You guys remember this show?

you guys remember this show?

I do.

loves garu

It's not rape when a girl does it!



I remember the rape.

Why is it that in Chowder and FOP threads, people line up wishing that Tootie and Panini would have stalked them, and calling Timmy and Chowder idiot homos for passing that up and lots of posts like "you wouldn't reject her, would you Sup Forums, but in Pucca threads, we get posts like and lots of em.

In every other case, Sup Forums fucking loves its boy chasers.
Pucca isn't any uglier than Panini or Tootie.
She's not any less likely to be punished for her actions in any way besides being rejected.
Is it because she's the main character?

I'm genuinely curious.

Bruce Lee was the best

This was from Disney?
I thought it was some random japanese anime shit.

They dont like assertive girls.

Shame that all his family died

It was a series of Chinese flash animations first.


I wish girls would like me.

But I can see from a standpoint, maybe girls have to worry about unattractive guys hitting on them "all the time", or at least during the younger years.

But isn't Pucca like 5? I loved this show, and I watched every episode around 26 months ago online. Pucca Pucca dance party!

Girls are supposed to chase boys. That's the way of nature. We'd all be a lot happier if they had done it to us instead of acted terrified of our entire sex. Anyone who's acting like this is unfair or doublestandard, try to remember what would happen if women actually did show interest in us.

I just figured they're joking. It probably also has something to do with the fact that they're all ninjas, so it's some serious physical stuff going on.

It was a genuinely charming terrible terrible show.

It's the kinda show you hate to love.

A) its a fucking joke
B) Pucca is the main character so almost every episode is about her stalking Ninja boy.

I genuinely liked this.

Do you really think either of those posts were so bad? Or comparable to the sort of shit that people gave Tootie or Panini?
FOP threads from the time of tripfags like Solaris or Steely Phil would have you BEGGING for female rapist jokes in mere nanoseconds.

I remember it on literally every single piece of merchandise ever.

I honestly watched the shit out of pucca and at one point it was my favorite show in my childhood

>Do you really think either of those posts were so bad?
Those aren't, but i have seen some long, angry, posts that I figure are too much effort to be jokes in other pucca threads before.

It was a nice if not a bit formulaic show with a cute artstyle.

All and all decent.

sister wouldn't let me watch it because she thought it was racist.

i remember that scary ass episode about the lonley house and the creepy japanese girl. watching it as a child was traumatic