What's the DNC gonna do to counteract the coming leaks? If they are as damaging as is being reported...

What's the DNC gonna do to counteract the coming leaks? If they are as damaging as is being reported, Hillary is finished. How will they go after Assange? How can they discredit him further?


they will charge him for raping a Ecuadorian Embassy coffee table.


Hillary will respond by releasing her own leak..

a dribble out of her adult diaper.

After that she will call assange a racist… and his credibility will be destroyed.

They'll just kill him before the leaks happen.

It was stupid to announce them then wait for ages before releasing them. They've nominated her, just do it, it's already too late for the DNC or Hillary to recover if they're as damning as they claim.

i wish they'd fucking release them already

It'd be way too obvious

Same, but he's waiting for maximum damage in November so she can't respond

that is one nice thumbnail shill

i doubt this idiot even has anything else. he is just trying to stay relevant again. i would honestly bet $1000 that no new information gets leaked before the election. is there any betting sites that do this?

They have the media not cover it.

Release Hillary's real medical files.

I would bet my left testicle, that she is brain damaged and dying.

>It'd be way too obvious
And Shawn Lucas and Seth Conrad weren't? It's already clear she's above the law and the media are in her pocket, she can and will get away with all of it.

I think you mean "What is Sup Forums gonna do when the retarded masses ignore the leaks... again"

fuck. Just reading about this now. jesus christ

The leaks will be damaging, but not enough to elect Donald.

>arming terrorists
>rigging election
>theft of campaign funds
>media manipulation

lol what will bring her down?

I agree with you dad but neither of them have a fraction of the profile that Assange does

not like clinton gives a flying fuck but still

They cant do anything, shes done. Enjoy the next decade on Trump.


They will slide by releasing what Zika actually does to non-pregnant people.

>iran contra

You're seriously underestimating the stupidity of leftists.

Delete this.

Well the table didn't give possitive consent.