Baby Driver

Holy fuck.

Just got back from this, AMA. I'm happy to say that Wright's streak of excellent movies remains unbroken.

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Fuck off shill. Respectable critics have already trashed it.

like who? name them

I'd like to see said trashings, since I'm sure they have some reasonable arguments.

It's not a perfect film by any means.

Armond White the only critic that matters

You sound like you're a faggot.

But Armond White likes Edgar Wright

He approved of both Hot Fuzz and Scott Pilgrim

Was it really the character who was balding and not Hamm?

What's wrong with Hot Fuzz? It's the best of the trilogy

I read the review. He likes it but wishes it could "risk tragedy", which I think is a decent way of putting it.

>I'll take Shit Wholegrain vs the World for $400, Alex

Hello, millennial. Baby has no character. As you also have none, allow me to explain.

Character is what's developed over a multitude of years, whether it be from working a shift at an abattoir and having some gruesomely-hilarious stories to tell your coworkers and/or friends, to being a getaway driver who's honed one's craft ALSO over a multitude of years, and probably has some hilarious stories to tell as well.

You know - the stories one acquires from having actually lived life, as opposed to primping one's self in an upper-class cocoon one calls "home" and remaining blemish-free for the majority of one's entire 20 years.

Character, user, that usually manifests itself in lines across one's face - notably the forehead, around the mouth and around one's eyes. Lines that, should another person see them, they would automatically associate those lines with "I bet that person has some stories to tell."

In this case, "Baby" has NO stories to tell. He has NO character. He has no experience, NO interesting facial features and NO charisma. He is Gumby behind a steering wheel. One's immersion is ruined before one even decides to brave such a film, and one is left immeasurably-disappointed by the experience.

Unless of course, one is a millennial who has no idea about what "character" is.

THAT, user, is what I'm talking about. Character. Do YOU have any?

No, Hamm's just balding. He's fucking menacing in this though, which is great.

reading this gave me heartburn but yeah I was afraid that Baby would be a boring main character. Doesn't help that I don't like Ansel Elgort.


At least you're old enough to have character.


I've been having heartburn since I was like 17.

The movie about the robots was far from excellent. Can't even remember the name, something about the end of the world.

Worlds end or some shit

Look at the direction of the speed streaks on the poster. The car is reversing really fast.

>"Baby" has NO stories to tell. He has NO character. He has no experience, NO interesting facial features and NO charisma.

I feel like this whole thing is negated by most of Doc's dialogue about Baby and the scenes with him and his foster father (and also you type like a cunt) but you make a good point about character as a whole. That's actually this movie's biggest issue, and it's not just with Baby: All the characters are really one-note, since they all have a very specific purpose to fill in the film. Physical appearance alone doesn't necessarily imply strong character, how they're built up and portrayed in the movie does.

Baby in this, since we spend so much time with him we get a slightly better feel for who he is as a person, but the rest of them just feel like they're there as obstacles. They're well-written obstacles, but you never feel like they have any real motivation (save for Jon Hamm but his comes at the end).

I rewatched The World's End lately and while I still defend it that one's got some issues as well. They did some fucking excellent foreshadowing throughout though, and the final scene in The World's End destroys me every time.

Apparently it was made to be a spiritual sequel to Baby's Day Out. You enjoy it on a different level when you go into it knowing that.

Why is the car reversing?

It's a reference to a scene in the movie where he reverses when Jon Bernthal expects him to go forwards.

The name of this movie will put people off watching it

This. Only watching it because I found out Wright is behind it.

Debora was an extremely weak character. We know nothing about her other than she had also has a dead parent and similar interests to Baby. Her home life is never explored, she can apparently just pick up and leave everything she has on a dime. She exists to be a perfect woman and a plot element when necessary. I kept waiting for Wright to turn the idea on its head but he never did.

At least she was a cutie.

Oh yeah, no question there. She played her part well enough and like you said she qt af but she's really fucking hollow.

Somehow, though, that doesn't bother me as much as it would if the rest of this movie didn't jerk me off with the music gimmick.

>you type like a cunt

That's because I AM a cunt.