Show me the pasta dishes of your country

Show me the pasta dishes of your country.


Stir fried pasta with pineapple.

Pasta alla gricia.

pasta alla norma

your pasta remind me of him

Pasta is a shit tier starch. Nobody other than italians and lazy neckbeards (tautology I know) eat it


Fucking love pasta. Especially chinese ones.
Pasta is probably scarce in Africa.

I lke it Germany. In Italy we eat SpƤtzle spinach.


It's pasta al forno

Good job Finland

Tallarines a la Huancaina and Lomo Saltado.
It's delicious!

yeah we do eat it, too

>Eating carbs

Fucking subhumans

>Argentina won't let me eat eggs
>Argentina won't let me eat fruit
>now Argentina won't let me eat carbs



Oh no UK, very bad

Al Forno contains tomato puree and other stuff (in all the recipes I bothered to check), makaroonilaatikko is meant to be simple and easy, it contains meat, onions, milk and eggs instead.

This is the epitome of the cultural fusion between spain and italy.

An italian dish with spanish spelling.

gnocchi is too starchy and gummy, I dislike it

What about this one? Can't find the italian name.



Is pronounced Konkiglie. The sound "glie" is like the sonido "ll" in spanish.

ciao nigga




escudella i carn d'olla

Is that ketchup .......................................
I think i'm colorblind.
SPAIN i want to try it

uma delicia

is this a dish or just random pasta with ketchup on it?

Now here's a proper italian dish I'm sure you'll recognize. Also eaten with ketchup.

we eat it at christmas and birthdays

Top tier hangover dish

its name is nakkimakarylli

you all don't have taste, except for Germany.

You figured that one out yourself, right?

>Be Fisherman
>White sauce is nice for fish
>Get Pasta
>Make it carbs + carbs + stock(animal fat)