Explain to me how Marvel fell from grace

Explain to me how Marvel fell from grace.

Lack of talent.

Pandering to people thwt don't buy comics
2 or more big crossover events every year
Turning normal story arcs into big crossover events
Constant relaunches

>Constant relaunches that everyone gets sick on
>Unnecessary pander that won't mean nothing to readers
>Huge movie synergy which destroy all originality.
>Spoiled writers who insult fans and get to do what they want
>Insulting fans by shitting on the heroes there love (Fantastic Four and X-Men)
>Huge "nothing will be the same again" events which amounts to jackshit

Well for one thing Bendis is writing like 8 books

This, plus they keep telling themselves that they are good. There was a Dan Slott intervew from a while back where he said that they started inviting him to the retreats because he thinks like them and all of his pitches were similar or identical to some previous ones that came from other higher ups. So, in short, they are right, the older fans are just jaded and wrong and pissing them off is good.

Basically, the movies ruined them.
Marvel is basically a giant specs making machine now. They only exist so that Disney may pick up a random storyline or character, strip it of everything that is fun or interesting (or stupid and bloated honestly) nand push a filtered version of the original to the masses. They honestly don't care what happens to the comics side of the company and honestly, neither do I anymore.

Bendis? The writer?

Movies became more popular than the comics

Fraction, Hickman, Brubaker, and Gillen finishing up their respective runs and Marvel not finding anyone close to as good as them

No more MC2 and Mayday
everything downhill from there

Gillen's kid Loki saga


and nothing of value was lost

It didn't. It just changed focus. Disney now releases incredibly popular films, based on the classic and well received stories, and are free to use the comics as a testing ground and advertising. After all, the profits from the comic side is insignificant compared to what several movies and TV shows bring in yearly.

It's genius, really. Unless, y'know, you prefer the comics. If so, I am so very sorry.

People generally liked their runs on Iron Man and JiM

someone realized comics don't matter any more

Avengers Disassembled

Bendis ruined the Avengers by ruining the Scarlet Witch and making Wolverine and Spiderman Avengers.
Bendis ruined the X-Men with House of M.
Marvel became all about the movies.
Perlmutter killed the F4 and is trying to both kill the X-Men and replace them with the Inhumans to get their movie rights back.
They are creatively bankrupt, their new ideas arent new good stories but replacing white characters with black characters, male characters with female characters, or making straight characters gay.

They took the wrong message from their success. They should've taken from it "Don't be scared to take risks, and stay true to the comics." What they took was "Force trends and only do what is cool at the moment."

>Pandering to fanbase that would rather write about comic books instead of reading them
>Insulting the old fanbase by calling insulting them every chance they get
>They can't write polticial stuff in comics for shit
>Constant relaunches
>Kate Leth

I've never missed Jim Shooter more than now.

They stopped caring about the fans they had and tried to pull in fans they want


They write a few books for the sake of pandering because executives are assholes then a ton of people that don't read marvel in the first place assumed everything they do is pandering

They in fact never fell from grace