Are there any genuine moral or ethical arguments in favour of eating animals?

Are there any genuine moral or ethical arguments in favour of eating animals?
>inb4 'muh protein'

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Christianity, Darwinism

A moral or an ethical argument isn't genuine. Because morals and ethics are an abstract idea.

So fuck you vegan scum.

>moral or ethical

Carnivores eat meat, so would denying a carnivore food because its immoral be immoral itself?

Human beings aren't carnivores

I never said that we were you fucking dumb cunt

the world is purely material without inherent value, you can do what you want to anything

They consume stuff humans can't get nutrients from, and turn it into stuff humans can get nutrients from.

If not for animals, the agricultural industry would produce mostly toxic waste, biomass unfit even for spinning into thread.

my canines beg to differ

If the world was in danger, near total destruction, cows or pigs woudn't do shit to save it. I would. Humana would. So if I want to eat some of them, call it a price.

If the world was in danger, near total destruction, cows or pigs woudn't do shit to save it. I would. Humans would. So if I want to eat some of those pigs and cows, call it a price.

The only one you need is that they taste good.

they taste good



life has no worth, as much as they tell you otherwise. There is no right to be alive, no god given right to exist and be free.

You must consume what you love.

thats a cute pig

You need animal fat for healthy brain development/upkeep.

Enjoy being subhuman for the rest of your life.

No, but there are many practical ones.

That pig is very cute though. Would pet.

Freedom and libertarianism

You don't need a moral or ethical argument.
However, eating pasture raised animals is better for the ecosystem than being vegan. Pasture raised animals eat grass, something we cannot digest, and transform it into something we can digest. In other words, a combination of pasture raised meats and organic vegetation is the best diet for the environment.

>Sup Forums

You're the result of tens and thousands of generations of survivors. The apex of predatory creatures.

Predatory in not only a physical way, but intellectual and emotional as well. Seeing as 99% of anything that's ever lived on Earth is now extinct, it's safe to say you're a hindrance to the advancement of humanity living the way you do.

Life isn't special or rare on Earth. Humanity is no exception to this. Life needs not nor requires validation. Humans are but one facet of millions on the gem of terrestrial life. Embracing your dispossession from the food chain and your natural status is both weak, and counterproductive.

TLDR- animals taste good, kill yourself faggot.

Here's one.
>I argue in this paper that sentience is not sufficient for moral status. Thus, although animals experience pain as it is physically bad, their experience of it is not in itself morally bad. They are harmed in feeling pain, but this harm is not of a moral kind. This distinction parallels the more familiar distinction between moral and non-moral goods. When considered, this significantly mitigates the force of sentience-based arguments for moral vegetarianism. Since animals lack moral status, it is not wrong to eat meat, even if this is not essential to nutrition.

As a self-respecting egoist i simply like eating meat.

Why do I need either moral or ethical arguments to eat animals? They are tasty. The ones I am eating do not display a level of intelligence sufficient for me to think that breeding and nurturing them only to be butchered and used as food is wrong.

Besides, eating animals is only healthy since meat was always a part of human diet. Our digestive system is used to meat, it knows what to do withi it. Unlike, for exampe, gluten and lactose, that were introduced into the human diet so much later.
Technically, white bread and milk are more unnatural to humans than meat.

why are you so upset
there there, it must be hard being so autistic

have another one

Le ethics meme


What is that piece of art ?

Vegetarians LOVE to think animals are just cuddly and cute babies that would never cause harm to anything. In reality they would love to dine on the flesh of your dead body.

Animals have no morals, thus we should not feel obligated to have morality towards them

Nothing edgy about it you retarded fuck, taking a part of something you love into you and having it become a part of you is a show of respect.

not how it works

There's no genuine moral or ethical arguments against eating animals. Therefore, it's ok to eat them.

>Animals have no morals, thus we should not feel obligated to have morality towards them
>Animals have no morals, therefore it's ok for me to be immoral
Is this seriously have meatfags think?

Not a argument

>taking a part of something you love into you and having it become a part of you is a show of respect.

There's a world of difference between wanting to kill and eat animals and treating them like shit m8

The immoral thing would be to sacrifice our place at the top of the food chain, because of some sick twisted vegan cultist "morality". We need dominion over the animals. That includes eating them, hunting them, having them as pets, using them for clothes, etc. It is the moral thing to do.

