I think it looks good, sue me

I think it looks good, sue me.

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is ryuk a guy in a suit? they didnt keep his proportions so i dont see why not

I think it is a practical effect, except for the face.
It will look stupid, but the voice sounds great so cares.

>I think it looks good, sue me.

Death Note is kinda overrated by weeaboos anyway and It can't be worse than the 2015 Japanese live action adaptation, that weebs conveniently forget to complain that "dey ruined muh japanaese high art again REEEE) also it's not like the original it's going to be deleted from ever existing just 'cause a terrible adaptation is released


I agree that the original manda and anime is overrated, if anyone really thinks this is high art or some shit they really need to see more films.
It was still decent, and I'm excited for the adaptation.
The Guest is one of my favorite movies of the last 5 years, hope he does a good job.

it can't be worse than "Death Note: Light Up the New World"
what a complete fucking piece of shit

Whatever else happens in this movie, I look forward to defoe's ryuk the most

...which is the only reason anyone will watch this.

Give me your information, and I will file a lawsuit against you.


Looks Americanized, the action, kira and misas love and a prom scene.

You'll be hearing from my Jew lawyer.
I'm going to get your dubs.

Take them but do don't you dare to go near the kids!

I'm just mad about Kira looking like dweeb and L being black.

And your other dubs too!

Perfect casting

agree, think it looks great.

who doesnt like hipster teenage shit?
its going to make a gorillion dollars though...


Give me an address for my attorney to serve you.

Nice argument


im gonna be pissed if they dont make his dialogue funny, instead go full edgelord like pennywise

Dafoe is the king of camp, pretty sure he'll be i m p r e s s i v e

He's probably going to have dialogue like Heath Ledger's Joker because some Jew in a boardroom said that's what the kids like

Remember this is a Netflix production bro

If they made full adaptation with only chagning chaacter skin color it will be shit. But if they change character and envoirment the way tha characters will be belivable in this settingthey will have chance for good movie. However they have to make good scenario that don't make a bitch from logic, as well as it have to be writen by one person and in one idea without intervention of third part (producer for example).

turned up the brightness and stuff