Gunnerkrigg Court

>Chapter 59: Jeanne

>Thank you for reading my comic.

Other urls found in this thread:

Finally time to learn more about Jeanne.

Will Tom actually resolve things, or leave new mysteries?

Time will tell!


Will someone die? If so, who? My bet's on Smitface.




--Annie & Co free Jeanne
--Protective enchantment on the Annan Waters evaporates
--The Forest can cross the Waters at will
--Coyote makes a move, either totally at random or something he's planned in case of this
--The Court reacts

It's fucking ON, now. We've started the endgame of the comic. From here on out things are going to come to a head.

maybe we can learn more about this jeanne person

>tfw Zimmy and Gamma will be relevant again
Fuckin' finally.

I imagine the Court have had their eye on them and after a chapter of the gang getting suited up to fight, agents will swoop in and stop them.

Well now that you've JINXED it, fucko

Even TOM wouldn't blue-ball us like that.

Oh shit it's on



This will happen. Tom made this whole comic just for the ultimate anti-climax.

>This whole chapter/webcomic


>Gunnerkrigg Court, after running for nearly a decade, turns out to be a massive shaggy dog story

I'm not entirely sure how I'd feel. I mean I'd be really annoyed, but also slightly impressed to have been pranked so hard.

I don't think Smitty would die. But, we've seen an ethereal representation of Smitty's power, and Jeanne can cut the ethereal.

We also saw lines leading from Smitty to Parley last chapter.

>Jeanne cuts the threads and kills their relationship
Make it happen, Tom.


Oh my god

That's it exactly.

Smitty getting a girl like Parley, especially with as little effort as he put in, was incredibly improbable, UNLESS you have a superpower that manipulates probability into your favor. I'm going to bet that Jeanne cuts the ethereal strings connecting them and we all figure out that Smitty had unwittingly used his powers to get Parley to like him, which ends when the cords are cut and starts a big dramatic fight between them with all sorts of hurt feelings and all.

I bet they get back together though, without Smitty's power, but by realizing that they did actually get along well together.

Will Annie remember what Jones asked of her about Jeanne?

Yeah, nothing ain't happening-

Is Annie finally opening the gates for the invasion of the court?
Will Annie and Kat finally become nemeses?
Will something actually happen?
I think not.

>pointless melodrama
Do not do this.

Let's have pointful melodrama between Kat and dumbGiant instead!

That's not how his powers work.
He didn't manipulate her mind with his powers. His powers made it more likely that he found find an amazing girl that would like him back.

>planning things so far ahead
yeah, nah

I just want Annie to ruin everything and become the ultimate villain.
I want everyone to hate her.
Is that so much to ask?

>implying he didn't plan everything from the beginning

It's as much to ask as you finishing that pussyhead comic.

So yeah, it is.

But I'm doing a parley zim gam comic right now over on piczel if that's annie consolation.


Aw shit nigga

What are they gonna do to her anyway? Jeanne's already fucking dead and if she doesn't want to go into the Ether, she won't. Bet Annie just gets somebody killed, like the big dumb bozo she is.