When did it all go so wrong?

i'm gonna say it was when he picked pence. it was a low energy choice and he knew it.

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It's a good cop/bad cop kind of duo. You don't want two trouble makers.

plagiarism speech

He's looked tired in general recently. Like he's been going in high energy mode too long.

fake and gay


It fell apart when the Republican party realized that winning the nomination was not going turn the entertainer into a model politician. Considering how weak Hillary is as a candidate and the constant scandals and leaks any reasonably disciplined and serious Republican could have walked into the White House in 2017. Trump has proved himself to be unreliable and untrustworthy in his ability to stay on message and not give the MSM a reason to call him a racist, misogynistic, bigot. I absolutely hate the idea that the country is going to be subjected to 4 to 8 more years of Obama and Clinton policies!

When retarded people actually thought this guy should be leading a superpower because of memes like BUILD WALL.






It didn't

It was going after the parents of the soldier. That was incredibly stupid.

Melania has been fucking things up for him pretty badly too. Granted Michelle is a tough act to follow (from the point of view of the masses) being a Harvard law graduate, but all she had to do was smile and wave and not say much.

His childish comments about Hillary, while they may be true, won't be winning many voters any time soon either.

I don't know what the fuck he is playing at, he has the nomination in the bag and all he has to do is perform well in the debates against Hillary which should be easy enough - she is the worst Democratic candidate in years.

Whole thing is one big fucking shitshow.

The GOP thought Trump was going to turn into a model candidate and get all presidential after the primaries. He even said he could do that and implied he would. But he hasn't -- if anything, he's done the opposite. Now his opponents aren't low energy Republican hacks. He's up against the full strategic force of the other side of politics and they're destroying him. He's falling for every piece of bait and he's lost all campaign discipline and focus. It just goes to show he doesn't have what it takes to be a solid, reliable candidate. We might as well just hand the position to Hillary and start campaigning hard for a better candidate four years down the track.

>he took the Khan bait

I mean come on. It's like he's a total newfag who has never been in politics before.

He really should have picked the General.

and you correct the record™ shills are low energy, too

The moment he decided to run against the Hill

No one can beat the Hill

Needs to shut the fuck up

People got sick of Khan when the media was showing him 24/7, he was even doing a live q & a on CNN, Trump didn't need to say anything

He should also be careful what he jokes about, the Russian joke let the media brainwash the goyim into thinking hes actually working with Putin

He took the khan bait. Never trust a muslim, even if their son is a war vet. He was fighting a battle uphill by saying he would deport Syrian refugees. He should've been too busy taking mexican food pics and never let his tongue slip.

You won't find a better candidate. Trump is undisciplined and it is annoying the way he doesn't stay on message, but his message is good.

the jews

if Biden ran the polls would be 90-10 in his favor, lol

Thank you for correcting the record you piece of shit

Trump is he choice of the people. The people will prove their worth like they proved it in Great Britain.

He can't do the pragmatics of winning a campaign. He's too sensitive and thin skinned. He reacts badly to everything. He's got some strong positions; he just doesn't seem to be the man to carry the message successfully. His ego keeps getting in the road of the message.


Yes, but it takes someone like that to have the balls to carry this particular message. You're not likely to find someone calm and scholarly who is willing to run for president as a right wing populist. It's kind of like expecting an aggressive tough guy to run for president as a democrat in the current climate.

It went wrong when he lost the energy.


It didn't go wrong. Trump will win with a landslide of 70 million votes. Remember this was foretold when it happens

I'm gonna say it was when the exclusive GOP circus ended and they stepped out into the real world where Trump is objectively shit, divided his own party and has no real following among voting groups except for dumb, racist white imbeciles.


>when did it all go so wrong?
About the time the poll pushers all decided to give Hillary a nonexistent convention bump, and the media pushed up the Khan sob story while ignoring the sob stories from the RNC convention.