How KINO is this movie? Recommend a watch?

How KINO is this movie? Recommend a watch?

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>nothing happens

Should have been better given the cool premise,but pretty interesting anyway

Kill yourself

t. reddit

Go back to r movies.

worst refn actually, sometimes you can say that nothing happens in a movie, but in this nothing happens literally, mads don't say a single word in the whole 100 mins, there's a rape scene too, and a lot of mumbling

>there's a rape scene too
What? I only marathoned about 15 minutes before falling asleep. Didn't even bother to rewind the disk, threw it out.

Very very slow. Obnoxiously so at times. But like all of Refn's work it is gorgeous. Despite its pace I actually did find myself engrossed in what was happening by the end. Somewhat interesting commentary/view on Paganism and Christianity though overall its wasted potential IMO considering the concept I wouldn't say nothing happens, but the few events that do could easily have been condensed into a 15 minute short film and it probably would have made it a lot better too. The rape thing was a little weird though.

Tbh I would have preferred the space ship ending, would have made it a lot more crazy and memorable.

Towards the end the Christians all drink from that bottle which evidently contain some kind of drug. They then all trip balls, Mads builds a cairn, and a guy rolls around in mud while another one climbs on top and rapes him.

yeah near the end, I don't remember much now, but I think one of the vikings rape one of them, just because, or I think he went mad, but add 0 to a non-existing plot

>do i fit in, guys? xD

Holy shit, This movie.
You watch the entire thing thinking something is going to happen. Then everyone dies and nothing happens.

anyway watch it, also bumping for actual discussion

>that ending.
I really don't know what to take from this movie.
Its been a while since I watched it, but it was still quite engaging for its length and minimal story.

Best theory i've heard was that One-Eye is the manifestation of Odin (Odin was also missing an eye he traded for great knowledge, One-Eye has clairvoyance of future events) and the blonde boy represented Thor. I've also heard that it was just Odin who he was meant to symbolize and his sacrifice represented the death of Paganism for the boy in exchange for the boy/the people he represented moving on and surviving with Christianity. Makes the movie a lot more interesting

I think the movie is better the less you know about it, all the marketing making it out to be some kind of action movie was very misguided. Though interestingly the two very brief action scenes are extremely well-done.

It's quite a cool movie to discuss because everyone seems to have their own opinion on what it all means. Personally I think it might be some sort of commentary on religious syncretism. In the end, Odin ends up embracing Christian values while the so-called Christians indulge in barbarity.

Just watch The 13th Warrior.
Unironically this.
Movie is so anticlimactic, didn't know it ended until I saw the credits.

Fuck this movie. Nothing happens and a man gets raped.

you don't even

I've never found anything that puts me to sleep like this. I've watched the first 10-30 minutes a couple dozen times on netflix just because I needed to get some rest. If you have insomnia this movie could change your life.

It also looks good

literal children

im literally 41 years old, asshole.

it was kind of cool but mostly just stupid. it's meh.

even more sad, you're a 41 years old man child

fun fact: the ending was suppose to include aliens coming down from the sky and kill them all

I'd watch the sequel to that

OP do yourself a favor and watch it without reading any of these "comments".

Valhalla rising is a masterpiece.

People who didnt like it, either dont appreciated historic times, or mythological themes.

Its kino.

Its an essential slow, nothing happens, mumble-core pleb filter.

I really loved it. 7.5/10. If you miss the allegory, though, you're gonna be a bit lost.

>mads don't say a single word in the whole 100 mins
Tfw it is the only Mads film or series I have ever seen
Tfw I have never heard his voice

What mobies feature mongolian throat singing? I love that shit.

What do you think the allegory is? Pretty open to interpretation imo

it's good if you like slow movies that force you to interpret things for yourself

The whole story is an allegory to Norse mythology. One-Eye is Odin and the New World discovered after the boat trip is Ragnarok.

It's pretty fucking interesting. Wish I could say I picked up on that the first time I saw it but I didn't. Some good articles have been written on it, though.

Im not sure actually now that I think about it. I started to say Ghost in the Shell, but I think thats Bulgarian folk style.

The throat chanting is Tuvan, not actually Mongolian. "Huun huur tu" has those fire mixtapes if you like it.

The story is just a sci fi with a loose nod to Norse mythology (obviously, the name being Valhalla and One eye) and conflict in beliefs of religions. This is stated by the director.

Its open to interpretation, but it's all loose symbolism. The entire story isnt Norse mythology, despite there being lots of fanfiction style interpretations which read too deeply into that one aspect because of the name and nod to Odin.

>a sci fi

it's great except for the middle on the boat which goes on for way too long
(seriously, the fuck were they thinking with that?)

Science Fiction

Jesus, lad. Come on now.

Refn is a hack

He wanted it to be a """"sci-fi story of the mind"""" whatever the fuck that means. To be fair it was originally going to have spaceships stuff but still. Apparently when they were on the boat they were sailing through space and the new world was supposed to be the moon.

You dumb fucking kid. Kino is a reddit meme.

>Kino is a reddit meme

And Summer appears

>The story is just a sci fi with a loose nod to Norse mythology
Dude, the only person that calls that movie science-fiction is the director.
>loose nod to Norse mythology
Well, it's an allegory so there's the movie and then the deeper meaning - what the players are supposed to represent. No, we're not getting a play-by-play of the Prose Edda, but allegory is never that on the nose.

I think we're splitting hairs, though. It's Refn so it's gonna be open to interpretation.

>didnt notice the male on male rape the first watch.
>noticed the second time and got legit disturbed by it.

Absolute kinography. Refns best film imo.

Really good plebfilter.

interesting atmosphere/aesthetic but slow and underwhelming. wish it was fleshed out more. worth a watch though I'd say since I haven't seen anything else like it.

This, actually. Pleb filter is an unironically great way to describe it.

I don't know if I'd call it Refn's best film, but it is genuinely compelling and good looking enough that someone with half decent taste should be able to finish it. 90% of people you watch this movie will probably be done with it within 30 minutes.

It's very slow and nothing happens for most of the time.

Audiovisuals are top notch.

>Refn's best film
>He attended the American Academy of Dramatic Arts but was expelled for throwing a table into a wall
Holy shit the irony. Looks like he has the potential to make great movies but instead makes boring movies with heavy religious undertones?

He has made great movies already, one of Sup Forumss all time favorites actually. But he is often too overindulgent on zero exposition or explanation, which often results in people calling his movies pretentious. I honestly don't think he's trying to be deep or thought provoking, I think he literally just likes making cool looking shit and doesn't bother with things that bore him like dialogue or super complex stories and people take it like he's trying to be ultra pretentious.

Should be mandatory viewing. One of the most unique and definitive films I've seen in a long time. Very slow going but I've genuinely never seen anything else like it and it's extremely memorable.

It would be my favorite movie of all time if he went with the UFO ending.

it's great, even greater after the boat scene

I wrote a sociological theory paper citing themes from Valhalla Rising and got an A for it

except I wrote it for you, fucking mike


I'm not your faggot friend mike. Don't reply to me again

>Nicolas Winding Refn conceived the film as some sort of acid trip.

Were you motherfuckers all on a comedown while watching this?

>The original ending of the film had One-Eye boarding a spaceship and being flown away. Nicolas Winding Refn, however, decided that it would be too easy for the audience to interpret, and took it out.

Based Refn

Tried to watch it twice, fell asleep. Now it's my sleep aid.

I fell asleep trying to watch Pacific Rim on three separate occasions. I still couldn't tell you what happened in the end of that fucking flick