One of the differences i see the most in the way capes are portrayed in Manga compared to western comics is...

One of the differences i see the most in the way capes are portrayed in Manga compared to western comics is, the heroes themselves tend to operate more like public servants than vigilantes.

It tends to be government regulated, with associations, where heroes gotta take psych tests, physical test, and register their powers, which are put into categories. In One Punch Man heroes are actually ranked and their rank determines what threats they face.

Compare this to western cape fare where things like "hero registration" is portrayed as a bad thing. Hell Marvel had a whole event ( and movie) tied around Heroes not wanting to be regulated and literally had a "Civil War" break out among heroes over it.

X-Men for years have been fighting a "
Mutant Registration Act" which really in itself not really a bad thing when you think about it, not much different than calling for tougher Gun laws, it tends to go south in the comics when they start going full "Waffen SS" on mother fuckers with death camps and shit, but the idea itself isn't unreasonable.

Other urls found in this thread: asui

Compare that to say My Hero Academia. Where all powers( quirks ) are registered and for the most part they don't really have a problem with it. I guess it's just a cultural thing.

yeah fuck off

So do you think it would be safer to love in one of these universes where super powers are regulated, and everythings not the fucking wild west with super powers, would it even matter?

I like OPM but even I'm getting sick of this shit.

I like OPM, but Saitama dick-riders are the new Goku fans. They completely miss the point of the series.

Yeah but they make nice art, also beating Thor isn't much of an accomplishment. He's a fucking jobber

>safer to love

It's never safe, user. Somethings just never change.

ask any long time X-fan and they'll freely admit that X-men clash with mainline marvel.

Remember that time Genosha got genocided? Why the fuck didn't Thor show up to stop that shit and call in the rest of the avengers?

The obvious answer is that it's an X-men book. You have the Avengers showing up suddenly it's an Avengers book, but it creates logical issues when one writer does something like create yet another clumsy holocaust stand in for a minority born with superpowers.

Another thing you may not be noticing is that Japan is an extremely stratified society. Like to an absurd degree. In japan you'll be cramming for academic tests your entire life pretty much, from as young as 8 years old to entire higher tiers of education in the hopes of reaching your ideal Middle, then Highschool, and finally college.

Oh and you only get one shot at the entrance exam, fail and you're stuck with a lower tier school.

Occasionally you get iconoclasts who get to write their own ticket and that old structure is slowly changing but to this day their society remains very stratified with your school and reccomendations often counting far more than your own capaibilities.

nevermind that Mangaka aren't laboring under the watchful gaze of enormous companies that create bizarre, twisted narratives and draw characters lifetimes out LONG after their story is done with,

Sup Forums always whined about animeonly casualfags contaminating fanbases and making all discussion cancerous

OPM is when I finally experienced what they meant

It hurts

Yeah, over the years i started to understand why some feel xmen work better as their own universe. While i enjoy things like some mutants joining the Avengers and Logan and Cap in WWII, it always struck me as odd that they hate mutants for having powers but it's ok when it's Spidey or the Avengers.

The Hero Society isn't gov't funded or really regulated.

They operate mostly on donations and Chinners fortune.

Also look up the extra chapter where Saitama helps out the cops who are being humiliated by some corrupt hero association. The police aren't respected anymore in One Punch Man.

that's because most of the avengers have cool powers without affecting their physical appearance. And most of them were normal people who got "the chance". Also, and probably most important, Marvel citiziens are the most ungrateful, selfish, stupid sons of bitches you can have.

It's not even mutants being hated so much. God knows people don't need good reasons to hate eachother. It's the constant persecution mutants face.

Tell me please; what exactly does the government oversight committee for funding and researching enormous genocidal robots look like?

Why is it when some asshole builds a mutant concentration camp in like, bumfuck Arizona Captain America doesn't flip the fuck out and go "THIS IS UNAMERICAN AND IT STOPS RIGHT THE FUCK NOW?!"

the problem with Xmen and Mutants in 616 is they have a persecution field that warps reality so that they're always the underdogs, despite having superpowers, multibillion dollar funding, and at one point an entire corporation dedicated to building pro-mutant cells that'd lobby governments to make life easier on mutants.

>that's because most of the avengers have cool powers without affecting their physical appearance.
That's true of most of the X-men.
The ones that matter, especially.
Even Wolverine is handsome now.

