The media is so dishonest, trump landslide

College kids do honest poll to show real numbers. trump landslide

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Trump 67
Killary 25

Wouldn't suprise me, no one wants Hillary.

Have a link to the poll to verify?

Lol is this real? If duba it is.

The polls are definitely rigged one way or the other.



It's from twitter. Found on the donald

Back to /leftypol/ with you.

>1000 from New York
>1000 from Wyoming

What could possibly go wrong?

Ron Paul has never done me harm, I got my gold and my habbening bunker ready just like he said.

Back to statistics 101 with you.

What they need to do is put a weight on each state equal to the electoral college votes to see what the election results look like.

Also, calling 1000 people in California is a bit different than 1000 people in Rhode Island. I realize that 1000 people is generally enough anyway if they are called at random, but still.

I you, man.


Media outlets are dishonest? Who'd have think it?

Real men don't work at retail jobs and post on Sup Forums, they work as freelance graphic designers for major firms making a comfy $80,000 a year, with enough time to spare to brush up on classical liberalism and educate edgy teenagers on javanese shadow puppet cartoon boards.

You almost got it.

The "college kids" if they ever actually even did this, are deliberately weighting low population states equal to high population states in their final tally.

50k calls, 1k from each state = states with 20 million people get weighted exactly the same as states with 700k people

It's absurd, so Sup Forums will probably blindly accept it as gospel like they did the "primary model"

They should release the data for individual states. It would be interesting.

Honestly it doesn't surprise me. I knew they were fake but if this is the case it would make a lot of sense out of what's going on this past week. The CtR shilling. McCain bush and Romney possibly endorsing third party as a last ditch effort. The downplaying of poll rigging by Obama while hammering hard on Russian interference. Trump looking totally relaxed about everything while Hillary is spending money incalifornia of all places. Clearly the insiders see the writing on the wall and it isn't pretty

Wouldn't it be more appropriate to include CNN and MSNBC? Fox news is in shambles now, part of them like Hannity, OReiley, Greta and Lou Dobbs are on the Trump train, while cuckservatives like Megyn Kelly are raging nevertrump shills.

To be fair, I'm not certain if that spread for Republicans, Democrats, and Independents is completely accurate.

According to a Gallup 2015 poll, which I think is the most recent poll for this data, 42% of Americans are independent, while 20% are dem and 26% are republican. Taking leaners into account, it's 45% dem and 42% repub.

Not to mention that their party affiliation sampling is wildly off since America is not 33% democrat, 33% republican and 34% independent so arbitrarily forcing that breakdown is another way to deliberately skew the data

This. Mainstream polls are biased as fuck (mostly using the 2012 Obama turnout to predict a disaster candidate like Hillary), but this methodology is fucking absurd.

That would make a lot of sense if 33% of likely voters were republican, 33% were democrat, and 34% were independent.

This isn't an electoral college analogue you stooge, this is gathering general sentiment on the various topics listed from equal numbers of people from each state to get a clear picture of what the general consensus is.

Why have Anderson Cooper in that image?

Polls can show whatever you want.

You just finesse the questions and methodology till the answers match desired outcome.

Only one poll in November matters… the key is to make certain that one isn't rigged…. (Which it may well be)

They had to put a gay guy on there or else the poll image would be homophobic.

>1000 calls per state
So a low population deep red state like Wyoming is given the same weight as a high population blue state like California?



plus youre supposed to poll more democrats there's more democrats in the country

If you go into the real world... most people I speak with who really don't follow politics essentially are like this...

Trump is a clown... a joke, something they raise their eyebrow to.

Hillary is the devil though. People actually cringe or shudder over her as opposed to simply laughing in the case of Trump.

People will pull the lever for the clown before they pull it for someone who they find is corrupt and evil.

No it's not, vpnfag. It's trying to pass off as a "national poll" with the ridiculous starting assumption that Kansas should be equally weighted to California.

