Hey Sup Forums, I made my second shitty comic. It's about a banana

Not much more to say.

Store in refrigerator in sealed plastic bag.
Keep separated from other fruit at all cost.
Problem solved.

Every step is relatable and amusing.
This is really well setup.

phase 3 is banana bread you enormous banana.

I didn't find it very funny, but others might

Fruit segregation??

I like this user. Have a no-prize and make more for my amusement.

I like bananas

Bananas are like fascists. Put strange fruit next to them and they immediately go full brownshirt.

>the phallus of hulk
>should not go into your mouth
Lucky for me Im not planning on putting it in my mouth :^)

Top quality stuff. Keep up the good work. Also can you post your first one?

it's archived

props to OP for coming here for constructive criticism.

I posted it earlier but can't find the thread. They're both on www.sketchycrab.com as well.

I too put bananas up my ass

Wait just a minute...
You just ripped off that avocado comic!
You sir are a thief just like Stan Lee.

Do people really have trouble eating bananas while they're ripe?

Did you guys know that the banana we are eating now will go extinct in the next forty or so years? It already happened in the fifties and we lost a banana that was much more sweet that the one we eat now.

I eat mine when phase 3 is just starting to set in, if I see nothing but yellow it's underripe IMO.

You are like the Bear Grylls of bananas.

>the banana we are eating now will go extinct in the next forty
While it's likely and possible, it's not set in stone
Other cultivars do exist and the only reason we haven't brought back the last cultivar is because this one is larger and cheaper to produce
Technology has advanced and we are more able to defend against virulent strains that would kill the current crop

I was amused. Not much more to say.

I like this comic better than the first one.