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so which media station picked this up

>Long Beach
Why am I not surprised...

Why the long beach local news. It's not news it's just some white guy.

and this is why i always conceal carry a knife. if some she ape is going to try and kick my ass shes going to get shanked....fuck that...


I swear to god all forms of "metro" transport is littered with human garbage. At least during the weekday the metrolink trains are full of working people.


rapid dindu delivery system

He relaxed around blacks, had it coming

When I was younger I lived in a city near LA, and went to a school about a 30 minute drive away. During the summer I had water polo practices out at school, so I would often take the metro to get there instead of having my parents drive me. That is a major reason I hate nigs now.

Don't all buses have cameras? Wouldn't the bus driver remember where he dropped her off? There has to be footage of her. I cannot believe in a city like LA they have no footage of this extremely violent thing. She needs to be locked up and the key thrown away. I am so over this Black on White crime.

wtf nobody steps in? of course because it's all niggers

> world star


Yous all rasis
She dindu nuffin
She good girl
She goin to school, fixin her life

Whitey afraid o strong black wumyn o' color


the whole comment section is cancer i had to just close it out

In America, he could have shot her.

In California?

He probably deserved it.

He's a dirty-looking bum in a ripped shirt on a bus. Since when are they known to be a well-behaved bunch?

He looks like the type of guy who would accost someone's grandmother in the parking lot of a grocery store.

I say... FUCK that guy. I hope more people tap dance on him.


WorldStarHipHop The greatest site on the internet.

The most strict gun laws in America, it's not Florida or some other chill pro second amendment state. Only New York could be worse.

To allow others to do it to him also means we allow others to do it to you.

I feel like you're not getting it, son.

I woulda got in and pulverized her by 0:16 desu, that is fucked up. I can get the dude not wanting to risk getting arrested for defending himself, but when the cunt takes it that far, fuck her.

This is what happens to white people who actually think they can go offline and run their mouths like they do here.

>the whole comment section is cancer i had to just close it out
Me too. It is frightening that so many people out there think that way. I grew up with, "Sticks and stones will break my bones, but names will never hurt me." Today they feel justified to maim or kill you if you say a word that offends them. Scary times. Whites should have nipped this in the bud a few years ago when it started getting bad. We let it go too long, now we are suffering for it.

I understand it's in America, but I am willing to bet its hard as fuck getting a handgun or walking around open carry with a rifle in California.

oh, look, Satan's demon.

Jesus Christ, user.

Should have stayed in his seat and kept his mouth closed and he wouldn't have had it shut for him.

oogie boogie nigger
oogie boogie

>This is what happens to white people who actually think they can go offline and run their mouths like they do here.
No, this is what happens to White people who allowed their country and culture to be destroyed. In a civilized society (as we once were, I mourn for my lost civilized America) they would have taken their disagreement "out back" for a fist fight (where you did not hit a man when he was down), or, even more gentlemanly, had a duel.

Funny most of the area down there is nothing but white people. Have they been moving niggers in or something?

oh shut up, Satan. We all know communism is Satan's way, but this is America with freedom of speech and if you don't like what someone is saying, then deal with it in a civilized manner or run home and cry that your fweewings were hurt. waaaaaaa

So do I thumbs down if I hate the beating or thumbs up if I agree it was horrible?..

The stupid thing is people actually think, for an iota of a second, that this sort of behavior is a good idea.

Guys I think I found her. Even took a pic as proof. I think you may have to apply for extradition.

>wtf nobody steps in?
Don't want to get sued now do you?

You mean that's what happens if you let wild animals live in human society?

Fuck yo couch nigga

Would it be legal for him to pull out a firearm and blast this nigger? is that legal wherever this is?

You mean the country whites stole and committed genocide and brought slaves over? That's funny....

imagine if the guy pulled out a gun in the middle of the stomping and started gunning her and all of her accomplices recording down... everyone would side with the violent baboon and talk about how she was an angel etc

If you don't like it go get your guns and shoot it out. Don't talk about it here.

I don't know about cali laws, but you usually get to use self defense when you are unable to retreat and in danger. So he would have been able to do whatever state laws allow for self defense.

