What’s it like to live in a small town?

What’s it like to live in a small town?

very nice

want to know what it's like to grow up in a small town, and whether everyone really does know you.

VERY VERY nice :)

pretty much yes, except old ladies that only go to church you're bound to know every person, if not personally at least by face

Is that your town?

Way better than the metropolitan area of my state which is full of niggers an crime

Yes, buy Ritter Sport.

are people generally nicer? even to autists?

Yes. Since you know a lot of the people there they feel a sort of need to be nice to you since you are not a complete stranger to them.

I think it´s harder to become an autist in a small town.

People do know who each other are and everyone's your neighbor even if they live on the next street.

On the downside, if you fuck up, you stay fucked.

define ¨small town¨

Honestly I'm a turbo autist, if I was born in a city I'm sure I'd have no friends, but I was kinda "forced" to socialize since childhood so I got me a close group of friends I know since ever
The rest of the people are fine too, you can create bonds pretty easily

There are two problems: getting a job and access to a hospital. Other than that, it's alright.

Very boring. I don't see the appeal desu.

Off topic, but are you a bosnian serb, muslim, or something else?

You only have a few places to go out and you know every person when you go out (either you or your friends). So most people get really tired of that same old life because there is nothing new to do ever. And even if something new does come it will be popular for 2 days and the guy that did will go bankrupt because nobody will come to him (be it either a fast food, coffee shop or anything that provides a service).
There is little privacy and people don't like seeing people do things they'd like to do but don't.

If you're ever seen jogging you'll become "the guy that jogs" because jogging is something most people see in American films and don't consider it normal. Same goes for taking a walk on your own. Social media made it worse so there are Facebook groups dedicated to making fun of people that are a least bit prominent.

After walking in to a bar you have to step up to every table and kiss the girls and shake hands with the men and say a few menial things which is tiresome. You never meet new people and established social groups never change. But everyone is nice to each other and in trouble you can often rely on everyone.


It's ok but ideally it should be within commuting distance of a large town or city otherwise you're going to have trouble getting a decent job

>If you're ever seen jogging you'll become "the guy that jogs" because jogging is something most people see in American films and don't consider it normal
wait, what do you do for exercise then?

Bosnian Serb.
There are almost no Bosnian Muslims on Sup Forums. Ex-yu is filled with Bosnian Serbs and that one Bosnian Croat from Herzegovina.

It depends on the country. I used to live in paide, then in tallinn and now ended up here due to a very lucky job offer.
Anyway, the point is small estonian towns are shitty. I’m sure small russian towns are just as bad though.

Join a sports club, if there is a gym you go there. Or you just get a physical labour job.

Nobody does anything for exercise. Exercise is ridiculed in small towns because you always have some labour to do and it's dumb too see someone lift weights when they can help with gardening or get a physically intensive job. Some people play football I guess but you have to be an airhead to spend time with those people.
I live an hour drive away from a major town so most of my friends that got the chance to live there take up swimming or gym.

Lived in Hamilton East, New Zealand which to my standards, is a small town. Reading the newspapers can be quaint. I loved the laid back atmosphere. 5 cars lined up at the junction is a traffic jam. You still have to go to small dairies to buy stuff though there are larger chain stores.

In some ideal world probably relaxing and laid back.
Contemporary experience of mine tho is that it is often frustrating and backwards, unconvinient. On the plus side the nature is motivating as opposed to the squalor of cities, it's much easier to find a secluded area to gether your thoughts, people are simpler and unconceited

I come from a small oasis city called Ica, in the middle of the pacific desert.
The city was originally a bunch of wine makers which met the national demand, when slavery was abolished in Perú, the town divided into 3, Chincha which became inhabited by the now free blacks, Pisco which became for a while the place where most of the cultives remained (the pisco drink originates here), and Ica itself, which became the administrative center and where all the criollos owner of the plantations lived.

