How did the mind gem give him Superspeed


It probably just activated his x-gene

It didnt, he is actually a telepath and he makes people think he is running fast

How'd it give Vision lasers? Infinity Gem, ain't examining shit.

Mind gem is a red herring. He's actually Thjálfi from Norse mythology.

Brain controls biology.

it made him move as fast as he could think

this movie fucking sucked cock

It's fucking

He's actually not that fast. Slow down his scenes frame by frame and you will find 90% of the time he's around or below 50 mph.

Of all the crap that didn't make sense on that garbage this is what you make a threas about?

Don't even go there user
It's not canon even though it happened

he alters the perception of time of everyone around him, that's why he gets tired

shouldnt they use the time gem for that?

I think Ultron built vision to have lasers, like an iron man suit but the crystal just ended up being the catalyst

he alters just the way they perceive time, not time itself


>M A G I C

Science, not sorcery. Though I understand your confusion. Great power has always baffled primitive man.

why does marvel pretend to be pro-worker?

It's from a "what if" Thor story. Thjálfi saves the day kinda. Odin's dead, shit happens and then everything works out

Being magic doesn't make it not science.

Because they want to sell to them.

mutants are not Allowed in the MCU

That's what I figured too. Especially since the experiment worked on those two. Plus I've there were latent mutants who got their powers triggered by adulthood or experiments

pretty sure it does

Magic can be a field of scientific study in its own right. Just like any other "magic" done in the past that we now consider chemistry, biology, or psychology

Remember Fox owns the movie rights to x-men movies, so we can assume the x-gene was activated somehow but the movie isn't allowed to make that connection or they can get sued or they have to pay Fox for the use of rights. So maybe it was something else or wasn't really clear.

That's actually a thing in Thanos Quest. Who knows maybe when Infinity War rolls around that'll be a thing.

His what?

That'll be the line of logic to explain it though if Fox ever decides to go the Sony way and share the rights.

> Is shown to move fast (like Pietro)
> Can telepathically communicate with Loki (even similar camera pan to when Wanda did it to Tony)
> Gave Loki the scepter, slyly hid the mind gem inside it.
> Objective might be to destroy the Infinity Stones.

Wanda's telepathy and telekinesis are powers resulting from augmentation from the mind gem, but her and Pietro's real power has nothing to do with the gem and was put there before.

The whole thing maybe a ruse; the gem neatly hides Wanda"s real power from the plebs.

> Vision is the bait.
> Wanda is the trap.
> To lure Thanos and the stones into one location.
> Then show why humans are weak giving into their emotions, and reboot the universe as a realm of chaos.

The Other does not destroy his enemies, he tricks them into destroying themselves because that's much more fun.