Post old money from your country

Post old money from your country

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Wish we changed our current money anyhow


We got cuck'd by America 150 years ago...



I still can't believe they're discontinued, people here trade the new ones for these because no one can stand Evita.


got one of these at home

Do you guys ever get coloured coins?



The new ones have Evita Peron on them?


Yeah, nobody likes them except the peronfags.

Feudal paper notes

Old finnish mark from the Grand-duchy era.


What are peronfags like?

What does it say? I know the bottom character is eternity.
Also, here's an old medal I own.

Beaver pelts were the predominant currency here for 300 years

Finns WAZ ROMANZ too?


Our old silver currency was used and accepted in many countries, including the US, Canada and much of East Asia. Pictured is an example from Japan.


寛永(era name)


>República Mexicana

Much better than Estados Unidos. Wtf were they thinking


was this the bitcoin of its time?

thats a lot
you could... you know...


Squirrel skins along with some other pelts.
Even our word for money originally ment animal hide

This design looks like child paper money. Something like the (((new))) 10€ bill. Horrible.

Nah, bitcoin lasted more than 4 years.

The laziest people you'll ever meet, they want
the government to give them everything served on a silver plate for no reason whatsoever. That is pretty much how Peron brainwashed people back in the day, like food stamps on steroids pretty much.




On a side note, the pound is the world's oldest currency still in use, at 1200 years old.

Shame the old coins aren't better preserved. I imagine they'd have looked quite nice back in their heyday. Modern ones look stellar when they're clean and new.


It's a bridge

Quite an ugly one, at that

the absolute state of brittish "engineering" and "architectur"



Vitalik pls

sadly they don't put any effort into it anymore

Look very similar to our old pound couins

i like these, you should've kept them

12th century maravedí



sooo goood
not that the polymer notes suck but the 60s paper money was aesthetic as fuck

>not using sticks for money



>old money

amazing, looks useful.


> in god we trust
aren't you supposed to be a secular country?

>Swear on bibles in court
>Swear on a bible to become president
>No chance of winning presidency without some form of Christian belief
>Pledge mentions god
>Secular nation

Just read this :

Cool stuff





2 old latvian potatoes and a half-potato

I need an Austrian user to cry about Schillings and talking about how money without famous persons of a country are soulless


US or Mexico still like and use them (even if in name only).




Natives did not trade between them selfs. Their entire culture depends on raiding other tribes and steal what you could carry.
Soon the Europeans arrive, they quick learn how to trade, accepting things that where never seeing before in the new world.
As a matter of fact, the first commercial translation ever made in Brazil, was a piece of mirror for a night with a under age native girl.

What do you guys think about my cunt history?




> Swedish and Finnish text
So the tsar never tried to assimilate Finland into Russian culture. Interesting.




One billion bilpengő from 1946


golden forint from the 1400s

golden forint from the 1300s


Better than euros

they were in the process of doing that, but WW1 got in the way

Good ol times right user?



気高きアンデス 駆け巡る
インカの国を 造るため
その人の名は マンコ マンコ・カパック (×2)
苦しめられた インカ族
他の部族から いじめられ
指でつつかれた マンコ マンコ・カパック (×2)
空はにわかに 掻き曇る
雨の中進む 目指すは『クスコ』
濡れてしまった マンコ マンコ・カパック (×2)
戦に慣れない 若き王だった
まだ年若きゆえに 敵もなめている
なめられた マンコ マンコ・カパック (×2)
戦いは続く 激しい戦いが
敵も死に物狂いで 攻めてくる
激しく攻められた マンコ マンコ・カパック (×2)
おののくインカの軍勢の 背後から
さらに敵は容赦なく 攻めてくる
後ろから攻められた マンコ マンコ・カパック (×2)
敵の射掛ける矢が うなりをあげる
その中の一本が 彼を貫いた
貫かれた マンコ マンコ・カパック (×2)
傷口を押さえながら うずくまる
しかし奇跡か 傷は浅かった
少し血が出た マンコ マンコ・カパック (×2)
幾日もの戦に 心も休まらず
風呂にも入れぬ 王様だった
臭い 臭い マンコ マンコ・カパック (×2)
たどり着いた都 豊かな地『クスコ』
すさんでいた王の 心が開かれた
クスコで開かれた マンコ マンコ・カパック (×2)
こうしてインカの 国ができ
人々は王に ひざまずく
われらが王マンコ マンコ・カパック (×2)
みんながひれ伏すマンコ Oh! マンコ
みんなが大好きマンコ Oh! マンコ!

god bless the inflation

Oh interesting, our current money uses that symbol a lot
Picrelated is 1 kopeyka (1/100th a ruble)
I believe some other coin also has it


This is the oldest Japanese coin.
It's made in 708.

absolutely better than euros

We had square money until quite recently.

fucking lithuanian bank robbers