
This is Tetragrammaton. 44,444 has occurred.

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Now watch israeli hackers strike this site for freedom of speech.

The war is coming to us very soon

Get me viral so I can stop advertising already.

No actual evidence that shows israel ever sipported isis in any way.
Doesn't stop idiots from lying.

>inb4 paint produced pics are proof



Same person as the one below

I killed Aleister's father so he drew something pretty of me. Btw, I had specialized that camera for picking up on non third density energy ranges. In fact these are extremely high levels of energy.


Don't die without putting up a fight. This is Tetragrammaton. 44,444 has occurred.


Observe the divine hue. You can't find that in anyone from the new world.

I will be on the news in the next few days since I'll be viral within days now.


I had a feeling something had occured, but damn, 44,444? That's a lot of repeating digits.


>Crazy armed movement that only acts in the interested of Israel

Oy vey goy you haven't proven anything.

Remember the shoah

When the big bang happened, God split up into many different pieces for the sake of evolution, and the universe which existed at the time was not capable of containing such a being. Then we have negative emotional outbursts of an immature god to account for because the durability could not handle such thoughts because if there's only one being.. that one being must keep the universe running at the same time.

Be ready for the shift. Meditate and research many things. My playlist on youtube called Higher Thought is useful for this.

Don't forget to remind these goyim about our six bazillions!

That Israeli fucktard has no idea what peril his reptilian experiment race of people are all going to die soon.

The holodomor will not happen again.

Am I witnessing somebody's mental breakdown now?


Although IRL Shin Megami Tensei would be dope.


This is my message for the entire world.

That's not a download link to Stephen Hawking's Demon Summoning Program so I don't care.



ITT - thinking these countries are behind ISIS is CRAZY!!!

>Only weeks ago saying such things as Biden just admitted would elicit responses of shock and disbelief as any proponent of such inconvenient facts would be dismissed as a “conspiracy theorist” in polite and official circles. But now what to do when the Vice President of the United States admits the truth in a calm, articulate manner while providing broad geopolitical context to a large audience at Harvard University?

That man is part jewish so most of what you said is flawed. The Jews own the federal reserve. They're the reason why the world sucks.