The only way the data could possibly have any value is if they released each state separately. Well, if not for anyway.

You either realize this or you're too stupid to even draw breath without assistance.

I did a pull
On my dick

>muh fascist candidate can't be losing
>it is reality that is wrong!

Trump supporters make me cringe

They asked about issues.
Then themselves chosr the candidate that felt best suited the issues. Which is retarded.

So what if Trump is better on women issues than Clinton. Women are still going to choose Clintin.

So should they poll more democrats than republicans in California because there are more democrats in that state?

Your premise is retarded, this poll is more reliable than anything the mainstream media has shat out for everyone to consume.

If you take a random sampling of equal parts from each region and each party you get a better picture of what the general feeling is rather than inherently skewed polls like you're suggesting.

>Donald Trump’s poll numbers are so bad his supporters are making up new ones

>the "media" is crying about untruths

Fucking gold.

You're trying way too hard and I'm not gonna help you out with literal stats 101 for the third time.

Enjoy your narrative even most 12 year olds wouldnt be stupid enough to buy

I can't wait for reality to smack you lefty fags right in the face. She's going to lose.

She will lose, but this polling method is pretty dumb. Just poll 1000 people randomly selected across the country and you'll get a better representative sample than 1000 Californians, 1000 Floridians and so on.

>imitating the worst of the romneyfags from 2012
>it's you lefties who can't into reality!

You're going to off yourself on 11/9, aren't you?

Hence Fox news ratings

In an honest election, Trump by a landslide. What are the chances of an honest election, senpai?

>this poll is more reliable than anything the mainstream media has shat out for everyone to consume.

>Trump wins 100% of Republican and Independent votes and Hillary wins 58% of Democratic votes
Seems legit.

1000 is a large enough sample per state, assuming the selection is random and representative per state dumbass.
That gives you a margin of error of 3% with a confidence interval of 95%. Please read up on basic statistics before spouting bullshit.

Weak bait.

>polling was taking by

Why don't people proofread anymore?

1. Compare Fox to the liberal media taken as a whole
2. Only old people and anyone in an airport watch the news.

I get the feeling that this doesn't apply because of the massive voter apathy for Hillary.

No, you don't get it. The methodology they used is stated in the Op.

These college kids clearly haven't gotten around to taking stats 101 yet

He's not retarded m8, you are.

If they released the information on the states separately we could see how the states that will actually matter in the general election are leaning.

Fox News is in Trump's pockets you idiot. He talks about how much he loves Fox News because of how fair theya re, they got out of their way to try and throw him a bone.

If you sit there and think for a second, then yeah, yeah it fucking does.

You keep saying hurr durr stats 101 when its clear you don't know shit about what you are talking about. You have a problem with the method of sampling not the stats you fucking retard

General sentiment doesn't elect presidents, the electoral college does.

Link to poll methodology and results?

Cause I went to the website and

>Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.
I'm not signing up to get spammed by Trump just to see if the poll is real.

LOL, they probably have never conducted a poll in their life and have no idea how to go about it. And if you Honestly believe Clinton isn't even breaking 20% you're retarded.

This is really crummy shilling, it's not even believable.

Option A: Every other poll is rigged
Option B: This poll is rigged
Option C: This poll doesn't exist and someone made up a bullshit infograph

Given that 100% of nobody agrees on anything, I'm leaning toward B or C.

If you sample Cali randomly, wouldn't you get more dems anyway? The whole point of random sampling is not to target certain groups.

I agree that without the different weights to the different states the data could be misleading. You should also sample more people in Cali than in Wisconsin. Probably proportionately to the population. But you definitely should not target different groups. The party affiliation breakdown should be one of the statistics, not to goal seek.

Polls aren't taken by who watches what channel you retard.

sampling methods ARE stats 101 you idiot

In an honest election neither Clinton nor Trump would be the nominees.

>approved by
>vote trump
>honest, unbiased polling
this doesn't have an agenda at all!

