ITT: That type of Mary Sue who primaily exists to espouse the writer's political beleifs



A weird one, because they're portrayed as totally correct and admirable while their behavior is incredibly selfish and amoral.

I think that's just a lack of self awareness.
I didn't watch past like half way through season 3 but I did see up to Lin forgiving her.
I guess the issue is she's supposed to be forgiven because they want to portray what she did as irrelevant but it just comes across as shitty since she did wrong by Lin AND she was 100% unrepentant until Lin forgave her. So Suyin didn't apologize until after she was forgiven.

Good god fuck Suyin. She's an awful person. Only redeeming factor is that she killed P'li in the most badass way.

She gets much worse in Book 4.

The Earth Kingdom has turned into a Mad Max hellhole and Suyin is asked to use her vast resources to help. She refuses (claiming she would be "imposing her will on them"). Suyin's adopted daughter argues against this and gets disowned.

Years later, when the adopted daughter (Kuvira) is now running the Earth Empire, she comes to force Suyin's city to rejoin the nation. Suyin refuses but Korra convinces the two sides to have a temporary truce. During this ceasefire, Suyin tries to murder Kuvira in her sleep.

In the end, she completely forgives her biological son (who was Kivira's right-hand man and responsible for the exact same crimes), while she tells Kuvira "YOU'RE GOING TO PAY FIR EVERYTHING YOU'VE DONE!" as she's locked up.

Is this about that Israel panel?


All of Ennis' OC protagonists.

Never forget.

Man I love Fables but that panel is inexcusable.

Not a Mary Sue, one of the characteristics is being obscenely qualified to do everything as well as being loved by everyone.

Most people in-universe don't like Bigby.

Though doesn't mean he isn't a soap-box for the writer's political shit.

She's literally a Ayn Rand stand in and Unironically portrayed like a hero.

No wonder Korra was so shit, it was created by a Feminist/Marxist and a Randian, two conflicting ideologies.

You better not be shitting on Hitman.

Oh shit, is that Bigby? I thought it was John Constantine until you mentioned Fables.

Some people would say constantine
Those people would be wrong but I could see there argument (the soapbox part I have only ever seen one person be enough of a faggot to call him a Mary Sue)

I don't think Garth Ennis agrees that lying to your girlfriend is a good thing. And as that's half of what Preacher is about I don't think Jesse Custer is a Mary-Sue.

He's not as handsome in the comics.

Your choice of Cap love interest past the 70s

What panel are we talking about? I either missed it or am not upto it. I have read up to The Good Prince.

There's one where he goes on a long pro-Israel rant.

>obscenely qualified to do everything

bigsby fails on this one too since it's mentioned in the first novel that he's completely unable to use technology, to the point that he leaves investigating a computer he found as evidence to snow white or w/e

I've only read the first book tho, buying em one buy one, pretty good so far

It's really not as bad as everyone makes it out to be.

What's wrong with Isreal anyways aside from the jew boogeyman. Ignorant canadian here btw.

They've been slowly invading Palestine and thanks to their ties to Hollywood keep everyone in the dark about it or fetch one of their celebrity goons to call you a racist if you call them out on it

Don't know if this counts as a Boogeyman since this is actually happening, I don't have anything against Jews just Zealots posing as Jews.

They're basically an imperial apartheid state who've been fucking on Palestinian civil rights for fifty odd years.

There was an attempt to make a Israel/Palestine into a secular state during the 60s which most of the Palestininan leaders at the time were happy with but Israeli leaders straight up shot it down.

Also Israel uses really random excuses to invade places like Lebanon and stir up a hornet's nest there too.

Also saying being anti Israel is being anti-semetic is about as retarded as saying being anti-North Korea makes you anti-East Asians.

but there IS an exception that a Mary aSue can be hated out of jealousy. and everyone who hates Bigby does it out of jealousy and is NEVER portrayed as anything but weak for doing so

You lying goy bastards.

So who does Sup Forums side with in all this? Sounds to me like it'd be a pretty difficult decision for them to make.

Sup Forums opinion is generally "I don't give a crap about either side", weather that means "we should stop giving israel tons of money" or "I hope everyone dies" varies

You're opinion is inexcusable
You're a soap-box for the writer's political shit
You're a pro-Israel rant
You're not as bad as everyone makes you out to be
You've been slowly invading Palestine and thanks to your ties to Hollywood keep everyone in the dark about it or fetch one of your celebrity goons to call people a racist if people call you out on it
You're basically an imperial apartheid state who've been fucking on Palestinian civil rights for fifty odd years.

There was an attempt to make you into a secular state during the 60s which most of the Palestininan leaders at the time were happy with but you straight up shot it down.

