Voltron: Legendary Defender #1

A cyborg, a loner, a rebel, an engineer, and a crossdresser joined forces with an ancient alien space princess to vanquish a diabolical intergalactic empire.

It didn't end well.

Now comes this untold tale from before it all went wrong.

Other urls found in this thread:



Even when she's sick, she's cute.

[this issue is set between episodes 8 and 9 of season 1]

Ah, Lance.



Aw yeah!

Zarkon wuz here.

Why didn't Lance or Shiro's Lions get to do anything cool?

This is always the funny thing about sci-fi to me. Instead of finding an ordinary terrestrial world with 5 different biomes that the Paladins can train in everybody has to go to a different planet that has a single biome.


10,000 years with most of what you loved dying off in the interim, I can see why he'd be nostalgic for something that did survive.

Well how else will each planet be distinct from one another?


Is this a Galra woman?

I mean she's purple and she's got those creepy yellow eyes.

Let's keep the "Lotor in Drag" jokes to a minimum, fellas.

>Lotor in Drag

Can't unsee.

Are those real?

I shall now introduced them in order of most liked to least liked.

Try harder.

Oh hey, we now know what the Galra use for currency.

And further irony is dunked upon Coran's head.

You shoulda picked 'em better.

Now squawk like a birdie.

Technically, Hunk could also be considered the smart one, but he's a bit of a weenie.

Maybe if they got themselves a robot that wasn't soul linked to the bastard.

That's more of a Keith thing to say, Shiro.

Oh geez!

The Yellow!

The most well-armored and armed of the Lions is powerless against this foe!

I guess the Paladins are in for a worftasti-I mean-woeful encounter!

Oh Keith.

You're hard to love, but you're harder to hate.

It's time for Keith to steal another one of Lance's ideas again!


I hope we get more Robeasts next season.

Check the crotch.


Tune in next month for Issue 2!

And next week for news about Season 2!

Don't get too attached to all those headcanons!

>Sharp work, samurai.

I don't know how I missed this horrible pun the first time around.

>the few deaths are always ambiguous and not directly on-screen
>Jesus Christ, its fucking spewing out giant green alien blood and voltron is soaked in it

Thanks, OP. This was fun.

If what we've observed in reality is any indication, "ordinary terrestrial world with 5 different biomes" is as rare as this pearl they're trying to get.

At the extreme ends of the environments you can't really support multiple biomes. You don't really get a "rains molten steel knives sideways at 200 mph" biome and anything else on the same planet. In the grand scheme of things our biomes aren't all that far apart in comparison to the really extreme planets we've observed.

Wouldn't that be 10 and 11, since she just got done healing the Balmera?

No. Episode 9 is when she's recuperating from the Balmera ordeal. So the comic has to take place within that time frame.

To be clear episode 9 is titled Crystal Venom.

Man the art is so inconsistent and full of QUALITY.
>Lance's face and Allura's profile in the last panel
>Keith and Pidge's weird sidemouths
>Keith's weird O mouth at the bottom left

Take back the things we've lost, the dads we've lost.

Coran now charges into Galran territory alone because his fantasy league was ruined by Zarkon.

And Galrans use this as currency?

I think they're talking about production order. The first episode is technically the first three episodes combined. But the story position is still the same.

Buggy, wake up! Why won't you wake up?

Aww, Aluura is cutie!

Anyone going to that con and asking the staff questions about the show?

Voltron - Legendary Defender 001 (2016) (digital) (Oroboros-DCP)

Wait there was a Saber Rider comic?

Who's the artist? I'm assuming it's Digital Arts Chef but that doesn't explain a whole lot.

I love this trope.

Thanks, OP.

The art could use some work but the writing's not too bad.

I'm pleased that they gave some sort of explanation for armadillo centaur man, and the pub, to still be around.

Thanks, OP.

I'm going to guess that "pearl" is really the creature's egg, and Kythylian wants to train it up as one of his pets or sell it on the black market.
And once they find that out the plot will involve protecting the pearl/egg from Kythylian for the sake of the planet's people.

Did the Paladins always have these weird icons on the show?

Lance and Hunk Blue and yellow lions are the fucking best, they look so robust and square, curves are fine but fuck man, square robots are the best.

>Don't get too attached to all those headcanons!
thank god, actual plot to kill headcannons.
i still dream of Pidge/Lance, Not as much as i used to tho.

Never seen em in the show. Too bad we only get to see three of them here.

I really like Pidge's cause it makes 3-mouth

>i still dream of Pidge/Lance
same, I've accepted it won't happen, but I still hope the meme team gets more interactions

Can this be the new general?

>And next week for news about Season 2!
Anyone going to that con by the way? If they are, I want people to ask about Keith's clothes being mostly black

I seem to remember seeing them before, especially Keith's fire icon. Maybe it's on the website.

Does it even have to be called a general? It's not unusual for threads to stray from the OP to all sorts of stuff over time.

I seem to remember it flashing by on their dashes at one point.

Yeah it's on the website in their profiles. See the icons at the top right. Allura's is the Voltron V for example.






oh, sweet! They all look like their elements, except for Lance's which looks like an angry face

Why are Keith and Shiro basically joined at the hip in this. Explain.

I'm guessing it's supposed to be a waterfall or flowing river. Shiro Keith and Pidge's are the msot self-evident, Hunk's is kinda boulder-ish I guess.

What, in the show or in the comic? Not seeing it in the latter.

It's Shiro, everyone wants to be joined at the hip with him.

>Lance mouse is the one laughing at him
>Hunk and Pidge mice are just glowering
>edgy Keith mouse is nowhere to be seen, like his personality

This sounds just cliche enough that it'll probably actually happen.

Yeah for its various strengths willingness to buck convention hasn't been one of them.

>Lower strength stat than anyone

They really were dedicated to their ruses

Hunk would have a higher intelligence stat too.

Makes more sense for Keith to have strength and agility but low intelligence.

Because Keith wants Shiro to pound his boypussy

pidge in the second panel

What onion would Coran like to share with us today?

>I'm a bit off color
Oh boy...

So is Keith basically Radam Lavans?

I don't get it.


The correct phrase is "off-Negro".

Key word is wants.

Jesus christ the faces in this thing.

pidge looks really feminine face wise on this 2.

i really hope through the series Pidge starts to look more and more feminine but like at a gradual phase and nobody does a big deal about it apart from some compliments or notice it.

Like hair grows little by little, Lance mentions "oh hey Pidge long hair really suits you" and other minor things, like she paints her nails green and allura mentions "thats a nice shade of green pidge' "oh thank you" and nothing else, you know, i want mundane, drama free stuff.

My headcannon is gonna get totally obliterated.

poor pidge has contracted a terminal case of sidemouth

They all get hit with it pretty bad honestly.

I really don't understand industry professionals doing sidemouth in comics. Like, sure I did that back in high school when I was mainly inspired by anime, but they should have grown out of it by now! It's super weird, it's not even any easier to draw than a regular mouth.

The art in general looks very amateur anyway. A chunk of the better panels are actually just redrawings of official art images. Not sure why they skimped so hard on this. Surely it's not that hard to find a competent artist who can draw a lot of work in a short amount of time. For fuck's sake they could've hired Sacura since apparently she's done professional comic and novel covers before.

They should do like transformers and hire the fujos straight out of fandom

>tfw even our own drawfags can do better than these guys

You guys are exaggerating how bad the art is. It's actually serviceable.

Is this based on the new cartoon?

It's functional but it's obvious the artists are extremely inexperienced because of all the newbie mistakes they make.