There are no-go zones in sweden just like in the us and brazil

>there are no-go zones in sweden just like in the us and brazil

Other urls found in this thread:är-är-de-53-mest-utsatta-områdena-i-sverige-xr

>Europe isn't safe anymore it's overrun by non-whites that rape their women on a hourly basis


All banter of course, don't think anyone actually believes that.

i do


Trump literally said there were no-go zones in the Netherlands and there was a diplomatic spat over it. The ambassador (not even Trump) finally admitted just this week that there aren't.

There are dedicated NEETs that do nothing else but just spam this shit over and over on various websites as if there is a civil war or something going on. Absolutely mental shit.

>man stabbed on holiday
What is the world coming to

Literally civil war. A man got stabbed in a country. This never happens anywhere!

A friend of mine recently went to Sweden. And he said it was overrun by refugees.

Everything is fine here, please ignore us and let us "live" in """peace"""

Remember how many Sup Forumstards actually fell for the obviously fake claim that the Church of Sweden banned the male pronoun for God and decided to stop calling him “Lord”? It was even published by Breitbart:

There aren't really, but I am not entering any sketchy banlieue in paris or marseille.

>no go zones dont exist
>even though there is video proof that they do exist
what did brainlets mean by this

Shh. The Independent Thinkers(TM) over at Sup Forums are impossible to gaslight.

>rapeugee ghettos in europe are safe, especially for woman

It's not just Sup Forums


I mean there are not defacto no go zones but the police have even went out publicly and said they won't operate in certain areas of Stockholm and Malmö

>the police have even went out publicly and said they won't operate in certain areas of Stockholm and Malmö
The STATE of cuckistan

The fuck is the police for? Are they too pussy to get hurt in your country? Buy them vests or something what a joke.

That's some third world shit.

>certain areas of Stockholm and Malmö
For example?

So you are telling me that if i get stabbed or robbed or whatever and i'm in this "zone" the police won't come to help me ?

>Swedish police

>Yes hello police i'm about to get beat up here
>Oh sorry sir you are currently in a no go zone you are on your own.

this is what Sup Forums actually believes

i can't speak for the swedes, but this is kinda how shitholes like brazil work
i mean, they tell you they are sending cops, but they aren't, and you can do nothing about it

the same thing happend to me in russia.
we called for an ambulance and it came like 12 hours later


Haven't heard about the police specifically, but I know there are areas where ambulances/fire trucks need police escort to keep the vehicles safe from vandalism. Police usually send two patrols, one to work and one to guard their cars.är-är-de-53-mest-utsatta-områdena-i-sverige-xr

This is a list of the "particulairly vulnerable areas" which is defined as an area where the police has trouble doing their job, that violent religous extremism is grown and that paralell societes exist.

Särskilt utsatta områden

1. Vivalla, Örebro

2. Hallunda/Norsborg, Botkyrka

3. Husby, Stockholm

4. Ronna/Geneta/Lina, Södertälje

5. Rinkeby/Tensta, Stockholm

6. Araby, Växjö

7. Rosengård söder om Amiralsgatan, Malmö

8. Södra Sofielund (Seved), Malmö

9. Bergsjön, Göteborg

10. Biskopsgården, Göteborg

11. Gårdsten, Göteborg

12. Hammarkullen

13. Hjällbo

14. Lövgärdet, Göteborg

15. Skäggetorp, Linköping

>tfw live in vivalla

>15. Skäggetorp, Linköping
The fuck?
I live here and the police is here pretty often...
Literally a police car on my street 5 minutes ago.

are you really stupid or something? Its quite obvious what it means. Of course if you get hurt the police would come help but there are no cop patrols or guys on the beat


Lived here all my life, plenty of police on the streets. Even got stopped by a couple when going home from the pub last week.

Oh shit I'm not the guy I replied to, I wante him to provide the source to the claim that police don't visit these areas.

You do realize that these areas only had the "no go zone" stamp for a short period of time right?
It's not permanent. Usually happens after a riot or big fights etc when the cops get shit thrown at them. But it doesn't in any way mean that cops won't go there because they will.

>no go zones

Fun meme.
>living in worst parts of Malmö here
If the news sites and "reports" were correct I would have been both shot, stabbed, robbed and raped 100 times by now...

>be swede
>get truck'd

Again, I'm not making the claim that cops don't enter these areas.

I am not I linked his post because I wanted him to provide a source to his claims.

Oh, sorry.

Well it requires leaving the apartment

I'm outside more than I'm inside.

heh ofcourse you are my friend

yes, and i tried russian roulette once, but didn't die

obviously russian roulette is perfectly safe

I walk to work every morning, work outside mostly, walk to the shops after, then walk home.
I came home 20 minutes ago, going to the pizzeria soon.

Just because you are basement dwelling weeb doesn't everyone else is.
Så håll häft och skit ner dig.

Right, so you are out during the day rather than the night where most crime happens. I'm willing to bet you dont really fit the description to get raped anyhow.

>Rape in sweden? No way, i'm a 25 year old man and I've never been raped!

I go the pub every Friday and Saturday night, usually walk home around 02-03:00 in the morning.
Prime time for crime, still never had any issues.
How about the other shit? Or do we only have rape here and no theft, robbery, abuse or murder? Huh, interesting.

>If it doesnt happen to me it doesnt happen at all
You're that fucking retarded

The Netherlands is way worse is what my buddy studying there is saying.

People can still live all their lives in Chicago without being raped, murdered or robbed. But that doesn't mean that it's not a crime-ridden nigger town where you need to watch your back. Stop lying to yourself and to others.

But if this is a "no go zone" where even cops aren't safe then yes shouldn't it happen to everyone? 100%? Including me when I'm walking home at night.
No? So people can safely walk home, the police is active on the street.
Then it's not a "no go zone".
It's you who are retarded you dumb fucks.

Vilken jävla pajas du är mannen... du har förövrigt inte sagt vart du bor.

Har jag visst, mitt i Rosengård. Den så kallade värsta delen av Malmö och så kallad "no go zone" vilket inte är.

Rosengård har rätt låg brottsstatistik mannen...

Förövrigt så är no-gone zones inte något värst farligt, det är inget ghetto i USA det handlar om utan små horungar som kanske kastar sten på brandbil/polis/ambulans någon gång.

Men det var ju för fan det jag försökt säga hela tiden.
Finns inga no go zones här i Sverige.
Men alla ska käfta emot ändå som jävla tolvåringar.

[Citation needed]

Haha är du helt blind eller är du rädd att bli kallad rasist som resten av PK-Sverige? Jag bor inte ens i södra Sverige och här härjar blattarna runt likadant. Min syster blev påhoppad av tre invandrare men som tur var hann de inte göra någonting innan det kom medmänniskor och hjälpte till. Vakna upp och inse att något måste göras. Det är rån och skjutningar var och varannan dag, är det så du vill ha det?

Nej jag hatar svartskallar men att säga att vi har no go zones är rent jävla skitsnack. Så försök inte ens. Det här landet har redan gått åt helvete däremot som du säger.
Och våga ens tro att klisterlappar och SD eller liknande idioter kommer göra någon skillnad.
Vi får inte ens avhysa tiggare utanför butiker..

fucking LMAO

this place looks like a poor russian village though

fugg, she wasn't white anyway, i doubt ethnic swedes will give a fuck about this pic

>when you live in a cabin in the deepest parts of Norrland, far from all people and shit

this is now a no go thread

Right wing swedish politicians justify sending people back to afghanistan by saying sweden has "more no go zones" than afghanistan