>There's a world of difference between killing an animal that does not want to be killed and eating it and being mean to the animal and then killing it and eating it
Does eating meat really rot your morality this bad?

Cruelty and death are quite different. I assume you oppose euthanasia as well?

not an argument


Treating animals like people is animal abuse considering how awful people are to each other. Animals don't have the capacity to understand human emotions, as they're not human. Perhaps you identify with lower lifeforms because you have trouble figuring out the social/educational/sexual bahaviors or mannerisms of your own species.

Picture related is more cruel to animals than raising them for slaughter.


Where do you gain this superiority over meat eaters?

You do know that you kill millions of cell per day just by the act of being a human?

I like taste of their flesh.

But killing is wrong user. It is inherently mean. And don't get me STARTED on abortion. Fucking murderers.

He must be an anti-vaxer and anti-medicine person as well. Antibiotics alone kill BILLIONS of organisms per dose.

because we're not non-carnivorous plants, we must consume life to live. if this basic requirement to living is too much to bear, feel free to die.

If it wasn't for meat eaters, the chicken, pig and cow would be instinct by now. They would have no means for survival.

Instead, we have allowed them to spread into millions and millions. They hit the evolutionary jackpot. From an evolutionary standpoint, every animals should wish to be eaten by us.

>It is inherently mean.

>But killing is wrong user.

Can't survive without the vitamins it gives, being deficient in those will fuck your body up biggu timeu. Rest easy little piggu.

>Treating animals like people is animal abuse considering how awful people are to each other.
I didn't realise we treat eachother in a worse way than pic related
> Perhaps you identify with lower lifeforms
Not an argument
>Picture related is more cruel to animals than raising them for slaughter.
Pic related

We are omnivores. Ultimately, eating meat is essential to our survival.

Modern advancements have created alternatives but it is not our instinct to "avoid" meats. Try going without food, when you're hungry enough you WILL eat meat. It is your instinct, something you cannot change no matter how much society progresses.

Are you trying to draw a connection between ending the life of a human being who has independently made their own choice and slaughtering billions of animals because they taste good

If you take away my pork, chicken, beef or game animals, I'll just start eating people.

Be careful how you wispy hippies proceed.


We'd have to massive expand agriculture if we were to replace all meat protein sources with vegetarian protein sources.

Basically, cut down all forests to replace with farm land, destroy all local water with algae blooms and whatnot due to increased nitrogen in water side effect from nitrogens, kills most eco systems as result of trees getting cut, increase erosion as result of trees getting cut.

basically, vegetarians and especially vegans are the cancer destroying earth

Death is a natural part of life though. That's what you're not getting. Everything dies. Everything eats, some animals eat each other to survive, some eat living plants to survive. The food chain itself is a murder-mill. Nothing BUT plants can survive off of just water ans sunshine alone, and EVEN WITHING FLORA lifeforms exist carnivorous varieties.

Picture related is the epitome of compassion and true nature of man. You say you love animals, but genetically you're predisposed to savagery and brutality. It us our nature. It is the way of the entire world around you whether you like it or not.

High calorie foods like fats/meats enabled our ancestors to spend less time foraging and more time developing interpersonal skills, language, art, technology etc etc etc. Meat is the fuel humanity has thrived on for tens and thousands of years. Without it, we'd be a primitive species.

stop trying OP

My point being that the ending of a life need not be cruel, and in the reclaiming of the debt owed to the farmer the pig ought to be grateful for a comfortable life, painlessly ended in service to a higher power.

Arrogant of you to assume plants don't have feelings.

>Death is a natural part of life though

It tastes good.

Ffs. Eating meat, it's anudda shoah. What is muh false analogy...


Cite one source for an immortal being.

Please and thank you.

.gif related, the murder of MILLIONS of innocent lifeforms by a "superior" lifeform.

Mate, I'm having that pepe iydm.

Population control

They have no serious mental capabilities, what the fuck else could they be other than a delicious meal?

If you are talking shit about the intelligence of piggers I swear you will never see Flavortown again

Wtf I hate superior lifeforms now

In conclusion, pol/'s arguments in favor of eating animals are:

>they did it in the stone age and its not like we've advanced since then
>animals don't have morals therefore I don't have to have morals either
>god says I can
>it tastes good

At least people who said the last one are being honest with themselves.

