Got my dna test back today after a month and a half of nervous waiting

Got my dna test back today after a month and a half of nervous waiting.
-Europe south 52% (to be expected, since my parents always said I was mostly italian)
-Europe west 24% (mostly expected since my mother is mostly german from the rhineland)
-Europe east 10%(not surprised to see since my grandfather was polish)
-Scandinavia 6% (confused the shit out of me to see such a big percent since I never heard from my parents that one of my great grandparents was nordic)
-Great Britain 3% (wasn't expecting this but I might as well since most burgersharts are more english than they might think)
-Iberia 1% (this is where things start to go downhill)
-Middle east 2% (wasn't expecting this but insecure stormfags fed me some nonsense saying I should be proud of it since aryans originated there or something)
-Eurojew 2% (I saved the worst for last. When I first saw this I felt there was some kind of mistake, but upon closer inspection it said it was probably from eastern europe since alot of polish people were jews or jewish converts, so apparently dna companies think changing religions changes your dna)

What does Sup Forums make of all this? I can already see the replies from a mile away saying "how can you be 4% not white your entire life and not know?" but frankly, many people don't trust these companies to begin with as they're notorious for adding trace amounts of non white dna to make nazi larpists insecure.

>inb4 italians aren't white
>inb4 all italians in the us are from sicily

Maybe, but my entire life my relatives all said I was nothern italian and my last name is literally a city in the north (mantova), so naturally, I am disappoint. I also have brown hair + eyes so I was fucked from the start. Where were you when you realized the amerimutt meme exists?

The amerimutt meme is not factual but it's still fun to spam. 95% of white americans have 0 nonwhite admixture (jewish does not count as nonwhite in this analysis). Of the remaining 5%, the vast majority have under 2% non-white admixture. You are in the minority of """white""" americans.

Fuck. I might as well just give up and kill myself.

>inb4 italians aren't white
but they aren't. they'll tell you themselves

Don't beat yourself up over it. European jews are quite white looking. This is my jewish great great grandma and she has blue eyes.

Mediterraneans are not white

If italians aren't white you lose like 70% of the things whites have to be proud of.

Yeah but idk if anyone in my family has blue eyes even. My aunt on my mother's side has green eyes and so does her daughter but that's pretty much it.

true, we arent wh*te
we arent, you arent
the point is, should you care? no, try to be a good person, who cares if your genetic material looks like a dump

>this is what they actually believe

In what way am I not white? My friends commonly ask me when I'm going to shoot my school up.

Lol. That's where this shit starts to originate. "Jews are white", "There's nothing wrong with being sicilian!", "Greeks are white europeans" and such.

It's based on 23andme's 1 million+ user database.

>My friends commonly ask me when I'm going to shoot my school up.

Are you going to school with niggers?

memes aside, what the fuck does wh*te even mean? if you are pale and dont tan you can call yourself wh*te, wa la
they probably ask you that because you are some weirdo that never goes out and makes awkward talking
and what does being wh*te actually give you? you did nothing of whatever those ancestors did, would be like me saying it's so great being heir of roman emperors yeah right but im not an emperor im a piece of shit

Looks eastern euro. Maybe converts?

Spotted the albanian subhuman monkey with the russian ip address

I'm an amerishart. You tell me.

oh that changes everything


I'm not the albo, mate. Majority of southern euros aren't white, just a fact of life.

Doubtful. I am 1/8 jewish according to genetic tests. They are eastern euro jews though. Here is my jewish great great grandpa who also has blue eyes.

why are you faggots so obsessed with muh whiteness

fucking racecucks

>that flag
>telling people who's white and who isn't

Idk man. I'm like a living oxymoron. People on here tell me that getting girlfriends in nordic countries and other places with pale women is as easy as breathing for a sovthern evropean. All you have to do is tell them you're italian and they'll be on your big roman cock. But i've never had a gf.

Dude, you realize there used to be a debate in the US whether Italians were even white, right?

White is a buzzword. Is basically just meant “ubermensch“. The slider between whites and non-whites in the US has continuously moved. At one point, nobody except English and Germans were even thought to be “white”. Benjamin Franklin believed the Nordics weren’t even white.

