Sup Forums, I didn't believe you. But I can't unsee it now. I am too far gone down the rabbit hole...

Sup Forums, I didn't believe you. But I can't unsee it now. I am too far gone down the rabbit hole. The sexes are fucked. Women are fucked. Men are fucked. And the downfall of Western society is inevitable at this point.

Women have such an inflated sense of pride from the overabundance of dating apps like Tinder and Okcupid. Even average women receive a few dozen messages a day, if not 100's, asking them for sex, telling them they are beautiful, and begging for their attention. What else would this do to a woman but encourage her to continue being snobbish, prideful, and arrogant? She doesn't have to change and she doesn't need to grow up; if Chad 1 doesn't work out, there's always Chad 2. There is a game of constant buying and selling yourself as a commodity in dating apps, but it's completely a seller's market. And with dating apps being so normalized, young women (and men) are growing up into this culture assuming this is what is expected of them. Traditional relationships are dying, and young Westerns don't even have the capacity to understand them anymore.

Women have also entered the work force in droves, dominating some fields and leaving men behind. The wage gap myth gives them just cause, even though women are now the more common breadwinners of households in America, and also hold the majority of undergraduate and graduate degrees. Yet, while women aged 24-34 make more money and are more likely to own property than their male counterparts, they still hold onto the traditional views that the men they reproduce with must be from a higher social position than they are (they must "marry up"). With a quickly shrinking pool of viable men in this category, women are choosing to be single longer and engage in behaviors that lower their chances of having children, getting married, or even being happy with their lives.

We have men who are choosing to go through life single as previously unheard of standards are placed on them. The steadily increasing suicide rate in young males should be indicative of its harmful effects on society. In the world of careers, in the 1980's a man could walk out of college with a 9-5 job and be able to support a family of four; now, in the same scenario, he is well into his 30's before that can even begin to happen. And with the increased selection pressures on men from women, the beauty standards for men have increased tenfold. Men not only need to be good providers who earn more than the women they are chasing, but they must also be ridiculously attractive. As a result of the modern lifestyle, men are no longer at the default physique of "athletic slim," and what would have passed as "muscular," "well-groomed," or "sharply dressed" even a few decades ago no longer applies. Men are expected to be at the beckon call of a woman's tastes at all times, rather than a more traditional masculine look that played to male fantasies of power and privilege.

Men's fashion and health magazines now cater to feminine tastes and heavily employ female writers as a bid for equality, rather than being the vestiges of "cool guy" culture they once were. Gone are the stories of men braving the jungles of South America to hunt jaguar or 4-page spreads on Cuban cigars, Russian vodkas, and Astin Martins, replaced with actress interviews and Q&A's on what women think is the sexiest way a man can wear his jeans; even Playboy has removed its nudity in place of being a more tasteful magazine for "today's sensibilities." And with evidence that women by and large are more likely to judge a man as less attractive than average, there are inflating expectations of what women think the "average man" should look like.

Compare this to the same study which says that men more often rate women as more attractive than average, and you begin to see a world where the two sexes can longer agree on a "middle line" of attractiveness. Men will attempt to talk to several different kinds of women on a sliding scale of beauty; women are far more likely to ignore even a above average, handsome man with the expectation that a more attractive one will follow -- and they have earned their right to do so.

Biologically, women have always been the choosier sex and have the genetic right to be. However, this is becoming dangerous to the prolonging of our culture with ideas of "masculinity" constantly evolving and under question under the authority of women.

The mass media has been a large culprit in the attack on "masculinity." This has resulted in men's only product lines appearing in markets that were previously heavily targeted at women (facial creams, sponges, diet soda, etc.). This has created a "rebirth" of male culture in some respects, such as revivalist barbershops or "Paleo lifestyle"; however, these are too decentralized to have a huge impact and are often the targets of being labeled as "quaint" at their best and "sexist" at their worst. The attacks have resulted in men being called "basement dwellers" and "Neanderthals" on the nightly news or talk shows, especially by a Hollywood bitter about negative responses to the movie Ghostbusters. It is never the fault of the artist or the producer or the actors... it is the fault of men, "loser men," who can't accept female empowerment. Force the narrative as they say, despite there being no clear evidence that the movie was disliked by a majority of males or even that this was the specific reason audience members were turned off by it.

The attacks on masculinity have led the overabundance of using words such as "misogyny," "patriarchy," and "rape culture" to demoralize, demean, demonize men. Growing up as a boy in today's culture, you are attacked on all fronts with assumptions that you, because of your gender, are a bad person. I don't have to go into all of this topic as we are well aware of it. Men more often lose custody battles and don't recover from a divorce; men more often receive no help from domestic abuse or rape charges; and a woman's word is far more likely to be believed over a man's in nearly all criminal cases.

It is dire times, Sup Forums, and I am not sure what we can do about it. We discuss these topics ad nauseum, it seems, but not one group of us has stepped forward. I'm ready to throw in the towel myself, gentle people of Sup Forums. I'm tired of being labeled a misogynist for voicing a dissenting opinion to the norm, tired of pushing myself to my physical and mental limits for no reward, and I am tired of feeling like I've been left behind by society.