Why do you need the decaying corpses of plants to nourish your body? Your body is a graveyard...

Whoops, I missed out:

>you're a fag

>being this mad at a dog mowing his lawn.

Only muslims hate dogs...

to live is to surely die, it matters not when or how, in 5 billion years will the death of a pig for human food have any more value than that the death of a pig for wolve's food or of the dead star that once gave energy the plants who's lives were ended by the pig for food?

the only value life has is what we subjectively attach to it, objectively the value a single celled organism's life has is no different than the value of the life of a human, plant or, animal who at its most basic level is nothing more than single celled organisms benefiting off of each other.

I stopped eating meat as soon as I realized you had to kill an animal to get it.

I stopped eating fruits and vegetables because millions of insects and small mammals are killed every year in the process of growing and harvesting done at the large commercial farms from which they come.

I stopped eating food when I realized all food was one something that was living and didn't want to die.

You low class eaters are the worst kind of shun.

You can't inb4 the main counterargument...

The simple fact is that it would require a lot of different legumes and vegetables in larger quantities to acquire the essential amino acids that are readily available in any one type of meat.

Also, we have evolved to enjoy the taste of meat. In fact, scientists have discovered that we don't simply have 1 type of hunger feeling. There is a distinct type of hunger known as "meat hungry" where we have a specific hunger for animal flesh and won't be sated by anything else. Is this degenerate? Maybe maybe not. But it is certainly natural.

Why deny biology? Well an argument can be made for ethics. However, if we go down that road, we would be obliged to consider all the poor and starving humans we are neglecting (or worse, abusing for our increased consumption of labor intensive farmed goods). We simply can't afford to care for everything and everybody without crumbling mentally. Once again evolution has provided us with the ability to ignore this cognitive dissonance.

I totally understand if you don't want to eat meat and I don't think that makes you a pussy or whatever.

I just don't agree.

You could compare why us eating pigs is any different to chinks eating cats and doggos.

Just playing devil's advocate...

I didnt climb to the top of the food chain to eat carrots

Shit, I never realised blades of grass have brains or conciousness or feel pain, thanks for enlightening me

The fact that we evolved consciousness and they didn't.

God specifically stated that animals are here for our consumption.

Nobody sane is pro-animal abuse, but nobody should be against eating ethically raised and slaughtered animals.

Nobody sane uses 'God says it's ok' to make arguments
How do you ethically slaughter something that doesn't want to die?

Ffs. It's a microecology, every time you mow you're crushing and chopping up loads of organisms. But I do also weep for the grass blade shoah...

from whence does consciousness derive, and how does it make one life more valuable than another?

>moral or ethical arguments in favour of eating animals?
There's not one against.
We don't have to care about other species, we have to care about our own.

Animal don't contribute to society, don't pay taxes, dont work (we don't eat ones that works like horses).
Nature is not a democracy.
Human conquered the earth becauser human is the best the rest has lost and is enslaved and devoured because it was inferior.

I like this meme

1. Pleasure.
2. Nutrition (ease of eating a balanced diet and not suffering from protein or iron deficiencies).
3. Recognizing that we already kill animals all the time as we clear forests, raise crops, drive cars, or almost anything else. We should accept that if we're already killing them and it would be hypocritical to say we shouldn't eat them in order to be creatures who never kill other creatures. Humans kill all the time.

>Animal don't contribute to society, don't pay taxes, dont work
Like most people on Sup Forums, then?

I remember being 14

>Nobody sane uses 'God says it's ok' to make arguments
Objective morality cannot logically exist without religion, so to try and make a moral argument without is fundamentally flawed. So, yes... sane people do this all the time.
>How do you ethically slaughter something that doesn't want to die?
As painlessly and quickly as possible.

not an argument

If I was hungry enough, I'd eat you too, british faggot.

I'd eat you if i could.
You have no value and you gotta be tasty.

hue got full retard

shouldn't be so tasty should they


My point is you're going to grow up and realize how cringy and pointless your beliefs are. It doesn't matter whose life matters more than another. Primitively, no lives matter.