>the heroes themselves tend to operate more like public servants than vigilantes.
Nope. Just because two recent manga adapted anime did so, doesn't make it the case. Japan has done just as much vigilante heroes as government heroes

I also don't think someone born with they ability to walk through walls or melt steel beams with his laser eyes is going to be scared of the local school bully. More likely they would use their newfound powers to go Columbine on the whole school if they were even a bit unstable

i want to fuck the frog girl

>Japan has done just as much vigilante heroes as government heroes
To be fair if we're talking Toku, the governments in those are just stupid/non-existent unless the plot centrally needs them.

that too, and honestly once you take away the persecution field you have the solution to the problem. Schools for super powered people.

Don't like the X-Brand? We've had Avengers run schools and government run superschools. Of course those books were cancelled.

honestly it's fucking embarassing that I have to go to japan to get my "superhero kids growing up and becoming superheroes" fix.

Who doesn't? I've wanted to fuck every "frog girl" i have seen in both anime and US stuff, including Attea, and Iruka. The fuck is it with Frog girls, why are they so fuckable?

It's less about loving bureaucracy and more about Japan absolutely fucking loving school-based settings.

High school is the best time of their lives or something. Pretty horrifying.

They had two really good ones. The Intimates by Image comics, and Sidekicks. Which was drawn by Takeshi Miyazawa ( Mary Jane Love Peter Parker)

That's not west compared with east, this is Marvel's take on hero registration vs One Punch Man's take. Marvel's one is about personal freedom vs security while OPM's take is about making super heroics beauracratic. asui

But wouldn't the registration act make super heroics bureaucratic and most heroes not wanting to have to go through red tape to save lives?

It's because there's more freedom to write about things in that setting without making the protagonists too young or too old.


I don't mean the chilling brand, but more of the boring brand for humour.

"Sign paper 1567 to get permission to fight Darkseid etc etc."

I like Boku no Hero Academia's take on it personally. Super Heroes establish offices where they do stuff like fight powered criminals and deal with disasters. They have support types who make gadgets and engage in medical junk and general logistics, and they have managers that pitch them to companies that provide them with backing.

Though honestly I like how they solved the X-men issue. "Quirk" users were born into the world at some point and in greater and greater numbers. This caused Crises of various sorts. Natural selection favored for quirk users. So you get a populace that develops super powers, 70-90% of them just have stuff that's good for parlor tricks and honestly most just use their powers on the job. Forklifts? That's for people who can't find a Telekentic to haul their boxes for them.

Then you got the assholes who use their powers to steal and murder and so on. Police generally stick to normal crap and they leave the dangerous stuff to heroes who want to risk life and limb for fame and fortune.

I'm not talking just toku. And it doesn't matter, it's not like that hasn't been the case in American comics.

What I've heard is that people hate the mutants more because it's relatively common knowledge that mutants are the next step in human evolution. Their purpose is to eventually replace homo sapiens with homo superior.

>X-Men for years have been fighting a "
>Mutant Registration Act" which really in itself not really a bad thing when you think about it

Yeah, lets give every human supremacist group that can sneak into the Pentagon a nice big list of targets. Great idea, surely won't get anybody murdered.

And that's of course, assuming the US government won't use it to oppress the people they force to register. Which, given how Gyrich operates, is so fucking unlikely that it's laughable.

then Doomsday revives and is immune to Saitama's punches.

Underrated post.

>Implying Saitama wouldn't love that
Finally a challenge!

You probably posted it, samefag. But hey it could be the 100th thread complaining about :diversity" and "muh Tumblr". God forbid anyone have a discussion here.

I have the perfect opponent for him

but they didn't. They just made it so normal people accepted that they're just lame normal people and that they're in the lower evolutionary ladder. They didn't solve the X-Men issue they just ignored it.

Definitely a cultural thing. I mean have you seen Japan?

Batman tricks Saitama using a boom tube, sends him to the middle of nowhere in outter space, Saitama dies.

That simple.

Oh look, a spic obsessed with anime and company wars, how new and original! Not getting that Saitama is a joke character like Doraemon.

this coming from a spic

Just a quick question, Sir. Are you mentally retarded? Honest question

Older "superhero" manga, anime, and other Japanese media did not have any of that stuff. Think Dragon Ball Z, Kamen Rider, or anything similar. They were a bunch of unusally-teenage kids who transformed or otherwise had super powers, kept them hidden, and either attended school while fighting on the side or as a wandering stranger type. There were some significant differences between western and eastern superheroes - the western variety wore costumes and hid their identity, while the eastern variety just ran around at night and avoided being scene - but the two were more similar than you may think.

