Adult Swim

Will they be ok?

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What do you mean?

Not if their block is constantly MacFarlane shows

That new Brad Neely show looks promising

you know exactly what i mean

this is like china il. but much much worse

Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Is China, IL any good?

>the Atlanta riots are happening half a mile from Adult Swim

I kinda liked it, but it wasn't "good" or anything

Compare it to Metalocalypse.

I feel left out that I'm not bashing the show and that I have hope for Brad Neely in general.

I googled that and it's talking about something that happened in 1906.

user it's not 1906.

It's the current year.

You are a hundred and ten years off.

Okay I'll put the two shows side by side and rank them in catagories using greater and less than signs:

Humor: Metalocalypse >> China, IL
Originality: Metalocalypse >>>> China, IL
Likeable characters: Metalocaplypse >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> China, IL
Music quality: Metalocalypse < China, IL
Just kidding, China, IL is worse in that department too (obviously)

it's not a great show.

dont play dumb user

Is it at least distracting?

OK compare it to Xavier: Renegade Angel.

China, IL was fucking trash. there were some corn in the shit, but it's still shit

Hell no

Just search atlanta, current news should come up

Good no, entertaining very.

You guys are so fucking annoying and I'm so happy your show got cancelled.

I like this guy.
>i'm suicidally depressed, but i'm also black, let's throw some fuel on this fire

Not that user, but someone sounds a bit angry.

I didn't even watch China, IL.

For the brief time I had [adult swim], every night, I'd sit through all the Family Guy shit and hope that the rest would be really good reruns of King of the Hill, Aqua Teen, Robot Chicken, or if I'm lucky Rick and Morty.

You say this like it's the first time Atlanta's ever had riots.
Relatively speaking this shit's pretty low-key too.

The humor's equal, but it's a different kind of humor.

I like China IL more than Metalocalypse personally, but Metalocalypse really kinda fell off for me after season 2.
