How did something so amazing like this manage to happen throughout history?

How did something so amazing like this manage to happen throughout history?

>one man saves an entire countries economy, creates one of the best miltaries with unprecedented technological and scientific advancements
>millions of people rally under him
>national unity and strength unlike never seen in history

It's straight out of something you would read in a fiction book, but it really happened.

Other urls found in this thread:

german autism

Will to power

>This generation's Hitler may be posting on Sup Forums right now
>This generation's Hitler may be posting on Sup Forums right now
>This generation's Hitler may post in this thread

Russian commuist jews were very close to taking over Germany.

Their defensive measures to prevent the commie takeover needed to be extreme.

fuck off naziboo

>tfw it's me

feels goodman

>this generation's Hitler
>a fucking leaf

Pick one.

And then the American Army Air Core bombed it all to ashes.

Checkmate Nazi fags.

delouse yourself


How will I know it is you when you rise to power, brother?

Canadians are the most powerful race on earth


>foreigner goes and becomes leader of a major nation
Prepare to bow to a leaf

I'll blink twice right after declaring Canada independent from the commonwealth.


>Trudeau promises weed
>Canadian Hitler grows weed
>Runs for parliment
>Gets voted in
>Ethnicly clenses X race cause it's 2018

I can see it happening

>le commie joo conspeeruhsee


>anyone who does not worship dead losers like me is a kike

>anybody who takes glee in the death of men who died fighting Jewish puppets in defence for their nation is not a kike

..but we're already independent lmao

You're literally a cuck who would betray your own country for a bunch of dead German nationalists

When do you graduate high school? I am sure you will grow out of your edgy phase. I used to be an edgelord who liked nazis but then I grew up.

Actually it's the opposite. It requires education to come to being a national socialist- as we clearly see all of the european/whites who aren't ethnic nationalists lack education regarding their racial future and how it is in jeopardy.

The only thing funnier than the 15 year old holocaust deniers on Sup Forums is the people who waste their time debating them on the internet. You really don't have anything better to do?

How does this behavior help you achieve your goals? Of course that presupposes that you have life goals, and also have the self awareness to realize when you are disrespecting yourself by wasting your own time. That's probably a huge stretch in your case.





>those trips

Oh fuck.

Show yourself mein neue Fuhrer.

Nice ad hominems bro I'm convinced.


Once he fixed the economy and got the german people out of their miserable condition, of course millions would praise him as Fuhrer.
Regardless, Hitler's biography is pretty impressive.

*kneels to satan trips in awe*



now you just tip your fedora to a well-curated folder of dead nationalist warriors

As if we don't already know who its gonna be...


>and then he fucked it all up by attacking Poland

Inb4 muh massacres or muh allies with the anglos or whatever shitty excuse you have

He dun fucked up, and you know it.

>high school
>edgy (while posting pictures of dead conscripts dead in the middle of their hometown


Don't you know? The polish were eating german babies by the THOUSANDS every morning with breakfast

I think it had something to do with printing German money to save the economy instead of staying on Rothschild money which had destroyed their economy for the banker's profit.


I would like to know how he saved the economy though, it sounds interesting and I never looked into it, personally I'm not a big fan of collectivism, but I'm sure a country could adopt similar economic policies if they work, without being socialist.

>save the economy
Short term, with no war it would have collapsed/, theres no "magic" money


>he saved the economy
He didn't, it was Hjalmar Schacht, a giant banker, THE banker. The air force,navy had been enlarged greatly, overcoming restrictions by the versallies treaty, this created lots of jobs.

Posting in this thread to say hi to Hitler 2.0.

Good luck.

I remember it revolved around infrastructure at first. Guess who built the first interstate system. Hitler


>Guess who built the first interstate system. Hitler
Again, it was Hjalmar Schacht who commissioned developed infrastructure


LoL - don't know anything about the German people/Germany if you think it wasn't great long before Hitler in every one of those fields. Hitler had not that much to do with it.

>>This generation's Hitler may post in this thread

Heil Mein Fuhrer

How do I know if I'm the next Hitler?

>148 5+3 4+4 8
1488 88
Nyoh my god

mmm those trips


Fuck off leftist

Most of all, where did he get the money to achieve all of this? jewish gold was in Switzerland right?

you're still an edgelord faggot



it's happening again; see Putin

also, Hitler lost, fanbois

>saves an entire countries economy

Oh you pathetic Nazi apologist OP and other racist imbeciles and your dumb bubbles you live in.