ITT: we attempt to combat the toxic masculinity and blatant misogyny of Sup Forums by listing things which women do...

>ITT: we attempt to combat the toxic masculinity and blatant misogyny of Sup Forums by listing things which women do better than men

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They're great at getting yeast infections and having heart attacks

And spending money on impulse

And avoiding excess wear and tear of their turn signal lever by never touching it

Women tend to be better whores

Sucking dick

raising kids



getting osteoporosis

Pol: Women are better a raising kids
Pol: A much higher percentage of criminals come from fatherless households rather than motherless ones.

Carrying children in their wombs for nine months.

All wrong.

>raising kids
If you like feminized nu-males and soon-to-be whores, sure.

They look beautiful.

Best slaves.

They can give birth to kids. I can't do that. Think that's about it unless you count being retarded as one.

that's easy

To qualify this, they're better at raising kids in the context of a hetosexual, nuclear family.

Nothing of value.


this has to be bait



You go sister, smash it!!

>people saying cooking and sucking dick

Lmao they get beat even at that.

Fucking Chad.


>handle stress better
Ask any combat vet. ANY COMBAT VET.

came here to post this list


Women are spectacular in destroying societies and ruining the world for everyone.

why does her vag look like a fruit roll up

Women are great at demanding gender equality in top positions, while ignoring the shit tier jobs disproportionately dominated by men.

In other words, they bitch about a non-existant glass ceiling, while ignoring a very real glass floor.

Men give much much better blowjobs

> bifag here

I've seen some of the vids on motherless, so I can agree with this assessment.

(((Israel Abramov)))

>better drivers
lmao. more men die in traffic because we're high test and drive fast, and if you do fuck up at high speeds, you're dead.

>listing things which women do better than men
They're slightly more developed at 10-11 years of age than boys of the same age group.
Uhhhh, that doesn't really count though. Little girls aren't really women, per se.

Women are better at... doing menial sedentary work that men can't be arsed to do.
Yeah, that's it.

>Creating unwanted children
>Creating criminals through said unwanted children
>Destroying civilizations

I can't understand their love of flowers in general, and of being given flowers in particular. I honestly can't. It's plants, plants with colored parts, that's all flowers are. Why is that in any way interesting to anyone other than a botanist?

Can confirm on both accounts.

The only thing I can think of is social manipulation, but without the long term strategic/analytical mind to understand future outcomes it's essentially squandered on them.

100% real non meme answers

-pain endurance
-generally more flexible (physical)
-differentiating colours (also higher incidence of colour blindness among men)
-multi-tasking (partially cancelled out because it makes them easily distracted)

that's a georgia o'keefe painting you bigot

If it was for women you country would be full of rapefugees, medkit.

in really new here, and even i know this kind of thread will only bread more hate kek

that is actually the Olympic stadium in Rio

If you can make a list of it, they are clearly not better.

i have compiled a list for you, OP
things women do better than men:

>things which women do better than men

1) Nothing
2) ...

-pain endurance >bullshit
-generally more flexible (physical) >don't know, how do you even measure this ?
-reproduction >bullshit, by any measure of effectivity a man is much more effective at reproducing.
-differentiating colours (also higher incidence of colour blindness among men) >wouldn't know, what does it matter though?
-multi-tasking (partially cancelled out because it makes them easily distracted)

Women have the capacity to harness the rage and destruction of males.
They have empathy and nurturing qualities that, without, mankind would have murdered each other already.
I love women, they CAN be anything they want.
They're just not better than man at anything else.

them fuckin digits

>aborting their babies
>drowning their kids in the bathtub
>beating their children
>being irrational

actual jewelry didnt exist until a mere few thousand years ago, and even then, only the very elite could afford them.

But our species has been in evolution since 200,000+ years ago (earliest fossils). The most pretty thing a hairy early homo sapiens man could give to a homo sapiens woman was probably flowers he plucked from somewhere.

its probably baked into the the female brain somewhere....

no, those are real points

and reproduction means child birth, stupid

All the top chefs are men

I'm pretty sure I'm better at beating children than any chick.

Giving birth to children.

>on Sup Forums

I kek'd.

Opening their legs

That's about it

>Woman are better programmers then men

Any beach guard too

Top bait, most of the points are taken out of context because someone liked jumping to conclusions.


What even? No matter what happens in the future in terms of technology (arti womb and the like) a sperm and an egg will always be necessary. It will always take two to tango, and neither one is "better" at reproduction.

Unless you meant in terms of time and resources put into the process, then yes.

But if you meant in terms of finding suitable mates, then I'm going to devote an entire 5 minutes of my day laughing at you. pic related

They are better receptionists, recruiters, project managers and account managers. Anything where male ego and aggression can be a detriment and where diplomacy is required is done better by an intelligent woman.

That doesn't really tell anything. Maybe she thought she was at some different folder, and tried to get to some code folder. And that cd.. is a very common mistake for someone used to windows and dos.

Getting breast cancer?

fuck off feminist troll

You are right, should have used this one instead.

>No matter what happens in the future in terms of technology (arti womb and the like) a sperm and an egg will always be necessary.

Two eggs can make a (granted female) child. Look up egg fusion.

>women are better at finding things than men
Haha, that's a good one
>women handle stress better than men
That's bullshit and you kno-
>women are better computer programmers than men
I'm officially baited now
>women make better leaders than men
Someone is a shill4hill
>women are better with money than men
Yea, they're better at spending mens money on useless shit

First post best post

>No matter what happens in the future in terms of technology (arti womb and the like) a sperm and an egg will always be necessary.

Get ready for the future when women become obsolete from advanced sexbots and that ability for you and your best mate to have a kid.

Getting pregnant?

Yes it does. Did you look at her source? It's a beginner-tier follow-along hello world.
Everything about that photo screams "IM A NOOB".

It's funny, though.

The only thing I wanted was a qt. Girlfriend with a dominant-sadistic character

Now all women turn into retarded dykes and """""men"""""
End me

Literally everything.

Being cold when its its hot out

Crying and being petty

Females are actually shit at reproduction. If you see any non-feminist country, they are reproducing perfectly well, whereas in feminist states birthrate plunders.

Mormon cult of females serving males actually creates decent birthrates and it`s founded and maintained solely by males.

The problem of modern male (see ) is appropriating (in their worldview) females with souls and empathy, when really they are only tools for males. Not because they are specially retarded or something (that feminazi narrative), but because the ruled system cant be more complex, than the ruler`s understanding of it. And male is the ruler of the family.

>Better programmers
LMAO! If I had a nickle for every time some degenerate whore tried to have me help them with programming at uni, I would have been retired already. Bitches literally give no shits about programming, they just see it as "ok i just gotta get a c in this class and never have to do it ever again"

Oh, and SAvaGE

Pic related is the list