Families blame '13 Reasons Why' for 2 teens' suicides

wtf I love Netflix now

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I blame bad parenting and a lack of emotional development.

Netflix must be made to answer for this

I blame the jews

fox news? fuck off lol

this is a good thing 2bh
if you're depressed then you need to watch it for the final push

"Not our fault lel get fucked"

>Netflix released a statement to KTVU expressing condolences for the teens, but said the series has opened up a dialogue for many others.

>“Our hearts go out to these families during this difficult time,” the statement said. “We have heard from many viewers that 13 Reasons Why has opened up a dialogue among parents, teens, schools and mental health advocates around the difficult topics depicted in the show. We took extra precautions to alert viewers to the nature of the content and created a global website to help people find local mental health resources.”

personal responsibility? In [current year]?

HA called it

Sorry, you're right. It's always somebody else's fault.



>glorify killing yourself for attention
>be surprised when (((teens))) actually do it


That's good and everything, but what does Breitbart have to say about this?

>Harvard study focused on news bias of Trump's first 100 days
>Literally found Fox News to be the only fair and balanced outlet
lol kill yourself shill

why? why would you be inspired to be that big of an attention whore?

>Cuck News Network on full damage control after being revealed for being fake news

I've only seen the first episode because I'm a busy busy boy, but it seemed like she was clearly being selfish and egotistic. Is that not what they were going for?

What does Breitbart have to say though? I want a balanced perspective here.



this was the goal from the beginning. the jews know it's mostly whites that watch netflix, so they made 13 reasons why in order to target them. look at the production team behind it, a spic and a bunch of jews.


its only fair if hannah kills her self for real now

Time for the US version of Blue Whale hysteria!


The show is fucking terrible, but no one is going to decide to kill themselves just because they saw a tv show.

Sure the glorification of suicide in the show might push them over the edge, but they had to have problems before if they were suddenly going to do it.

Did you just make up that corporate quote?

>fox news

Uhhh I agree that all news networks are the fucking worst, but it kind of sounds like you're defending fox news.

Which, if you are, is pretty fucking stupid.

What were the other twelve reasons?


Hannah is truly history's greatest villain

i blame hitler for not finishing the job.

not clever

somewhat clever

Good, suicide is the ultimate redpill and I'm glad 13 Reasons Why is promoting that message even though it sucks.

Never mind people putting billions into corrupting kid's minds, if they succeed it was the parents fault.

I wonder how many more views the show's going to get because of this
like I'm gonna watch an episode right now

>if you get raped or are unpopular you should kill yourself

Not agreeing with the parents, but the show actually had a pretty bad message.

13 Reasons Why is so bad that people are literally killing themselves. Jokes apart, I hate how everybody is praising this show for being a groundbreaking tale about depression.

>friend told me about it
>start to see threads on Sup Forums and others chans
>download it
>friend told me it was amazing and not easy to watch the suffering of the girl
>watch it
>gets angry with Hannah for being crazy, dumb and a lying whore

I still enjoyed it somehow.

can those parents please sue the creators of this tv show and force them to cancel season 2? please?

But season 2 is gonna be about a school shooting, why would you want to cancel the show when it's just about to get good?

>make show about how suicide will help you get back at everyone

lel who the fuck watched this? literally "A Normies Take on Suicide and Depression: The Show"

fuck off

anons with gfs that forced them to watch the show together, I bet.

They probably necked themselves because when they were done with this, Netflix recommended Dear White People and an Amy Schumer stand up special.

Of course it's always the Jews.
It's the Jews' fault I can't get laid and live in my mom's basement.
It's the Jews' fault I am overweight.
It's the Jews' fault I am too stupid to get a degree.
Everything bad happens because of the JEEEEEEEEEEEEWWS

Quads confirm kikes are trash, bud.

dead meme desu

How mad are you right now kikeboy

Hannah was a legit cunt who offed herself because she was a mental defective. Boohoo, hot girl gets voted on a best ass list. Gee that's the worst thing that every happened to anyone.
>literally did nothing wrong

I'd debate you, but I can't argue with quads. Everything you said in your post is true. Quads confirm.

so now they're blaming shitty tv shows instead of metal for kids killing themselves

Why is Lestrange so sad?

