How can Bobby Drake be gay if the old X-Men comics show that he is straight?

How can Bobby Drake be gay if the old X-Men comics show that he is straight?
>dates women
>likes Polaris
>is shown to be attracted to women

It's called a retcon famalam.

Because Marvel is run by cucks and people who have never read a comic in their life.

I thought there was no such thing as an "ex-gay"? Which is it, Marvel?


DC made Alan Scott gay even though he was straight and had children pre-reboot. No writer really cares about past continuity if it interferes with the story they want to tell and this is Bendis we're talking about.

Cuz Bendis don't give no shits yo

don't you know, user? if you try to make a gay person straight you're an evil homophobe
but if you do it the other way around you're just helping them come out of the closet and realize their true inner self!


And now Obsidian shows up in Earth 2.

>actual fag

Bobby could be gay or bi, I think it's a fine thing to add to him, but Bendis just did the worst possible job showing and explaining it.

Check out Jeans costume

I guess they've been retconned into being his "beards".

Personally, I think making Bobby bisexual would have been a better move, with less leaps in logic.

Except that was on a parallel Earth. It shouldn't affect Alan Scott in any way.

But in the retcon, Alan Scott knew he was gay and was ok with it. In the case of x-men, Jean read Bobby's mind and found it he was gay but Bobby himself didn't know that. Unless they later explained that Bobby was just in the closet the entire time and was pretending, it makes no sense.

Astonishing literally did an arc with all of Bobbys exes right before Bendis and he wasn't gay.

It feels like they could have combined the two plots and come out with some half assed bi explanation

As a fag I hate this
Whenever people start talking about turning straight people gay or making assumptions about their sexuality it pisses me off, I wouldn't want people to say that shit about me

Schrodinger's heterosexuality.

With Alan Scott, this was a changed timeline, across the whole multiverse, so he can be changed to gay. But iirc, iceman was never involved in any reboot like event, they just made him gay, as sexuality is just something you can change easily

Bendis is a hack that is why

I think making Bobby admit to be attracted to male and female people would have way more sense. It also would have avoided the whole shitty "all his former girlfriend were just beards"-retcon which makes him look a quite dishonest person.

Because Bendis is kind of a dum dum

Well, there was a comic were wolverine and hercules were gay, so that means they were also always gay in 616.

then you're one of the good ones, m80
but i still think you're just confused. no more confused than a person who thinks they're in love with someone but later breaks up, or a vegetarian, though.

Unfortunately, bisexual representation is even worse than gay representation in fiction.

At this point I just like to think that Jean seriously made him gay.

Marvel'll never retcon it due to being afraid at upsetting the rabid SJWs, but I hope one day a writer has enough balls to challenge it. It's really wrong what they did to Bobby.

I can only hope that pedophilia is never accepted among the SJWs. I can only imagine who'll be the character they'll retcon into being a pedophile in order to push that sick agenda.

>likes Polaris
They're just friends.

>jean read Bobby's mind
>sees him thinking about getting fucked by magik's giant futa cock
>assumes he's gay

Don't gimme that, don't ever gimme that

*rolls eyes*

ugh, could you just, like...... NOT?

They'll just turn Belasco into a hero and put him and Magik together

What a wasted opportunity. Think of all the bICExual jokss we've missed out on dye to Bendis's incompetence.

It's OK when DC does it.

>Leggo Angel, or I'll cream ya

and people still think Bobby wasn't gay the entire time
here we have Ice Man telling Angel, his crush, to stop touching him before Ice Man cums all over him, clear as day

You know that there are guys who fuck lots of women, get married, have kids, the whole nine yards, while being full-on gay? Some leave their wives for men, some have affairs with men on the side, some kill themselves, some become alcoholics/addicts, and some simply die, unfulfilled, of old age.

When did Marvel say that there were "ex-gays"? And how does that relate to Bobby being so deep in the closet he's met Aslan?

>as sexuality is just something you can change easily


Precisely. Bobby loves pole.

You guys know that Elton John was engaged to Linda Woodrow (of "Someone Save My Life Tonight") in the 1960s, came out as bi in 1976, and actually married Renate Blauel (a woman) in 1984, right?

When they got divorced, he came out as full gay. Twenty years, that's how long it took him to admit it. In universe, I don't think Bobby's even 30 yet, is he? He's not even into his bi phase yet.

fucking bendis doing a decent idea the worst possible way

Who cares about Elton John? He's a faggot.

That was decades ago. There's no reason for Bobby to have ever been closeted in the present day.

Jean Greys mind control powers

Not really true, there are still closet cases in this day and age.
Ultimately though we all know Bobby was never written as in the Closet. Bendis or Marvel's sinister cabal of marketing decided they needed a mild stunt to get some eyes on them.

The circumstances for those closet cases do not apply at all to Bobby, who has spent his teenage and adult life among open minded peers.

Homo-magic. And shit writing.

>comparing someone born in the 40s with someone born no earlier than 1987

Personally I thought he was just mind raped. A good writer could certainly interrupt it that way based on the conversation and how Jean was acting.

I dropped the Bendis X stuff so I have to ask, did anyone ever figure out that she mind controlled Angel when he wanted to go home? That's the kind of shit that should blow up in a character's face, especially if you're trying to make them out to be a hero

This. In my view, Jean was sick of seeing all the degrading shit he wanted to do to her, and decided she had always wanted a gay friend anyway, so she 'fixed' him.

That I can completely agree with.

You know, when I heard that they made Past Iceman gay I was like alright I can buy it time displacement not the worst thing ever

But I actually hadn't heard that they'd confirmed that future Iceman was gay, too. How utterly stupid.

Someone should make Kitty Pryde a lesbian just for the fun of it, see how he enjoys that.

He's the same age as Parker so he's 30.

>Someone should make Kitty Pryde a lesbian just for the fun of it, see how he enjoys that.
That's completely vetoed at Marvel. They almost perma-banned Claremont from using Kitty for his little stunt on Mekanix (he now can only use her in flashbacks or as a vision/hollogram), also the writers of New Mutants at the time were pressured to destroy any possibilities of the plot point being continued.

Bendis, Aaron, Ellis, Whedon, among others; don't joke around when it comes to their waifu.

>reading Marvel after 1986. You only have yourself to blame, op.

Silly user, nobody here believes that there's any such thing as "closeted".
That's just a gay conspiracy myth invented by liberals and theater majors to deflect blame off of themselves when they turn a straight manly macho man's-MAN like Bobby Drake into a limp-wristed nancyboy with their homosexual recruitment gay-rays.