What you are describing is a much, much more recent variety of manga. Tiger & Bunny was probably the first big name in the genre, and you could probably call it a "registered superhero" genre. It's less a Japanese superhero and more a Japanese take on American superheroes; Japan is taking the setting that the typical American superhero comic portrays, and adding some sensibilities to the situation. Rather than having corrupt cops and constant crime and public bank heists in broad daylight, the cops are pretty much standard cops you see, the crime is pretty much the standard crime, and super powered people who could destroy buildings but want to help are doing so in the same way that people in the real world go out and help: they're volunteering or signing up for work to do so.

In short: it's a much more recent theme than you give it credit for.

im a spic and i can confirm this shit

>It's more recent than you think

This. Tiger and Bunny/My Hero Academia/One Punch Man reflect a very Japanese superhero scene. The heroes compete among themselves for ranks and government/corporate support like high school students compete for scholarships.

Japan is a very competitive culture.

You can read it as the heroes from this world being more "civilized" and less "wild west" but you can also read it as them being a bunch of government/corporate shills that treat superheroing more like an extreme sport or entertainment thing (superheros as spectacle is a feature in a lot of these Japanese Nu-cape mangas. The athletic competitions in My Hero Academia are like prime time events)

There are also two things you got to remember about Nu-cape manga.

1. They're comparatively light-hearted and less cynical and "serious" than their western counterparts.

2. The bad guys they fight aren't as extreme as the ones western heroes fight.

You try registering super heroes in Marvel or DC you suddenly put living WMDs at beck and call of fallible politicians. This reflects how Japanese are less likely to criticize their government compared to Westerners. They don't want to believe the people they elect are capable of doing bad shit.

You try registering superhumans in Marvel or DC you also give the bad guys an exploitable databank. Hope you like edge lord bad guys finding out who you are and sending Joker/Dr. Light/Major Force to fridge your loved ones.

Nu-Cape heroes don't deal with absolute sickos. At worse you get Punisher-esche bad guys that will kill you for being a dick or being a super failure. But you don't get guys that will kill and rape your family.

This is where the hype train ends. Hard.

So where does Tokyo ESP fit into all this?

boom tube what now?

OPM is shit
Make way for the good ONE webcomic.

that was my problem with infamous games as well, have powers yet mobs get them and kill them in fear of getting killed.

I'mplying Professor X wouldn't fuck Saitama's shit up.

The power of memes.

The main problem with cape registration are holocaust (which is always a forced plot device), and conscription (which makes sense).

The reason the government shouldn't control all superhumans is because they can use the loyal ones to force the rest to serve them and have a big super-military.

Then you get a big superhero weapons race, with every country building up stores of superhumans.

Everything would go to shit pretty fast.

Saitama dies.

the whole point of Saitama is that he is to NEVER lose
he's a parody of the overpowered superhero, but has the self awareness to make it cool

Isn't the point of OPM that he beats anyone, that's the joke.

The answer is always he wins, why do people ask?

its because in Japan when you're an adult you actually are expected to act like one
any issues between characters of adults would be settled as easily as a conversation

teenagers however are all full of angst and hormones, their problems are dealt with drama

OPM is a deconstruction of the Superhero genre

if you want to actually use real examples of east vs west heroes use Boku no Hero, Kamen Rider, Super Sentai, etc

>getting mad at art depicting the strongest hero ever as....the strongest hero ever

What the fuck? Is this a meme?

the way you put it seems like a distinction between public and private superheroing. i'd never thought of the difference in that sense before, so thanks for providing me with a new lens to view the difference.

neato. cool stuff.

>I thought superheroes were just supposed to help people for free?

>Heh, yeah....AMATEUR superheroes.

It's frustrating when people think that the likes of superman or the hulk can have a serious fight with OPM, they don't get that he's a parody character and shouldn't be taken seriously

Look at his face, even he doesn't want to be doing this anymore.

>nani smash ka?
I pretty sure that's not right

Sure, if you compare them to the two superhero manga you know, who happen to have this in common, you'll find a pattern.

Just read more and you'll see how wrong you are.

It was stupid in Civil War too. Human Torch getting his shit pushed in outside of a club. I mean i know he didn't want to use his powers against civvies but come on

>Saitama easily KO ing some powerful mother fucker

Pretty much the same joke as the manga and anime only replaced with western heroes/villains

except its the joke
he is to never lose
he's more powerful than sports master

The funny part is them being all "it's supposed to be a joke , guys. you don't ged it!" while getting mad at the very same joke with western characters.

I think that if Saitama can still get depressed or distressed about something, that means that Xavier can uses his mental powers against him.