Also you use really random excuses to invade places like Lebanon and stir up a hornet's nest there too.

It's completely out of the fucking blue though, that's the thing.

The problem with Israel is that the conservative establishment (which is in power) is heavily Zionist, and is bed with the religious extremists which leads to a policy of antagonism and outright hostility to Palestinians. They believe they have a divine mandate to the land and it's no big deal if they confiscate Palestinian property and give it to themselves. It's important to note that there were significant strides toward peace in the '90s, and everyone thought that a new era of peace was at hand. This of course, angered the aforementioned religious extremists and they assassinated Yitzhak Rabin for signing the Oslo Accords.

Israelis responded by electing Benjamin Netanyahu who promptly decided he was going to fuck everything up and reneged on the promises Israel had made to the Palestinian Authority. His entire foreign policy has been harsh antagonism towards all potential enemies, including Iran, to the point where he's tried to sabotage the nuclear deal, openly rebuked the United States, and tried to ingratiate himself to Vladimir Putin. I don't want to make it sound like it's entirely Israel's fault peace has broken down, but they're responsible for a good chunk of it. It doesn't help when they see every protest, rebellion, and attack as validation in their provocations.

Israel needs to chill the fuck out and either get over their obsession with Hebrew nationalism and integrate the Arabs as full citizens or abandon Zionism and remove the settlements and accept a two-state solution.

>Every single cape character ever

>Bigby becomes a soapbox

Dammit, I was actually liking Fables so far. Where's a good stopping point?

>this thread

But it was solicited...

It's one fucking page. Just eat it and keep going. Fables is fantastic.

>just one page

Well that's a relief. How recent was the israel comment though?

Years ago? Fables is over man.

And I still haven't gotten over it :(

Fables does really go to shit, though, especially after the Empire goes down.

I wouldn't say that so much as Willingham didn't know how to end it. There are parts that were brilliant, and the spin-offs were still top-notch.

Not knowing how to stop is a reoccurring problem for Willingham. His stuff tends to just Peter out of he goes "fuck it" and burns the whole thing down

He should just let other people continue the story on without him. There's so much left to see and do.

>we'll never get another Wolf Among Us season

I thought we were?

>You've been slowly invading Palestine

Would anyone here actually give a shit if it was anybody other than Jews genociding Arabs?

Name a single one. Tommy, Butcher, Jesse are all very flawed.

Nobody gives a shit regardless. It doesn't really matter who's doing the killing; America already has a hateboner for the Arab nations, so the media would be very strongly in the attacking country's favor regardless of who it was and the American population would therefore remain completely indifferent. Sup Forums only likes to make a fuss out of Israel being the attackers because hurf durf Joos.

Heck, they all even pay the consequences for their actions.

>shoot missiles into a neighboring country
>be surprised when they invade you

> I don't think Jesse Custer is a Mary-Sue.
You're objectively wrong. Let' see
>iron will
>model looks
>better hand to hand fighter than Jackie Chan and Van Damme combined
>shoots as good as Bullseye
>is a god at sex despite losing his virginity in his 20s
>every woman wants him
He's a by the book Mary Sue

Not to mention how Ennis wanted to make him smart but saw that it was too hard so instead just made everyone else fucking stupid.

Is that a Warren Ellis character?
It looks like a Warren Ellis character.
By the way every Warren Ellis character.

So much this.

Bigby's views on Israel make sense if you remember he's a giant brutal Wolf from Germanic Folk Tale.

>imperialism is bad
>muslims are good
Kekkius maximus

They literally stole land from palestine and started their own country with UN's consent, and the only reason it exist is because jews are rich.

This is why Spencer should stick to comedy.

My only real problem with it is he's talking to the big bad of the series who has never left the fable lands as if he'll suddenly think "Oh man, this Israel place must be hot shit". Gepetto had taken over a hundred different fable realms at that point, it was just a silly thing to say that doesn't fit the context.

Yeah, I never interpreted it as the author endorsing Israel, I always interpreted it as Bigby being Bigby. His opinion on Israel is formed by his having actually snuck off to fight in both world wars, and on thinking of morality in terms of "the world against my pack" rather than "All us people together". He's seen firsthand how awful war is, twice, and he still isn't swayed by "the endless cycle of violence and reprisal" because he values pragmatic survival over the moral high ground.

I mean, this is a guy who stopped eating people not because it was the moral thing to do, but because it would piss of his enemy to see them go free.

It would be so much better if Bill Willingham weren't staunchly pro-Israel IRL. If he weren't it would just seem like the character itself going on a rant instead of Willingham arguing in favor of his political views.

Wouldn't that make him hate Jews