Why didn't they wear any armor?

Why didn't they wear any armor?

why should they

Cus they didn't give a fuck.

because he has an arrow sticking out of his chest

so they could move faster.

That shit is for fags.

Because these guys wore plate armor and the Greek swords went through them like they were wearing cloth.


They didn't even have the leather panties irl.

because its an action film

the spartans did wear armor, as did every other greek state

No access to metal

why dont you?

How that fuck do they have swords and shields then

A trick of the light

that cgi has aged poorly

so have you

it's pretty remarkable to see the scope of the impact this movie had on the entirety of the action genre. there is at least 1 scene in every contemporary action movie that takes cinematic inspiration from this movie.

Based Snyder

what did john wick 2 take from it?

i am actually doing pretty good compared to when i watched 300 in theatres alone without friends after my shitty minimum wage job

The red capes add a +1 Defense boost to their stats.
Also keeps them light on inventory so their stamina doesn't fatigue as fast and their dexterity isn't affected to being over encumbered.

Because the phalanx maneouver meant they didn't need armour.
>Why did they break out of formation and fight in a free for all without armour five minutes into every battle?
Now this I don't know.

of course

Historically they did of course.

>Why didn't they wear any armor?

It's fucking hot in Greece...

It was the Bronze Age.

Cause they wanted to show off their muscles for sex appeal. Spartans were ubergay

>looking sexy is considered gay

they can't into /fa/.

Youre literally watching a movie about 300 sweaty, grunting, hardbodied greeks being in tight formation. Its pretty fucking gay

right of course

"The youths knew what was coming next.

Tree fucking.

When Polynikes tired of torturing them here, he would have their drill instructor march them over to the edge of the plain, to some particularly stout oak, and order them, in formation, to push the tree down with their shields, just the way they would assault an enemy in battle.

The boys would take station in ranks, eight deep, the shield of each pressed into the hollow of the boy's back before him, with the leading boy's shield mashed by their combined weight and pressure against the oak. Then they would do othismos [scrum-like push in battle] drill.

They would push.

They would strain.

They would fuck that tree for all they were worth."

...spartans are a lil homoerotic

Same reason the Celts fought naked. Getting pieces of cloth, leather, or metal pushed into a wound by a dull blade or arrowhead was just a delayed death sentence even if the strike itself was survivable

>phalanx maneouver meant they didn't need armour

Neck yourself you fucking retard.

>It's fucking hot in Greece...

How can so many people believe something so retarded.

You can go see their armor at museums around the world.

>Same reason the Celts fought naked.


> Getting pieces of cloth, leather, or metal pushed into a wound by a dull blade or arrowhead was just a delayed death sentence

No, it wasn't. Aside from high infant mortality and childbirth deaths ancient people lived long lives. They didn't die from a cut. And avoiding being cut by wearing armor was something figured out even before the bronze age.

Non-metal using island tribes figured out armor for fucks sake. Even animal hide and bark armor.


That's my favorite bit in the movie when they all bust a gut laughing as the arrows are raining down on them.

What was King Leonidas' tax policy?

Real Spartans wore armors

It's because Frank Miller and Zack Snyder are massive homos in denial


thats just CGI

>give me your shit athens
>fuck u, i'mma burn your shit

Zac Snyder is a raging closet homo. IRL Spartans didn't go barechest, that's fucking stupid.

For aesthetic porpoise obviously, you are watching a movie remember that.

Because it's a story within a story, and when telling a story you want to make your side look as great as possible. So while the enemy side was covered head to toe in armour your side wore nothing and still kicked their ass.

A good golden rule for history is that generally people aren't retarded. Nobody wanted to die.

It wasn't the cut, it was the foreign material pushed into the wound, like bits of the blade, your own armor, cloth, and leather.

Regardless of the historical innacuracies of the film(and criticizing it for such is entirely missing the point), there were a great many people who fought naked or at least sparsely clothed through much of the Bronze Age.

>people aren't retarded

Why are the posts in this thread so remarkably shitty? Like half of the posts in here look like they were made by underage children.

The Greco-Persian Wars was long after the bronze age


I liked Achilles' armor in Troy.
Anyone else like that movie?

Because it's summer.

No, wait. That's just Sup Forums.

I liked the plane scene.


This is love.

I remember reading that at their peak it is said that they didn't wear armor as their phalanx formation was so effective they didn't need it, they also didn't wear sandals and instead fought bearfoot because the blood made the ground slippery. I don't know if it's valid it's been a long time since i read that somewhere