1. Your country

1. Your country
2. How often do you shave?

Once a week at the absolute most, and that's only because I can't go to work with stubble.

When I see my mustache grows to the point "14 year old horny boy"

every day. im not a fucking ape after all, why wouldn’t I shave daily

everyday but I use an electric razor which just glides over the so I have stubbles if I don't shave daily

Maybe next morning

Every wednesday


usually , but i'm unemployed right now, so i usually shave every third day or so

>tfw your barber uses the straight razor with hot foam

Once every two days, I was cursed with a bl*nde beard so my stubble isn't noticeable

Would never trust someone to do that to me.

Once every two days


Every two days, i like my face smooth, facial hair looks like shit on me.

Whenever I feel like it, but I try not to leave it for too long.

Every 2nd or 3rd day

My facial hair grows slowly, but not as slowly as yours OP

It's a good experience, straight razor is GOAT

What if he's not a Muslim?

Every 3 days or so. 3 days beard is acceptable in most jobs thankfully.

Also safety razor give amazing results with those ultra sharp blades but I've turned my face into a slaughterhouse more than once with them.

I rarely do because I’m a soyboy

Once a month, I'd make a great trap I grow a few hairs a week..

Every 1-2 days, usually.

I have a full beard and haven't shaved in 5 years. I get a lot of ingrown hairs when I do and I don't like how I look with stubble.

Once a month

> I can't go to work with stubble
Wagecucks btfo’d

I never do these days. Got sick of it when I served as a conscript. Not enough of it to save up for a beard, so much that I had to shave each morning.
I trim it short with a beard trimmer.

I trim it with a electric razor once a week

Once every two weeks.
But i should shave once a week at least. It's just that i'm too lazy.

When I shower

Naturally hairless

every 2 days now

I only shave when I have to leave the house.

>I can't go to work with stubble
And the land of the FREEEEEEEEEEE

Once every 3-4 weeks generally

I need to shave every day if I want to be presentable.

But considering I don't have a job and just work on my thesis, once a week.

thrice a year
i'm not hairy at all because of chink genes.

All barbers in England are Turks

every other day with my merkur

I don't shave
Once every 3 or 4 days