>converting to judaism changes your genetics

>telling people who's white and who isn't
Yep. Got a problem with that?
>le med bull meme
Sure mate. Whatever you see on the net should be true. I know a youtuber from Sweden who's got italian gf. Don't know any wog youtubers with Swedish grills though.

That's why I made this thread. Americans have such distaste and hate for italians (especially ones in the south/midwest because they don't exist there) and americans don't realize that not every italian is a fucking jersey shore guido. Notice how the american equivalent of nearly every ethnicity is trash and makes them look bad. Africans, irish, germans, etc.

why are you so obsessed on your colour and forget how shitty you are inside? at least you could improve who you are, instead of passing your life of asking for laws that say you are wh*te
not telling to you in particular, but to americans obsessed with their colour

Did he say anything about his genetics, dum dum?

>northern spain
lol a lot of basques would probably look woggish and arab to you

why do you people care about this shit so much?

Except that my family was from mantova which is above that white line you retard.

hello subhuman russkie. what race are you?

top kek those guys are dumber than sardinian sheepfuckers

color of your skin is what defines you as a personality.

are you that brown mutt who pretends to be shitalian?

this is now a tatar qt thread

>color of your skin is what defines you as a personality.
do you unironically believe this

Tell me your ethincity, shitskin.

fuck you faggots. i am legit italian and my dna test proves that.

Europe had a guy named “Hitler” who did the same thing. It comes with the territory of being an immigrant country. People who are failures in life look to some sort of identity to make themselves feel less worthless, and try to pump up their self esteem by putting down others.

It’s just a human instinct.

stop posting this faggot's pics

you look arab, i have an egyptian friend almost your clone
but the problem is inside your head, you are shit inside

dunno, im a failure in life but i dont need to deny others or get a boost from heritage
maybe because i dont feel a failure even if im one by society standards

I am white (italian) not an arab

This is Sup Forums jackass, not Sup Forums

>tfw the OP is responsible for 99% of all race related shitposting on Sup Forums and the mutt meme was born thank to him

I'm only 99.9%+ European according to 23andme, the remaining is -.01% Yakut asian. I was heart broken to learn i'm actually asian and that 56% is true. I now support white genocide and feel great getting an asian girlfriend which I have now.

You aren’t an immigrant country, or at least not nearly the same extent that the US is.

The US serves as a social experiment for the rest of the world in how people from very different ethnicies and culture backgrounds collide while still being a successful country.

>successful country


>freely giving away your dna to a company just to find out your 1/64th cherokee or some stupid shit

russian posters either seem really chill or really stormfaggy and obsessed with infographics, never in-between.

I would consider ruling the world to be successful.

Israel rules america.

>source: muslim extremist and nazi propaganda

Northern Italians have some Gothic origins. And because of empires there was much mixing between Scandinavia and Germany. Both the Rhineland and Poland had important Jewish populations.

Also keep in mind that DNA test are based on statistics and therefore not completely accurate.

The Amerimutt meme is fun because Americans will say things like 'I'm 1/8th Italian' despite having no idea what Italy is like, having no real interest for the culture beside pizza, and the whole thing sounding completely absurd to most Europeans

What ancestry do you have, if you're not memeing? Some balts, finns and Russians score 0.1 yakut or native ameican sometimes.

True dat

>northern italians have gothic and germanic origins

But that's why I'm so let down. Pol taught me that north italians look like vikings and still I have brown hair + eyes and am generally non white looking. I'm like pale yellow. Meanwhile there's this girl in my class who is fully southern italian and she has blonde hair and blue eyes.

For the majority of this country's history, having any African ancestry made you 100% black, which made you an actual second-class person. For a white American to have any non-European ancestors is still pretty rare.

Northwestern European
British & Irish
French & German
Broadly Northwestern European
Southern European
Broadly Southern European
Broadly European
East Asian & Native American
< 0.1%
East Asian
< 0.1%
< 0.1%

I have a theory that it could be Native American because there's a rumor in my family that there's one Native ancestor and it simply mistook it for Yakut.

>I am white (italian)

Israelis have to live with the constant daily threat of terrorist attacks. If the US actually cared about giving Jews a decent country, it wouldn’t be in the middle of the most unstable untamed region in the world.

The US uses Israel as a hub to conduct activities in the Middle East.