>implying Fox News is any better than CNN
>implying they're not two sides of the same fake news coin

>get pruned by janitor
>refresh IP to shitpost
>still get mad for being a bitch

finally something thats guaranteed to be good
good thing its not related too so I dont have to watch the first season

Fox News IS better by a decent margin. We can philosophize on the post-internet world and 24-hour news and political polarization until we're blue in the face but Fox is not nearly as caustic or downright cynical and manipulative as CNN and MSNBC.


Hello plebbit

I'm amazed the show is being pushed as some sort of brave and emotional thing. I watched it out of curiosity and it completely glorified suicide and other self-destruction. I've never believed much that TV shows can influence people, but I could easily see an emotionally damaged kid seeing this and thinking that a dramatic suicide is a romantic and epic way of getting back at everyone.

Fox isn't actually that bad. It's the retards they invite for editorial segments that make them look ridiculous. Their actual reporting is generally fair, and they have plenty of people who calmly disagree and debate topics.

Meanwhile CNN is delving deeper into absurd conspiracy theories by the day, and has always been an enormous circlejerk.

>Be popular normie girl
>Kill self for literally no reason
>Blame everyone who has minorly inconvenienced you in any way, including kindly beta who dared to be friends with someone you didn't like
>Presented as a beautiful and tragic way to get back at people
I'm amazed the show was made, especially with how panicked people are about cyberbullying and mental illness right now.

>Glamorizing suicide

Memes aside isn't Death Grips doing that in a way even though they add a disclaimer?

Of course. It can't be the parent's faults for raising emotionally unstable teenagers.

>Fox News

Bullshit news.

>ywn be so evil that you profit off the suicides of teenagers

this but ironically

Damn, teens get more retarded with every generation.

>Krager !T5l/R87Z4g

Bullshit post.

>>Their actual reporting is generally fair

u wut m8? Fox is the worst of the worst

because as modern medicine develops our evolutionary pathway is distorted even more and more.
Our world is becoming populated with genetic material that would have died out as infants in hunter gatherer societies. We are royally fucking ourselves.

I'll even go as far as to include myself in this. I'm weak genetic material and should have died at 7 from pneumonia

>A study by Media Matters for America found that between August 1 and October 1, 2013, on Fox News "69 percent of guests and 75 percent of mentions cast doubt on climate science," compared to "[half] of those quoted in The Wall Street Journal... about 29 percent in The Los Angeles Times, about 17 percent in the Washington Post and about 12 percent in Bloomberg News."[57][58] Fox News' argument against criticism that it disproportionately represents the views of climate change deniers was to itself deny the factual figures which indicate that 97% of climate science experts worldwide hold the consensus view of human-caused global warming.[59] A 2012 report by the Union of Concerned Scientists found that 93% of global warming coverage by Fox News was misleading. The report put the figure slightly lower—81 percent—for the Wall Street Journal. The misleading statements identified in the report included "... dismissals of human-caused climate change, disparaging comments about individual scientists, rejections of climate science as a body of knowledge, and cherry picking of data."[60][61]

>Croft concluded that Fox News coverage glorified the Iraq War and its reporting framed the discussion in such a way as to drown out critics.[2] He quotes Christiane Amanpour as stating that there was a culture of self-censorship created by "the administration and its foot soldiers at Fox News".[2]

At least we know why so many people on Sup Forums are so passionate about denying climate change now

Says the nigger

>blaming any form of entertainment for causing people to do drastic things

This will go on forever

If you were gonna go on a spree why choose a handgun that only holds 7 rounds.


Those are some mighty fine digits you've got there friend. Real mighty fine.

If I go through with killing myself before the end of the year I'm really tempted to write some shit about this show in my note just for the sweet drama I'll be leaving behind.

the suicide scene was too graphic though. they probably shouldn't have showed it

I feel like she didn't cut deep enough for all the blood that was showed. Also in the book I think she overdosed on pills, it's like they were just trying to be as "daring" as possible. I guess they didn't want suicide to look too easy?

>10 years ago
>movies, television and video games don't lead to violent behavior except in a few extreme circumstances
>hurrr they do

Anyone could have seen this show was a terrible fucking idea before it even made it past the drawing board. One would almost say they pushed it through with this exact intention. Damn it feels good to not use netflix and have my IQ lowered with the literal shit they pump out.

Side note: Selena Gomez brings cancer to everything she touches and I have good reason to believe she is one of (((their))) top puppets right now. Also if anyone actually believes she had ANYTHING to do with the production of this show they should off themselves now and spare the gene pool. Its very easy to just throw her name on there and watch her drones flock to the show.