Despite it's small size had lots of folklore and several city landmarks which made it a very special touristic destination for people from Lima (the capital city of Peru). I am descendant from one of the oldest families in Ica, the Arnao/Arnaut, the Hurtado de Miller, the Garcia and the Borjas; several of my ancestors being important members of the town history and even some viceroys , another part of it which descends from italians, sephardic jews and to some extent, chinchean blacks.

Sadly for Ica, as the city of Lima became overpopulated people started to look up for new economic centers to migrate, which caused Ica with its booming agroindustrial economy to start being overrun by cholos from the peruvian highlands, these peoples don't identify nor will ever identify as iquenians, have already destroyed several of the landmarks of the city such as the Laguna de Huachachina which used to be the main attraction but now smells like shit because the disgusting indians actually bathe in the fucking lake. They have brought back unemployment and delinquency into a city which used to have the highest HDI in Peru.


Today, the future of the city looks dire, every year a new ghetto is founded on the outskirts of the city, all the folklore and traditions of the city are being lost since the oltimers are dying one by one and all their descendants are "wordly and cultured" individuals that usually leave Ica to live abroad, I personally moved away from Lima when i became 16 in order to attend college in Lima.

As for how was growing up here? I grew up surrounded by an extensive family, some of my third cousins felt closer than my first older cousins and brothers, still loved them all (my older cousins actually introduced me to Sup Forums by showing me the gore threads to scare the kids). We used to visit and play in the dunes with friends all day (I remember how in October every single person on the city would climb to the tallest dune and fly kites) and how each weekend we would climb the Saraha dune and touch the statue of Christ, we went to church every sunday at 9am and at 10am we would eat ice cream and I would go and play Starcraft and Diablo II with my friends, I remember making out with one of my childhood friends when we both were 11 over something that she started as playful tickling.

For the first and only time in my life, I felt proud and comfortable of belonging to somewhere, and I am so glad I grew up like that.

Rip Ica, protect what's yours user's.

I live in a small beach town in Florida on the east coast. Its a horrible place to be if you're not rich or retired (rich). I flunked out of college so I'm stuck here for life.

What drives the economy in places like this?

>Facebook groups dedicated to making fun of people that are a least bit prominent.
the fuck

Everyone knows each other and encounters each other frequently. Because of this, news and information spreads rapidly, people are very familiar with each other, people protect their fellow townspeople, and crime isn't much of an issue because the information would get around so fast and it's impossible to do some things anonymously.

Local small companies and larger companies in larger cities surrounding it.

Thank you very much for the well written text.
What do you mean? A town doesn't have to be really big to be self sustainable.
You can have bakeries, coffee shops, restaurants, banks, insurance companies, driving schools, hair dressers, plumbers, engineers, architects, gas pumps, car repair shops, dentists and everything else you get in a big city in a town that size.

Pretty shit desu

it's hell, i'd refuse to live in a city with less than 1kk

ignorant people, gossip

You make it sound like its crime free and nothing bad is going down. I can tell you from experience small town means big secrets. Lots of shady shit goes down, lots of groups are "in" on certain things when it comes to money and drugs. A lot of wife swapping going down as well.

I agree. Small towns throughout the US always have a weird vibe to them. Like ending up in someones basement getting ass raped for eternity sort of vibe

fucking great in the summer

quiet. its huge news when anything bad happens. community-like where money doesn't travel very far because its pretty much just passed around

By small town I'm talking about my town 17k population

is it really so dire, what are your prospects now, your quality of life?

I don't know about those US towns but that one guy I quoted was right. Summers are the best thing in a small town. You get to spend entire days anywhere you like.
Whole summer I spend outside because you and your friends are the only people out. Sometimes the police will ask you about what you're doing but if you're just lying around, throwing frisbees and talking they won't bother you because if you're a good guy they know you or your family.
I guess you'd get beat up if you had drugs on you but that was never my problem.


There's not much to do

I'm probably biased from just the towns I've seen.

There isn't much to do so you end up going out to the nearest big town/city quite often. I don't see how it's any different from living in a suburb.