

No, that's Linkara's thing. What you want more sounds like a balloon deflating.

what is this shit and who made it

SJW's are funny. They think web comics effect DC the same way it effects Marvel. They have no power in this realm.

>I'm sorry

He thinks his opinion warrants an apology. How passive aggressive can one be?

>SJWs are funny

Dobson made that you fucking summer fag. SJWs suck but don't go talking shit unless you know what you're talking about
Dobson made this my non-summer friend

Sorry I meant that first part to be linked to this summer fag

>This guy spent 4 years in art college and has now given up on art altogether

Anyone have the Dobson comic where he thought the nintendo cartoon made by DIC where canon and someby explain all the thing to him and he deletes the comments.

Dobson is B A S E D

>Implying Dobson isn't.

Are you literally retarded?

Don't forget Dobson claims that he learned nothing in his years of art school, while another guy went through the same exact program as Dobson and got a job working for Disney.

>This comic

>Are you literally retarded
>literally retarded


That's the spice

Jesus fuck. Is that last panel a punchline? Is that what's considered humour these days?
To be honest, I refuse to believe that every politically oriented comic has to be unfunny, but I've never seen any evidence to the contrary,

he made it to get on his soapbox, not make a joke

Well it is a small consolation to think that this wasn't meant as a joke, because it's awful.



New meme incoming

Is he trying to imply that Dark Knight Returns came after the animated series?

If I was that guy I'd send a picture of what I was working on every week to Dobson

>Batman I grew up with
>Dobby implying he predated DKR, or the Burton Batman for that matter

I really hate Miller too, but Jesus fuck you wanker.