Charlotte or Shauna?

Charlotte or Shauna?


Little Claire


always Dark Esther.

>They talk like me
>But women

I don't know (yet), but you've just given me a new webcomic to read.

>picking a cheater

Lottie is my eternally pure perfect waifu

the correct is, has been, and always will be Charlotte

will you fulfill her rich fantasy life of lust

>high maintenance
>generally a bit useless
Esther is literally
worst girl

Lottie is literally God's gift to the earth itself. Even Mildred is better than Shauna, man.

Linton pls go and stay go.

Oh man, I stopped reading ages ago, when Dark Esther was best girl. What happened>


She cheated on Eustace in her FIRST WEEK at university

Giant Days happened.

The Boy got fat and lonely, then was killed for trying to get back with Erin Winters, and is now a demonic horse.

Sadly, this is despite Elodie doing a student teacher gig at the Mystery Kids school.

It took on a new cast of younger kids and turned into literally the best thing John Allison has ever done. But Esther cheated on The Boy as soon as she started at uni with some asshole who she ditched immediately after, and they broke up.

you left out he hooked up with Sarah Grote as a rebound

then he slimmed down again before he died

but yeah he died and is now a horse except Erin doesn't know he's a horse

On that spoiler: Is that from the Giant Days ongoing?


Aw that's bullshit. Alas poor The Boy.

Charlotte is like if you took Shelley + Amy + Esther and fused them all together.

The supernatural stuff was a bit of a harsh punishment, but the relationship bombing was standard teen first romance stuff.

>three sluts
that slut factor is PRETTY HIGH user

At this point, Lottie is actually my least favourite of the Mystery Girls.

Shauna, Mildred and Sonny are all better.

I like how you count Sonny as a Mystery Girl. Mildred is pretty good, her putting the moves on was very wew lads.