>You mean the country whites stole and committed genocide and brought slaves over? That's funny....
Oh, look, another uneducated American taught by communists. Learn your real American history. We did not "steal" anything. We did not commit "genocide" and it was not Whites who brought slaves over and it was not a White who went to court to become the first slave owner in America. But it was Whites who ended slavery.

They'd naturally say the white racist called her a racist slur and started the chain of events. All he had to do was sit down and ride the bus.

>country whites stole
We bought the land Tonto, next time get shit appraised instead of just thinking ooooh these beads are pretty they must be worth a lot!

What an insult to cute Polo!

There was no country before White people arrived though lol.

>committed genocide
But Amerindians were extremely vicious with each other and routinely wiped each other out in squabbles, as was common for primitive societies.

>brought slaves over
But Jews brought slaves over and they are rootless cosmopolitans.

Whites didn't bring ANY slaves over here? Who was it Santa Claus? Native Americans killed themselves right? If none of this took place then why is it in YOUR HISTORY BOOKS??


Nope. I'm not a dirty bum in a ripped shirt on a bus.

I'm way above that guy in terms of class and income. My life matters more than his.

Natives have a different story. I never saw a contract signed that had wiping out an entire race of people in the fine print.

> race baiting comment

Replace the word whites with just about any nationality and it's the same fucking argument.

that guy is a cuck couldnt handle one woman wtf, one punch it would been over.

Yeah it sucks that viruses genocided the natives, but its a little silly to accuse viruses of genocide since they aren't sentient beings.

Maybe you shouldn't have killed the farmer, raped his wife, stole his property, burned his house down and used his and his families scalps as currency.

Stop being a historical revisionist. Shit happened for a reason.

Any male who doesn't hit woman is a bigot misogynist pig who thinks that women can't take a beating like men.

>Whites didn't bring ANY slaves over here?
Nope, the Jews did. See >Native Americans killed themselves right?
Native American tribes were in constant battles with each other and they were brutal. Many Native American tribes immediately went to the English and French to live for protection, to get away from the violent tribes they were constantly warring with. And yes, Whites did battle Native Americans, I never said they did not. War is not genocide, idiot.

>violently assault someone and continue to attack long after they have given up trying to fight and are curled up
>say he called you a name
>this makes it ok

I hope the Judge throws the literal book at her.

It DID happen for a reason. White people. That's the reason. Should have stayed in your own country.

Fucking hell. This is happening on a daily basis in the states. The left wing media refuses to believe there is a disproportionate amount of black on white crime, the excuses they come up with are getting embarrassing.

I genuinely feel sorry for you hard working, descent Americans that have to put up with these fucking animals.

and then every nigger on that bus would be on your ass

Guess that "bridges not walls" immigration policy backfired.


>I never saw a contract signed that had wiping out an entire race of people
Neither have I. By the way, what race of entire people were wiped out?

Yeah, and the reason was they sucked at protecting themselves. Stop obsessing with the wrong doings of history. If the roles were reversed at that time then the natives wouldn't have hesitated to commit a white genocide either. The only humans who think peace is the only way to live are the ones who suck at defending their people.

You call a gun verses a bow an arrow war? That's funny. You call it war and the natives call it genocide. I'll believe the people who got wiped out and forced to live on reservations.

>Implying I need any form of permit for carrying rocks
>Implying I wouldn't use the rocks I carry to smash some knees

it's even scarier that name calling can be used to drop chargers or reduce a sentence.

forgot the term, is it incitement?

>wiped out
>forced to live
You're really bad at this.

Yeah, there are still nice parts, but it definitely a lot more nigs there. Really everywhere around LA has more of them. The only city I can think of that doesn't is Manhattan Beach.

It wasn't a genocide. It was a tit-for-tat warfare, with wholesale slaughters on both sides. The first documented evidence of biological warfare being used against them was during the French and Indian War when the French used them to attack our frontier settlements and slaughter our families and we had to retaliate. Don't try to argue if you don't know basic history, its embarrassing.

Newsflash, we took it from them, they took it from someone else, and they took it from someone else.

