Immigration attorney says Melania Trump had a green card in 2001--from her first marriage. Which means she was married to someone before Donald became her anchor husband. The idiotic plot thickens


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I don't give a flying fuck.



Ehhhh I don't really fucking care

Trump Status: KEKED

Don't care, she's white.

This makes Donald Trump the CuckER.

Melania's ex husband was cucked by The Donald.

Shit! We better import more refugees guys!

does this shit make bill fair game again?

>Don't care, she's white.

Wrong, she's a Slav.

So what's the endgame here ?
Finding out his grand grand grand father was a nazi ?

No, Donald is the other man. The original husband is the Cuck.

So are you, Wladimir.

And you're a mudslime abhul.

Better than being a Turk

You realize of course that by posting obvious bait that isn't even true over and over and over again verbatim, without offering any additional proof, you're actually pushing people away from your narrative, correct?

Or do you not understand half of those words?


>says incredibly nervous man for the 26th time this year
The thread

Who gives a fuck?

Turks are at it again.

Better than being Hispanic :^)

>Clinton scandal: mishandled top secret information that ended up in the hands of our enemies while turning Libya into a hellhole and gun running to ISIS resulting in the death of 4 Americans and countless innocent Syrians
>Trump scandal: his wife was previously married
Can you guess which one will be a CNN headline next week?

Wouldn't that make her first husband the anchor husband and Donald the guy who cucked him?


His name? John Miller.

I've always wondered why Barron Trump looks nothing like Donald.

I guess now we know lmao

>you're actually pushing people away from your narrative,

you are now aware that this is a russian shill thread meant to help trump and so were all "CTR" threads

white trash stories are entertaining.

You can print out a life-sized outline of Trump’s hand here, and see how you stack up:

According to data from Ergonomics Center of North Carolina, the average American male’s hand is 7.61 inches long. Trump’s hand sits at the 15th percentile mark. That is, 85 percent of American men have larger hands than Trump. As do a third of women.

>As do a third of women

Can't make this shit up lmao

Honestly, Friday I would've called you retarded....but by now and just watching the level of stupidity along with the transgression from Clinton to Stein to Johnson and especially with such strong gusto....this is the only remaining logical explanation. I'm with you on this

Holy shit, compare her tits in this shot with her previous porn shots

Trump made her get a boob job. He did the same to Ivanka, right before he sold her off into Jewish ownership.

Will Trump also sell off Melania to the Jews?

does that mean armenians/georgians are white?

You gonna respond to any posts with actual merit or just troll?

>does that mean armenians/georgians are white?

Americans have a very arbitrary definition of "white".

>posts sucking Trump's dick

The delusion is REAL


>dude lets make fun of Trumps ex wife
Ahahahaha hilarious drumpf got stumped lmao
>Hillary is married to a rapist responsible for the biggest sex scandal of USA

im talking about the map, not the america's

So what? Her body her rules, remember?

We could call them that, but they are aryan and caucasian for sure, so their skin color can change to look like svens in a few generations.

Thinks that don't matter:
>Chelsea Clinton being Webster Hubble's daughter.
>The fact that they only had her for political reasons.
>The various abortions Hillary had.
>How she viciously attacked Bill's numerous rape victims.
>Her having the longest and most extensive record of corruption in the United States government.
>Her running one of the largest influence peddling and war profiteering organizations in history.
>Her being a well-document pathological liar.
>Her warmongering and blatant disregard for human life.
>Her failing mental and physical health.
>Her documented collusion with media organizations.
>Her documented collusion with terrorist organizations.
>Her being literally the worst diplomat in American history.
>Her massive primary election fraud.
>Her incessant pandering to minorities and how she treats them like children.
>Her enthusiastic defense of a child rapist (no her husband, but him as well).

Things that do matter:
>Trump's wife was married to a guy once.

We aren't talking about Trump, so you're way way off and only look incredibly stupid. Would you like another chance before I write you off as a shit troll?


this is all i know of them. they remove kebab. one of us.

>We aren't talking about Trump

This is a Trump thread tho. If you aren't willing to Talk about him because you wish to deflect from his shortcomings (and I don't just mean his tiny, tiny hands), maybe you should stop threadjacking and find another thread more suitable to your inclinations to post in.

>Trump is a cuck

Sup ForumsJackson suicide watch.

wtf i'm indifferent on trump now

>Asks you whether you think shit posting verbatim without offering new evidence is a good way to get people to even loom at let alone believe your narrative
>Now I'm derailing a thread

Thanks for confirming you're a shit troll without the balls to answer my question

You might want to consider not using such shitty strawman arguments next time. They don't work well. Asking the same thing over and over again whike you sputter on about Trump isn't me deflecting; that's you.

well its not like the liberals would deport her so what would come of it? not much. if they deport her they are hypocrites


>Stop deflecting by talking about Trump in a Trump thread, it's just not faaaaaaaaaair

lmao holy shit trumpcucks are fucking retarded.

No wonder Trump loves the "poorly educated".

I fucking loathe whores who marry for the money.

I can respect an honest prostitute but this form of prostitution is so fake and warped. Bitch wouldn't even admit she's a whore.

>Bitch wouldn't even admit she's a whore.

She's a Slav, so it's kind of implied.

>Ainu abbos in Hokkaido same as Manchus, Mongols and even fucking Finns

Well this map is retarded