 Massachusetts Ave Washington D.C. paid for by Hillary clinton for president

Taco bowl here, can also confirm

>tell everyone he's a Hilary stooge
>now he's suddenly messing up

what a (((coincidence)))

>I've personally been delivering more and more pain medication

And ya blew it.

same, i actually live down the street from your head quarters. give me that fucking job and ill shit post to no fucking end

y hallo thar

Oi lads, my fookin' record 'as been bloomin' corrected


where can I buy this machine


adrienne watson is pretty qt

Really makes you think.

Trump is done, I'm voting for Clinton now.

>my dad works at nintendo and he said you can unlock Goku in Super Smash Bros if you beat the game using only Samus' charge shot and only DK's charge punch

>Voting in USA

Dubs of truth

Trumps true face is showing, and it's a weak one. Hillary has gone through so much hate and prevailed. Trump however, crumbles and falls. He's thin skinned. I fully agree with you, #imwithher


if you're going to reply to this garbage have the fucking decency to sage

Bump for your sage

I was for sure a Cruz guy.. but, Trump was growing on me until the DNC.

Hillary was there when Osama was killed, she was the Secretary of State, while Trump was running a TV show, she was running the country!

A woman being president is something we should all set our sights on. In November, #imwithher.

Agree, no doubt in my mind that this board is turning away from Trump.

heres your reply you miserable little faggot

wtf guess I'm #intercontinentalHillisticmissle now

Every is abandoning The Donald this week. Hillary's landslide is projected to be bigger than Reagan's.

Now THIS is believable. Besides after all the talking of winning and hating quitters I don't see how he could just drop out. Would kill whatever is left of his brand

kek tells me this is true.

Trump really playing 8D European Crossfire out here

Everybody is jumping ship on Trump. he's over!

I'm Kanye West

>1 post by this ID