Do Papuans...

Do Papuans, Indigenous Australians and other Melanesians have a reputation for big dongs like Blacks have here in America? What about Maoris and Polynesians?

>american threads

OP are you a white male?

Why do you wanna know

I’ve read that about 1/4 of Maori and Pacific Islander births have non-Maori and non-Pacific mothers, respectively. Tragic!

Why are other malanesian peoples (Vanuatuans, papuans etc.. better looking than abbos?

Aboriginals are just cherry picked to look ugly, plus if you ever find one that's beautiful, every Australian cunt will say they're mixed.

Is that picture supposed to make us think they're not ugly?


Right one is definitely mixed though, not sure about middle

Yeah, I just posted it cause of the other two, I think middle one is actually famous model.

This guy looks kinda cute

Sadly Maori and Polynesians have a reputation for big dongs

He has an orc face


They do??


It isn't really a thing that gets said a lot, but I think the BBC thing is extended to them, yes.

The vast majority of them are ugly.

Imagine being this retarded.

Maoris have the biggest dongs



Pretty big willy here tbf.

Yes. It magically grows into a giant dicks. Sorry but growers are a myth. If you are small soft at max you get to 6 or 7 inches

That's literally not even as big as the average white guy

Better because he doesn't have an ugly squashed nose

Yeah I'm not gunna argue about this mate.

Abos don't have big cocks. Just face it. Stop your gay fantasies. It's like you faggots get off on making whites seem like shit compared to other races. Even the BBC myth with Africans is greatly exagerated

this. also, stretched flaccid is a good proxy for erect length

That's why I'm asking stupid faggot.
How would Finland know that?
6 and 7 are already above average, Mr. Know-it-all

That's why I said MAX, mr retard.

its not greatly exaggerated
its completely unfounded

That's why it's a reputation, and I never said it was true, wtf are you talking about you overly defensive paranoid fuckwit.

Go suck Abo cocks then you cuck.

You're talking about the pic or yourself?


Jesus is this what Sup Forums is like? No wonder it's a joke.

Bit of both.

Suck it you white boi bitch

What's your problem? Butthurt white gay?

Also, he doesn't look too bad, kek.
Are you Aboriginal?

What's YOUR problem, Latino baby dick subhuman cuck?

why do my countryman only ever think about penis? it's like everyone here is actually a repressed homosexual

Because giant foot long Mexican cocks are coming to steal our women.

Nope, whitey.

How does one go about acquiring a Polynesian or Melanesian bf?

I was told by another user here once that they're very religious so it might be difficult :(

Aboriginals tend to be hung, Islanders tend to be tiny, and their general larger stature doesn't help matters in the teeny weeny department

t. roastie slut

By Islanders you mean Polynesians only? Or also Melanesians like Fijians?

Maori's Fijians and Papuan's, haven't tried any others. The only hung ones are Abo's

holy shit you fucked an abo? disgusting

>every Australian cunt will say they're mixed
The vast majority are. There were systematic attempts to breed them out of existence.

3, and they were all packing. The city ones are mixed and kinda look like Brazilians

That's because they are mate. Most of them are mixed anyway there are very very few full-blooded aboriginals left.

Exactly, and they can be pretty attractive

hot tbqh

You only fuck ethnics or something?

>tfw no pure abo bf to fuck my lebanese boipucci
wat do

these guys look really masculine. you never see guys like this in the USA. It's mostly all soyboys here.

have mercy on my soul
why can't i get a handsome strong brown bf :(

are you also brown?

I have never heard anyone talk about abo dicks, they are so unappealing that people don't even think of them as sexual beings.


Are Torres Strait Islanders also mostly mixed or are they still pure?

Pure, although they probably have minor Indonesian admixture

Ya they do. Hell among jap girls Indonesian guys are called " huge machines"....islanders get same rep. Big n athletic.

Hell fiji is a female sex tourist spot like Jamaica or morocco

Ya in nz its islander guys that are killing it....european rugby board said it....these guys dont neef roids they are born strong

Ur a kiwi why that sad pakeha...just say ur quarter maori

Do you work in the cruise liner industry? Jap chicks were known to go to Fiji for fucking locals.

Wtf get honor killed fag. Get off this board an get straight being trap os for smooth ass white boys....ur hairy ass says ur bull for life

Them too now?. In fiji it was mainly white girls from straya nz n uk while their bfs are in thailand.
Thought jap girls still goto indoneisa