Stop bitching about it. It's literally the history of the fucking world. There isn't a single place on the planet that doesn't share the same story passed down over and over again.


that was the rick james eddy murphy couch jig wasn't it?



>forgot the term, is it incitement?
Yes, I think so. It is very scary, but again, we have no one to blame but ourselves. We allowed our Law School Admissions departments to be taken over, and they were very selective (meaning, on purpose) of who they brought in, and then we allowed these commie liberal judges to fill seats all around the US. Now we are suffering for it. They have totally changed the way American law used to work. It is disgusting and a disgrace.

He's saying California isn't America fuckleberry.

For fucks sake I am trying to take your side asshole. I said the same thing that the supposed "genocide" was just a war. And wars aren't fare. If the natives had the same means as the whites and the whites had the same means as natives, then they wouldn't have hesitated from wiping out whites either.

That's the problem with white people. They're always the ones who keep saying get over the atrocities we've committed in the past. Blacks get over slavery. Jews get over the Holocaust. Natives get over genocide. Newsflash it's only a matter of time before the shoe is on the other foot. God knows you all deserve it. You can't say you don't.

you just cant argue with that logic. you just cant

How are they even there though? The houses there in Long beach are expensive as fuck up in the half a million?

>pretending you're not white online
Just reddit things.

>natives call it genocide.
Do they? Source? [And by source I mean not written by an American-hating commie.]

I do not recall ever reading or hearing the word "genocide" used in relation to the pioneers, settlers, and the Native Americans. But that could be because THERE WAS NO GENOCIDE! Again, I ask you, which race of people was wiped out????

Why do you say they would genocide us, and now saying they would wipe us out if they had the advantage then? That assumes we did that do them, which is false. Its confusing.

I have turned their own weapon against them. #Beatingwomen #Feminism

True. Basically history is the tell of what people can do. Look at the Muslims in India and the Middle East; they conquered it simply because they could.

How this basic fact escaped liberals is mind boggling.

>bad things never happened to white people
>the jews were the only victims in WWII
>the slaves were the only victims of the civil war

White people do get over it. It's the others that use it as an excuse for holding themselves back

Pretending I'm not white. That actually hurt my feelings a little bit. I'd never want to be white. Your race has a lot of pain coming to it in the future. I hope you're all ready.

when white people arrived here they were starving and on deaths door. but then some nice old indians promised to help these white people survive the winter. want to know what they wanted in return? they wanted their help to slaughter a competing indian tribe. after the reds and the whites successfully killed every man woman and child of that tribe, they had a celebratory feast. that was the first thanksgiving.

really, red man, in the end you got what you deserved.


I am saying that its the nature of human beings.
The loser always says that he was peaceful and atrocities were done to him first. Check any war in the history (Except German wars)

That's what I am saying.

The Civil War? I hope you're not trying to blame minorities for that? You killing each other over who ran this corrupt satan created country is not the fault of minorities.

Black women dindu nuffin. They sovereign!
Thank you, BlackEducationTV

>God knows you all deserve it.
God knows the Truth, you obviously do not.

As a Catholic, I can honestly say Catholics have been there. Catholics have been persecuted throughout history, and were even banned in England for over 100 years, and were totally discriminated against when they came to America in the early years.

As a White, I can say Whites have been enslaved and slaughtered throughout history, such as by the Muslims, thus the Crusades. And Whites are being discriminated today in many ways.

But you know what? Whites don't play the victim card, which is why no one realizes the horrors Catholics and Whites have endured over the centuries. We pick ourselves up by our bootstraps and go and conquer the world and create the best civilization that ever existed. Then we decide to share it with others and they destroy it and turn against us.

My gosh, I am done with you. You are either the most uneducated person around who does not even have a basic elementary grasp of history, or you are purposely playing the idiot. Good Night, Sir!

>"I hope you're not trying to blame minorities for that?"
>war liberals claim was exclusively fought because of slavery
Man, you ARE bad at this.

"You get what you deserve"

So will this country.

Like the pain of being slaughtered by blacks every day? Invaded by foreign hordes? Enslaved by Muslims for centuries? Genocided in Africa? Already happening, already been happening. You're attempting to justify your resentment and genetic psychopathy with a kindergarten understanding of history.