I want to hero, Sup Forums, but I know it won't solve anything. Don't worry about talking me off the ledge -- I'm not even there yet. But every day I creep a little closer and my god does it kill me inside. How do we stop this?

I need to facefuck him/her/whatever

Fuck society anyway. Doesn't matter. Do what you want, be as happy as you can, that's all it's ever been.

There's no arguing that the old days are finished, though.

it's a real girl

Turn to Christ

Dont troll the poor boy

You nailed it, this is the reality I live in. Women 5 years ago I'd never think to talk to, now tell me "You're not my type". Women in their early 30's who are average looking, average bodies. No career. Nothing "hot" about them. They look okay, but they aim so high. It's insane. I'm convinced they think they all deserve some GQ cover model.

>This Copy Pasta

While I agree masculinity has been attacked by the state and the state's ideology, I don't think women are this threat. The state is esssentially daddy now. The only way to get rid of this problem is to insurrect.

This is what happens when we become Godless.

Think about it -

The Bible teaches very much against this. It teaches against rampant sexual immorality and decadence, from the Old Testament to the New Testament.

Now that we have started to remove God from our society, what do we have?

Rampant sex. A focus on sex, instead of marriage. Everyone wants to fuck, nobody wants to have kids.

So people are desperate for sex, and only sex, nothing more. So men look for women, and women have higher standards, men have lower standards, your issue factors in right here.

But the main problem is how sexualized everything is.

Back in the day, there was still "casual sex." You'd probably have sex before marriage, but it would bite you in the ass. You'd end up getting the girl pregnant, and you'd have to marry her to make it right or run away. Everything balanced out.

Now, you can have sex with thirty people and never have a child if you do it right. You know how risky this is?

Not only do you never settle down, you'll never want to settle down, man or woman. Every girl or guy is different in the bedroom - You'll always long for the best one you had, which you'll never get again.

This leads to cheating, to adultery.

We need to turn back to Christ. You're only supposed to share the beauty of sex with one person - your spouse - to have children. This way the best sex you ever had is with the only person you've ever had.

Standards also wouldn't be so high - Everyone would have to settle down. If you didn't settle down and instead tried to sleep around, you'd be seen as a whore, man or woman, and eventually you'd end up with a baby to look after.

We've disrupted nature and what God intended for us, so God help us, and hopefully we return to what He intended ASAP.

Turn to Christ user(s).

So what?

Be a man and rise up to the challenge. The very nature of humanity ensures that there will be enemies that you despise and need to fight againts

Instead of saying how bad everything is bad and ee are done why dont you actively try to change the situation?

The decadence, hedonism, degeneracy of our modern world only compels me to resist it and become stronger.

I think the issue that OP has, and some of us will have, is that rising against this challenge requires a woman with the same mindset.

It requires finding a wife that will stay with you and bear your children.

Even looking at Churches can be risky. Our society has completely destroyed the concept of marriage, of death do us part.

You'd have to find a girl so religious she'd equate divorce with murder, with major mortal sin. You'd have to find a very Christian girl - Catholic, Protestant, Orthodox, any of the denominations, just from a very strict Church.

Because all that is stopping her from divorcing you when things get rough is herself. Society no longer looks down on this.

dont be fooled. youre on pol too much and you feel the world is collapsing. IT'S NOT. women still respond to the same triggers they always have. The imbalances you mention will even out, because life is like that. You don't need Christ. Go live your life.

dubs prove

We've also removed shitting in buckets and throwing it out our window from society.
And we've stopped putting radioactive material in household objects.
Stopped using asbestos in buildings.
We've stopped believing that diseases are caused by bad smells and mental illness is demonic possession

Are any of these also the reason for the downfall of mankind?

>Finding women actually having to do with this.

Thats not exactly what i meant. We need to oust our current governments first and only then can we be dads.

First we must be fighters.


I agree.

Rather irrelevant, none of this has to do with society, just technological improvements that have improved our lives, many of which were created and done by Christians, men who had God in their lives, not Godless atheists?

There's a big difference between creating the loo and making it so sex has zero consequences, my friend.

Turn to traps

Be a hermit like me and wait for society to collapse.


Turn to calibration

seditionist commies right here.

Our ancients may not be able to predict the future technological predicaments but if there is one thing they sure as hell had a deep understanding of: human nature. We in our modern arrogance think that we are superior to the ancient man just because we have better tools but yet we fail to realize that the course our homocentric attitude is taking us is not only unnatural but has been traveled many times before with always the same result. How else would stories like the ones of Sodom and Gomorrah be conceived if men hadn't witnessed such depravity at one point and seen how it corrupts society to the core. The funny thing is that no matter how many times we are warned we always fall for it, we literally have a written guide that warns about every corrupting aspect of humanity and we just chose to ignore it because its the current year.

We can't learn any other way. The only thing to do is for us as individuals to go back to God and preserve even a little beacon of purity in this sea of degeneracy that is the modern world

Just intensify your hobbies and leave humanity behind.
>working toward becoming a swole SICP wizard who uses LOOMIS