Why haven't we purged the rich yet?

Why haven't we purged the rich yet?

Their money can feed millions of children. Killing them and redistributing their money would have a positive benefit on the world.

because the Rich are White people and the poor are 60IQ Africans.

Want to know how I can tell you're a loser?

Well we're both posting on Sup Forums so...

>t. uneducated, poor, worthless lowlife

There are plenty of starving white children we can feed by guillotining the richest .1% of americans (which are mostly jewish btw)


Economic justice:
Those who can, have.
Those who can't, starve.

Why haven't we killed all edgy 14yo pseudo communists?

because the new rich will be worse

>Their money can feed millions of children.
For one year.
The next year, mass starvation.

Interesting and appropriate picture. It's because prog faggots usually end up eating each other. Ref. French Revolution.


Because that's retarded. The only people who should be purged are the (((international elements)))

I'm a financial success buddy. I come here for it's anonymity and because I get banned anywhere else I open my mouth.

Just because you are a loser that is upset others are rich doesn't mean that they should die. There are quite a few people who wouldn't have jobs if I hadn't created them. How many people do you employ you faggot? You're a waste of space and you want to genocide the people actively contributing to the growth of this country.

Dont kill the rich, just kill the elites and financial oligarchs. Theres a big difference between then. Ill shill for this meme if you keep it up OP.

Thats right, LaFarge is owned in party by the Rothschilds.


Bread and circuses. Why do you think Americans are the fattest, most entertained population possibly in human history? The level of evil and corruption in the seats of power have to be lower than the level of food and entertainment in order to maintain their power.

>french's revolution
>economic justice
Fucking marxists, always have to rewrite history to fit their own stupid agenda.

Don't kill ALL the rich, just the bad ones (ie: Rothschilds, Rockerfellers, Soroses, Clintons, etc...)

Sounds a bit like communism, lessening class like that, and most rich people have either inheritance or a large corporation that sells things. Sounds like some Lenin shit going down in this thread.


You do realize that the rich have more than just money, right? They have assets. Everything they own they use so that they can employ people to create and sell products. If you kill the factory owner, the factory won't be running anymore because no one is getting paid, and there will be nothing to buy for anyone.

Rich people don't just have billions of dollars in the bank. This is even true for the upper middle class, who don't have 100s of thousands, or millions, just sitting around in cash.

Their assets are in equity (private and public), real estate, and sure, some cash in offshore accounts.
What do you think is going to happen to stock prices when you start killing off everyone rich? How do you think you're going to "take shares" from the rich? As for the private companies they own, what do you think is going to happen to the real companies when you storm their offices with the guillotine ready? Do you imagine the companies will still be running?

After your purges there won't be anyone with money to sell the assets to and anything productive and valuable in society will be destroyed.

You're an idiot if you think a bunch of stupid fucking commie 15 year old leaches are going to know what to do with the rubble left over.

Ironbabby-tier thinking: just loot.

Isn't it funny how Sup Forums always makes sure to mention Soros, but NEVER the Kochs, who have IMMENSELY more power and corrupt the shit out of our country? But, of course, there aren't any paid shills on Sup Forums - unless they work for Hillary of course! BENGHAZI!!!

Soros is used as an example because it's easier to point to the shit that he does. If you can't understand this you should probably off yourself

Good idea, we seize the means of production and we eliminate the bourgeoisie

Just read Animal Farm by Orwell

You are an idiot with elementary-grade math skills.

Because we have money and are capable of hiring a private army. If you tried to take my money you would likely be brutally murdered (of course to set an example).

Because Sup Forums is to conservatism as reddit (nowadays) is to liberalism. Stupid and not willing to approach anything objectively. The Kochs and Soros are the same, just different sides.

> this thread again.


