All rich people should die

all rich people should die

I agree. I want ussr back now!

You want empty food stores? Good for you.

They were empty during Gorbachev era. I want Andropov back to life too

Only those who destroy society with greed, otherwise there is nothing wrong with being rich, if you're not rich at the expense of others

They shouldn't die, but taxing the 0.1% up to 50% and the 0.01% up to 80% should be perfectly acceptable. They'll still live like kings anyway, having 10 cars instead of 5 cars won't make them any happier.

>if you're not rich at the expense of others
Literally doesn't exist.

There should be an income cap at like 300k and it would adjust to the cost of living over time and geographically.

this but unironically



Nah, more like this

>Buy up properity like crazy in the city
>Don't rent out all apartments
>Artifically increase price
>People have no choice but to pay you rent because they need to work in the city
>Slowly release the other apartments to the market often TRIPLEING THE RENT
>Live off other people's work
>You have done exactly nothing to advance society just living off the hard work off other people

No they shouldn't

yes they should

No p**r "people" should die

(And they do) LMAO

>having 10 cars instead of 5 cars won't make them any happier.
What they spend their money on and what they spend their money for is no one's business but theirs. It's not society's place to decide for others what goals they should have in life and how they should achieve them. People shouldn't have to defend their rights to their property no matter how well-to-do they might be. Taxation should be grounded as much as possible on pragmatism and as little as possible on ideology. It shouldn't be a tool to impose a way of life on others. If someone wants to buy 10 cars, let them. If someone isn't living in a way most conducive to happiness, let them. Don't argue the wealthy should be taxed more because they have too much, argue the wealthy should be taxed more because others have too little. We should strive to create a wealth floor, not a wealth ceiling.

We should simplify taxes and shift to a consumption tax.

tell me ONE reason we should allow r*ch people to live

>you should be taxed on how you earn your wealth not by how much wealth you have
>i just solved the world


Tell me one reason p**R """people""" should live besides to do the jobs we don't want to do.

Now chop chop the toilet is dirty.

ITT: teenagers

answer me first, scum

The reason is that you can't do anything about it you fat neet haha