Because feeling all that shit is suffering, so he can actually feel pain, if people get depressed enough their brain can get permanent damage so you have to take meds so you won't kill yourself

>I think that if Saitama can still get depressed or distressed about something, that means that Xavier can uses his mental powers against him.

But then Saitama would just punch him.

yeah but then he'd punch him

Its villains are horrifically shallow though. Like paper thin.

None of them have really been explored in detail, on the other hand.

The X-men make it really easy to hate them compared to other teams.

The Fantastic Four, at least in the Stan and Jack comics, helped out government think tanks, hung out with normal people (Yancy Street Gang, Wyatt Wingfoot, Johnny's college friends, etc), and were canonically the first people to land on the Moon.

The X-men on the other hand are a paramilitary organization that trains child soldiers and teach a hard "us vs them" mentality. They also like hanging out with Magneto and White Queen who are mutant versions of dindus.

Ever read Johns' JSA? It's the perfect "kids training to be superheros" book. The old guard teach the new kids how to be heroes and have neighborhood BBQs and parades and birthday parties and fun comfy stuff like that.

What about Squirrel Girl?

The funny thing is that Weeaboos say OPM can beat any western character but they miss the point that this isn't done to make him look awesome, it's done as a joke. When it comes to Capes they're dead right but put him up against Droopy or Popeye and he's fucked

>teach a hard "us vs them" mentality
This is the exact opposite of what the X-Men do

There is a sort of disturbing undercurrent of genetic superiority that kind of gets glossed over in Academia. People are totally fine with this genetic one percenters who go to this school where the normies literally rank below them in Hufflepuff house.

Also, the school's bloodsport training makes the Danger Room look sane and rational. Magic healing kisses still means the kids are being put through intense physical and emotional pain as their classmates literally beat them into bloody pulps.

This is a world where prime time television is watching gene lottery kids maim each other to attract corporate sponsors. That's like something out of a William Gibson book.

They'll pull the curtain at the last second to show REASONS like in every shonen manga.

someone beat you to it

>He NEVER loses
To be fair that was Silver Age Superman. Unless you had magic, red solar energy, or kryptonite he was invulnerable. Totally invulnerable.

I mean Dr. Light's faster than light light rays (yes really) that froze even the Flash and teleported the league to other universes didn't effect him.

Amazo couldn't copy his powers (something people forget when they write Amazo) because he was too super.

Starro's molecular dissentigrator rays did nothing to him.

Silver Age Superman was the OPM of defense.

Yeah, they're great at that whole integration thing with their mutant only schools and their "woah is us we must protect the silly humans who are like children and do not understand" victim complex.

They're SJWs who don't pay taxes on the secret jet they keep while the F4 (at least in the Lee/Kirby run) shared their secrets with the world.

>I've never read X-Men comics before but I skimmed the article on wikipedia
Okay dude

Is that monster-lookin' guy in the bottom panel important to the story at all?

He can still win but he's not going to kill a human like Popeye or a fucking dog people keep forgetting he doesn't want to do that

I don't think professor X could survive a trip to Saitama's head with his sanity intact.
Saitama's brain is so extra-mundane that Xavier would probably lose himself in it and then there would be one of those annoying memory loss arcs where they find Xavier working a day job in some deadbeat town and his name has always been Jim.

What if one-punching was a sport?

Nah, one of the less shown students. He can command animals.

Japanese have historically sucked the cock of authority while Americans historically have not.

ITT hasty generalizations of two cultures by people who know dick about either

Does japs do this too? They argue that who wins?

Except it's unlikely to occur by killing you, it's by fucking your sons so that they pop out more of them. YOU BECOME THEM.

> that create bizarre, twisted narratives and draw characters lifetimes out LONG after their story is done with,

I don't feel that. Most heroes don't have an endgoal at least to me.

No people tend to forget the point was trying to make that he makes in all his works.
Power doesn't guarantee you anything other than being powerful. Saitama isn't some meta commentary on being unbeatable he's a commentary about how being basically all-powerful doesn't make you happy.

Saitama getting his ass-kicked would be less detrimental to his character than him suddenly growing his hair back, rediscovering his sex drive, getting friends and money by realizing "oh wait I just needed to get even stronger"

Weeaboos aren't japs, m8.

Yeah i know but do they have same problem with one punch man that people seem not to get idea of saitama starts comparing to it with goku or something.

>ask any long time X-fan and they'll freely admit that X-men clash with mainline marvel.
It's not just an X-men thing.
I've read the first chapters of Justice League Dark a few years ago and there're world scale catastrophy happening and no Superman or Green Lantern shows up. Even if it's magic and Superman can't do a thing about it, it's bizarre.