>tfw test results came back and came up as 100% American
Feels good lads

it's almost like Sup Forumsfags are extremely retarded and nobody should listen to a single thing they say

You'd hardly pass as white in France, and that's quite easy normally.

I mean not 23andme but your actual bunch of ethnicities
If you know any

What do you mean. My skin is white. Whiter that the average frenchie.

>Pol taught me that north italians look like vikings
Are you retarded or just ignorant?

I really only know of NW Europeans from my family trees that I tracked down. English, Scottish, Scots-Irish, Irish, Dutch, Swiss. We've been here since the founding and my last ancestor to arrive was before the civil war.

Every time someone on here says they're mixed with german/swedish/north italian whatever, they always have some eye color other than brown but I don't. When your statements are so slimy and deceptive it makes me wonder if the people on this site really believe that germans with brown eyes aren't ethnic germans.

Not all your genes show on your face. In my family people have mostly green eyes and brown hair on both sides, but some of them have blue eyes and blonde hair (my grand father and one of his brothers, my sister, one of my uncles, two of my cousins).

On my mother's side 6 of my cousins have grey eyes which only one of my great grand parents had and nobody else.

And as to northern Italians they are very diverse.

Then why did I get unlucky and get brown eyes when north italians are supposed to be germanic? The only good thing is that my nose is small and curves up slightly unlike the hook jew nose I hear most italians have.

Broad bose.
Broad lips.
Fast growing beard (assuming you shave daily).

You'd pass as Arab, Coptic Egyptian (Egyptians are only about 20 % arabs) or maybe Greek.

Forgot the eyebrows...

Light eye color is a recessive pointless gene. It was only ever useful for females in breeding. It was in fact slightly disadvantageous for men as it made them look weak.

The term “Tall dark and handsome” exists because Brown eyes and black/brown hair is way more manly.

shit up


Women universally prefer light eyes, including white women. They do prefer dark hair and tan skin tho

>They do prefer dark hair and tan skin tho

The dark hair thing is definitely true. Tan skin seems to be a bit less concrete as a universal.

>Get DNA test back
>45% Irish
>40% British
>5% Eastern European
>5% Scandinavian
>1% Caucuses
>1% Ashkenazi
>1% Greek

Blue eyes are the result of several genes working together, which are trumped by the brown eyes gene. Green eyes are a little more complicated.

It is quite possible that you carry the blue eyes gene. What was your eye color as a kid? Does your eye color sometimes change?

Also lots of Germanic people have brown eyes, not only Mediterranean or people. Some Africans (Berbers notably) and Arabs have blue eyes (example Bachar al Assad).


>My friends commonly ask me when I'm going to shoot my school up.
Is this how american determine whitness?

I'm pretty sure they were brown as a kid too. They're so dark you can't really see the pupils unless the room is well lit. I was blonde until I was around six though.

like a virtual European Union

How much does it cost? Are the results accurate with your thoughts?

Tan skin is usually a sign of healthy activity, but light skin is the sign for (especially a woman) that she doesn't need to work. It has always been so. Which is why it is so important to even blacks.

It seems that girls like Latinas, Asians, Iranians, Indians, etc prefer guys with lighter skin.

>Only 17% of americans have light eyes
Really makes me think

Idk my mom paid for it since I'm only 18 and too scared to do it myself.

I don't understand why girls will date literal niggers but not me if that's the case.

>tfw just dark enough to not be considered white by irish/brits
>not dark enough to have a white girlfriend

Generally costs around $99
You can also pay some places to screen your DNA for genetic disorders

citation needed


>italy not even on there

Blue eyes are a pretty weird trait to focus in on. There's a lot of other quantifiable traits that don't get nearly as much autistic focus as eye pigmentation. I guess it's more noticeable.

They didn't have data for Italy. Russia isn't there either. ITALY -->

The trend says it all dude. People associate light eyes with wealth and being part of europe as a general rule. Brown eyes - poverty, wogs, negroes. Not saying you're a shitty person for having brown eyes or anything like that.

Oh. I thought by “light eyes”, you meant blue eyes+green eyes+hazel eyes, not just blue eyes.


Facial features and skin pigmentation seem like they'd be overwhelmingly stronger indicators of what you mention than blue eyes. For instance, you wouldn't associate a blue eyed arab with europe would you?

19th century data.