You have to take into account how much of the population they make up, you can't just walk up to 100 random fucks asking a question and expect it to be representative, how can you be this retarded?

If you are going to do 1000 people, why not just random sample instead of this stratified bulls shit?

He was using Fox's ratings as the number one cable news network in this country as evidence that most people lean right.

I was simply responding to that allegation.

Follow the conversation, retard.

Or more likely;

>Republicans know they're fucked if Hillary gets in
>One half of democrats are either sick and tired of political dynasties in the U.S., are aware of how utterly corrupt Clinton is, realized how hard she cheated Bernie Sanders out of the race

Honestly, her last name is going to destroy her as far as the boomer vote goes. The older folks I talked to last year when the election was just beginning were exasperated at the idea of another Bush or Clinton in the whitehouse

Why rig polls?

Doesn't painting a candidate as an underdog make their voters MORE likely to show up on election day to vote?
Doesn't it make voters for the candidate that is supposedly in the lead less likely to think they've got it in the bag and stay home?

Seriously? What is statistics? That's what statistics is. You poll random 1000 fucks, and ask them what is their party affiliation. And you know what? That's how statistics is done. If you target different party affiliation, that polling is garbage.

I remember Romney supporters were making exact same accusations of unfairness and bias in polling, and guess what the polls ended up being right. Don't repeat that bullshit from 2012.

>Trump unified the Republican party and won over every single fucking independent in the time it took Hillary to get 3% more of the Democratic party.
It's time to stop posting.

how has no one checked these quads yet

This isn't election day.

Right now it's about brow-beating supporters into switching to the other side or into ignoring the election by concern trolling.

Why? Because they need to justify the results. Banana Republic 101.

>Doesn't painting a candidate as an underdog make their voters MORE likely to show up on election day to vote?
Rather than who is in the lead, how close it is is what brings out voters more than anything.

If you end up getting 600 black people 200 Asians, 100 Mexicans, and 100 whites, obviously it's not going to be representative you have to adjust for how much of the population their demographic takes up. How can you go through life being this retarded?

just don't be like the skewed polls guy when Rmoney lost. Make sure you're grounding in reality.

>13% unsure
And on top of that
>Gary Johnson is a fucking faggot that picked an anti-gun VP
Also add on to that that they weren't really given a choice of an independent candidate.

wish that Trumptards would stop being delusional about their boy's sinking ship

No, you don't. If you get that break down it means you are not sampling random people, and your selection criteria is biased. If they do what you suggest, that whole polling shit you can wipe your ass with.

The MSM shill is here

>Trump Economy

Bingo. It's why Rove knew Romney would win because he'd rigged elections in swing states and believed the base would still come out for him. They didn't plus the rigging wasn't enough or got counter rigged for Obama and Romney lost yuge.

This is some made up bullshit.

Trumpies, what're you gonna do when McCain, Romney and Bush come out in support for Gary Johnson?

>college kids doing actual work

It depends on where they polled in the states. If you poll Virginia and only call Central and Western VA and not NoVA and Tidewater you're going to have Trump with 75% of the vote because you only got a sample of rural whites.

>check source
>its a fucking program or database you need to buy
>cant confirm or deny the data in this picture
3/10 retard, you tried

If you select non random people, guess what? You will have biased results. What's your point? That's not how statistics works. You can compute the number pi using statistics, but if you don't have the random uniform distribution, you will not get pi. The challenge is to pick random people, not adjust the people you picked. Garbage in = garbage out.


18-25 age bracket Drumpf is polling BELOW Jill Stein and Gary Johnson.

My point is I'm doubting the random uniformity of the distribution of poll takers.

I wore my Hilllary For Prison shirt to the grocery store. I got so many smiles and 5 people told me directly they liked it.

Hillary is fucked.

Then you have to take into account enthusiasm. More people voted Trump in the primaries than voted for everybody on the Dem aide.

It's just a poll, whatever, but I'm glad to see one that's not fucking made up.