Cucked by his arch nemesis

>Cucked by his arch nemesis
>Cucked by a blind dude
>Cucked by a firefighter
>Cucked by a black kid, who also stole his name, on multiple occasions
When will he catch a break?

Unless Slott fucks off, never.

>a break

Hey, if they bring back 616 Gwen after Clone Conspiracy then everyone gets a Gwen.
>A Gwen for Peter
>A Gwen for Miles
>A Gwen for Kamala

Peter Parker is the modern white male.

>Amazing Superpowers
>Insanely handsome
>Incredibly witty
>Loved by just about everyone
>Cocklusted after by literally every woman in the Marvel Universe

Yeah, poor Parker...

even if he did catch a break he'd fuck it up

And this thread was made by a pissbaby white male, so what's your point?

He never will. Peter is the self-insert of the average teenage make comic reader. He will never stop getting cucked. People on Sup Forums couldn't relate otherwise.

Well it is not like shit skins can do anything about it.

Thank god I do not read about cucked heroes. Or comics in general. It is a waste of money, and life.

The following character have all cucked Peter at some point:
Tony Stark
Human Torch
Both Osbornes
And now Miles

Dude just can't catch a break

You don't need to feel worse about yourself than you already do. Trust me from experience. Comics are a blessing and a curse.

Stay mad, tarbaby.

You mean Sup Forumsmblr

With who?

You forgot Matt Murdock.

maybe he actually likes getting cucked.

no seriously, what's your point aside from your impotent nerd rage?

stark gets MJ
Ock got the dwarf
Miles gets alt gwen

i forget the rest

*alt Gwens

yeah we can just watch you guys cry about it

it's fucking sad.

Once you make a deal with the devil, you kind of deserve everything that comes to you.

>And this thread was made by a pissbaby white male
You tell me.

You must love the fact there's a superhero with the same disability as you

Yeah, thats all your kind ever knows how to do, just watch.

Meaning what, exactly?

Gonna go with just impotent rage for the sake of impotent rage.

Maybe you'll drum up enough rage to climb out of the basement?