Why are most Trump supporters poor and stupid?

Why are most Trump supporters poor and stupid?

Cause liberals have been running the economy and education for too long

Because they realize that university is just a scam.


why are hillary so entitled and think they are above everyone else ?
this dude could be a veteran or whatever and is happy that someone gave him a cap while it is summer and there is a high chance that he is doesn't care at all if its red or blue maga or nike.
but hey...if you support hillary you already made your deal with the devil to fuck everyone over

Because they need to support hillary clintons and bernie sanders supporter. Why they are stupid is because U.S citizens in general are fucking dumb but if trump supporters are stupid then hillary supporters are braindead,

>making fun of a homeless man
I thought Liberals love these guys.

He is probably a vet and got fucked over by the government and neo-cons.
God I fucking hate the west and all the self entitled millennials I can't wait till we get to fucking destroy all of you.

>1 post
>Some Trump supporter probably gave him that hat out of kindness
>That homeless guy is probably super appreciative

Fuck homeless people though, right? Gonna snap me a picture to show all my friends. Liberals.

>picture of homeless man wearing a Hillary pin
>We need change! Nobody should live on the street! Higher minimum wage and taxing the elite will end homelessness in America!

They only love poors who are not white

HAHAHAH liberals.

>Capitalism is evil
>The disadvantaged need socialism to raise them up.

Cut to one week later

>Look at this homeless Trump supporter
>What a joke
>Trump supporters are stupid like this guy

Why are liberals such elitist peaces of shit? Why do they think they have the morale high ground?

My life has taught me that liberals are the ones who cry and moan about their lilly white mediocre lives while conservatives are the ones who actually do charity work.

It's just a clever ploy to get Trump supporters to give him cash.

It will backfire though, because right-wingers are selfish as fuck.

I didn't realise all those spics and Niggers outside trumps rallies were supporters.
They must have been so angry to not get in.


leave the poor man alone

Then again you have to fuck up really hard to become homeless.


i have a masters degree and make over $100k and I support Trump

fake and gay
sage sage sage

Being a veteran isn't fucking up.

Maybe in Norway you do, since everyone is entitled to endless gibs, but in the USA you can become homeless fairly easily, since once you get unemployed and lose your home it's a fairly quick spiral especially if you're old

Way to go man making fun of a homeless guy,i would expect nothing less from a brain dead Hillary supporter
>1 post by this ID

Is that even an official MAGA hat? It doesn't look right.

We have homeless people too. They remain that way because they keep fucking up by using drugs and other degeneracy.

Because you are a bourgeois scum.

he should check his privilege


Most homeless are homeless because of mental illness, not degeneracy.

We have homeless people and they are always incapable of being functioning citizens

ie: They have mental illnesses and usually don't get proper medicine leaving them incapacitated without family or government to support them.

Lazy drug degenerates just get gibs from the government.

>if he was wearing a bernie hat instead reddit would spam this as touching proof that bernie needs to be elected to stop wealth inequality
>instead because it's trump it's evidence that trump supporters are all stupid rednecks who deserve to be poor


Clearly a homeless vet. Nice, OP

guys could we find that guy and do something for him like these pages where you can spend some money.

i mean ..you know..they did this for black people so that they get a job and a house and what not and here we are having hillary supporters making fun of homeless people who can't choose what they wear.

if i would live in manhattan i would try to find him but i have no possibility at all..

this is fucked up i really start to hate hillary supporters

Only if they agree with them, same as how leftists love gays, until they take their pride parades through Muslim areas...

>tfw the first post is also the best post

Fuck off, NEET enabler.

>making fun of homeless people

Check your privilege you fucking faggot.

Because most Amerifats are poor and stupid....

>Not being NEET master race
This shitty society makes it so easy to be a tax burden :^)

New world order when?

It's not real. At least the upload to reddit isn't real.

Probably deleted, reddit cries at the drop of a pin.

geh mal darüber und verlier deine Arbeit oder werde krank und guck was passiert dann reden wir weiter.
bei denen gibs keine arge der du märchen erzählst und bisschen auf depri machst und einfach weiter geld kriegts..dort zahlst du miete wöchentlich und zahlst du nicht fliegst du da is nix mit einklagen das man bleiben kann und all dem scheiß der bei uns NEETS enabled..
also it would be a good chance to show that hillary supporterd are douche bags..
you have to think political, and not use the same arrogance what makes them fail.

Don't you communist fagets think being poor is cool? What changed?

Only when you can use it against white people.
Dumb,uneducated, violent blacks are alright
Dumb,uneducated, violent whites are funny to mock.

>the left laughing at the poor again

damn would never have known
