Sup Forums, I've just had a revelation

I've suddenly realized something very important for me, and I want to share it with you. You know this trope, like, that orks don't have a word for "friend", only "favourite enemy", right? And 1984, with all this talk about how you can shape the way the people think by controlling and destroying the words. I've always thought it was silly, until I got into an internet argument today.
And then it suddenly hit me. I've always had serious disdain for trannies and their supporters, and I always cringe a little when a tumblrina tells me that "gender and sex are different things, shitlord". To me, those are the same.
To me. Those are the same. But not to her. Because in english, "sex" and "gender" are different words, but in russian they are not. There is no way to say "My biological sex is female, but my gender is squirrelkin" in russian, this phrase will be gibberish. Which might be coloring my perception of the issue - I am conditioned by my language to think of thse concepts as the same.

Now, of course, they are the same, and I still hate trannies, but it's still an interesting observation I've decided to share with you.

Other urls found in this thread:

It used to be the same in English as well.

New speak is real.

But the point is, when you have two words for the same concept, definitions can twist over time and they can come to mean different things. When you have only one word, a new word has to be artificially invented, and it rarely works well.

It's gibberish in English too

I can sort of understand when they say gender-identity, people can identify themselves as many things, including things they are not.

There's no difference in German too. That's why the newspeak folks differentiate between "Geschlecht" (biological sex) and "Gender". "Gender" is now an accepted term here used for all that bathroom and identity drama.

have a meme for your thoughts rusbro

Sex and Gender are NOT different words. The only people who think this are crazy feminists and the mentally ill.

> literally importing degeneracy on the linguistic level

i don't think this is the key point of the debatte

in germany leftists try to differ between "geschlecht" and "biologisches geschlecht" same word with an extra adjetive

So what, you should cut down on the number of synonyms in a language? Are you saying synonyms are good or bad?

The appendix on newspeak in 1984 actually says ingsoc did this. They only had one single word for each concept, everything else was excised for the language.

Consider reading "Propaganda" by Edward Bernays. Orwell was really just reporting on an already existing phenomenon and projecting it into the future. Social engineering through language control has been going on for a long, long time.

I had this retard argue with me how discrimination and racism are the same thing. I even opened up a dictionary for him and showed him both definitions. He called me a crazy conspiracy theorist and a racist when I did that.

Needless to say I'm not going to let any of these people live when the uprising starts.

T-that's because we're tolerant and open-minded, not like you evil Putin-Russian monsters.

>being so degenerate you have to borrow extra degeneracy to meet your niggerspeak quotas

What about discrimination against women? Women are a different race now?

Alot of what is going on is a problem of language. American global culture has exported uniquely American concepts to the rest of the world by way of language. That's why you see BLM in Sweden and the Swedes bending over backwards to not be racist despite the country never having anything to do with slavery. It's why immigrants around Europe are adopting nigger gangster culture, dressing and acting like they are from the ghetto here in America

A great example of why other countries should just give up already and learn English, it's a superior language in every way.

The separation between gender and sex goes a while back, and it completely stands to reason to have two different words to describe someones biological make-up, and their behaviors related to that make-up (male genitalia vs masculine behavior).

Read about Wittgenstein
Out language shapes our culture and our thoughts

Well yes, but this particular bit of degeneracy came from the anglosphere, where it could evolve in line with russbro's hypothesis. Once it's sufficiently advanced somewhere, it can cross language and national borders without difficulty.

You're beginning to realize the importance of etymology.
"The beginning of wisdom is to call things by their proper name."
The word gender began to be used in English to refer to "sex." Because the Latin "sex" also refers to the vulgar act of sex, the Eternal Anglo decided it was a good idea to create a euphemism for the categorical sex by borrowing from the French "genre."

>superior language

He's got a point, the world would be a lot better if everyone just shared a single language. Now, it's not really possible or practical, but we're dreaming here.

May I present, Profx Lann Hornscheidt.

Male version: Professor
Female version: Professorin
Gender queer: Profx

Similar to Studx instead of Student or Studentin.

It's Sickness Central and she's the leadx:

Oh in case you want to write to her, don't say Mr or Ms Hornscheidt, cause that's gender binary evil language.

They're different words in Russian too... this is what happens when Russia doesn't remove kebab from their soil.

No, they are the same. Gender is "пoл", sex is also "пoл". And I have no idea how caucasian shitskins are related to the issue.

"The world is made of language."

Exactly, the literal one sentence definition I showed him was this:

>1. The unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex:

>2. Recognition and understanding of the difference between one thing and another:
discrimination between right and wrong

And his response was SEE, it says discrimination on the grounds of race!

Truly these people need to be eradicated as soon as possible if the human race is to survive. This man was a teacher at a local high school too.

> he was a teacher

I think he means it can go the other way and you can have too many synonyms that dilute the word - or that one meaning becomes dominant.

You people can't even see blue properly

Aye. English is a clusterfuck like that. It was created in a country of Germanized Romanized Celts ruled over by French Norsemen. A lot of situations like that arise.