If ethics and the law weren't factors, what kind of reality TV show would you want to produce?

If ethics and the law weren't factors, what kind of reality TV show would you want to produce?

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Rape all the time.

I would section of land in the middle of Wyoming and throw about 100 niggers in there and tell them to build their one country. Camera everywhere.

Put a dozen strung out heroin addicts in a house and make them do increasingly horrendous shit to "win" their daily dose. Like Big Brother but good.

A Survivor that isn't bullshit

Now and forever, Running Man.

Running Man is the dream.

Pitting different races against each other in various gladiatorial combat

maybe do some other atheletic stuff with race wars

The Cube

Gladiator fights where the guys had 10 babies strapped to them

i would make sex house but all straight hot chicks and me.they dont know im the producer. having sex gives you rewards

Hi Tommy

>build jungle-like arena the size of a football stadium
>lead 10 death row prisoners in
>last man standing gets chance of life in a comfy prison instead of death
>last man standing will also have to fight a dangerous animal as a final test like a wolf or a puma or swim through waters with piranhas


>"da fugging white man won't help us"

Big Brother but everything is like in SAW 2.

a show where woman get money for getting slapped in the face. they get more money depending on the strength of the slap and the glove used and they lose money if they have bad form or break down. for instance she has to maintain a happy face and cannot cry before a certain amount of slaps. so basically performance art.

Scientists use genetic sequencing to determine if blacks are:

Less intelligent across the board than humans
and if blacks are actually humans

What happens if they succeed?

Something named BUTTFUCKER but I don't know what it's about yet.

Some big guy goes around killing people believing them to be demons. He's being hunted by the authorities.

People from different time periods get dropped on an island including some handsome SS Lieutenant and a Jewish nurse and of course they fall in love.

Some fight show where the contestants can use any drugs, armor and non-projectile weapons they can carry and then they beat each other to death.

Blacks are dropped on a desert island with minimal tools

Whites are dropped on another desert island with minimal tools

Asians are dropped on another desert island with minimal tools

The first two islands to have functioning societies and housing get a boat ride back home.

The third island gets a male Grizzly bear dropped on it, lightly starved.

A political drama with real world consequences.

Imagine a reality TV series following two opposing politicians/warlords in central or west Africa, taking stock of their political aspirations and motivations, and developing story arcs between their trusted lieutenants and advisors. The beginning episodes would establish each opposing faction, eventually leading into the two clashing later on.

Would be an interesting series with plenty of insight and unique situations to convey, but also would be giving a podium for the aspirations of some morally depraved individuals. Also, racism.

Maybe something like this.


>Greenwood is a neighborhood in Tulsa, Oklahoma. As one of the most prominent concentrations of African-American businesses in the United States during the early 20th century, it was popularly known as America's "Black Wall Street" until the Tulsa race riot of 1921, in which white residents massacred hundreds of black residents and razed the neighborhood within hours. The riot was one of the most devastating massacres in the history of U.S. race relations, destroying the once thriving Greenwood community.

Imagine boxing but the fighters have their hands tied behind the head and they have knives attached to their elbows.

a reality show where 20 millennials go to an exact replica of a concentration camp to see what real nazism was like

11 gay men and 1 straight man are locked in a house. The object for the gay men is to find out who isn't gay. Once a week someone gets outvoted, until 2 are left, or the straight man is out. If the gays manage to outvote him, they win 1 million dollars. If the straight man is among the 2 last people in the house in the end, he wins 1 million dollars.

Now here's the twist: None of the men are actually gay, they just all think they are the one straight man.

Holy fuck.

That's literally muay thai

I read reddit too

Anywhere that explains what triggered the race riot?

Probably some kind of cooking competition show.
Those seem to be pretty popular.

This wouldn't work because they would hit on each other. You need to have it where there's a gay people mixed in that keeps things fresh and interesting.

Contestants have to commit crimes while having a gopro attached to them that live streams and whoever ends up getting the harshest sentence gets 10 million dollars. They don't know what the other contenstants are doing while on their crime spree and the winner won't get the death penatly no matter what they did. Worst the winner can get is life. The losers can get death though.


>The Tulsa Race Riot occurred in late May 31 and June 1, 1921. On the day of the riot, 35 square blocks of homes and businesses were torched by mobs of angry whites. The riot began because of the alleged assault of a white elevator operator, 17-year-old Sarah Page, by a black shoeshiner, 19-year-old Dick Rowland. The attack killed hundreds and left an estimated 10,000 people homeless. The City of Tulsa conspired with the mob, arresting more than 6,000 black residents and refusing to provide assistance. [11] Law enforcement dropped firebombs on buildings, homes, and fleeing families, stating they were protecting against a "Negro uprising." [12] The massacre was omitted from state and local records, and "rarely mentioned in history books, classrooms, or even in private."


A real life version of Civilization. 10 countries of 100 people each(chosen from a draft based on skills and abilities by the coach of each team) are dropped in different areas of a large island. The goal is to conquer the island, by whatever means they decide to use. Tools and supplies are sprinkled around the area, getting more advanced as time passes. Taking slaves from enemy nations is permitted.

Initially there would be a large power struggle in each tribe, which would make for excellent television. As time progresses, the more powerful tribes would fight for ultimate control.

Kid Nation but with zero help from the outside.

Each year a mix of 20 senators, house representatives and judges (10 from the Democratic party, 10 from the Republican party) are selected by popular vote to participate in a series of increasingly dangerous trials. These trials emphasize cooperation as each politician is paired with someone from the opposite party.

It starts with escape room type shenanigans, and advances towards life or death situations. At the end of the season the two remaining teams can choose - to dissolve their current team and work with the other remaining representative of their party, or keep the team with their political opposite for the final round.

Either way the losing team is publicly executed by firing squad.

>becomes a utopia
>user kills himself after watching his mom get fucked by her bull one last time

Two contestants.
First one to cum loses.

The Gong Show except everyone (including the audience) is forced to wear BDSM costumes and electric nipple clamps that set off when somebody rings the gong.

Sounds like the exact same plot for The Matrix's Second Renaissance

Fund it.

a show where im constantly ambushed by horny sluts. if they succeed in making me cum they get 100,000 dollars. for every minute i successfully evade them I get an additional 100 dollars a minute

A rip off of the Truman show. Each season is a new person though, and the audience gets to vote in how the person is tormented/fucked with. Maybe a flood destroys their town and everyone they love, maybe a Volcano erupts or a gang of Mad Max rapists.

obviously a battle royale death match

what a stupid fucking thread everyone knows people just wnat to watch all the taboo shit

Why not neets or shit posters?

100 white women are dropped on a dessert island
there are black guys living there. A lot of them.
In order to win, a white woman must a collect ONE GALLON of semen from the black men. She also has to get knocked up by one of them
There are cameras EVERYWHERE, and everything is controlled so the woman can't fake the semen count etc.

There's also one other way to win. Even if the one white women collects one gallon of semen, the other woman can still win if she gets knocked up by a black guy and has twins with him. HOWEVER, if one of the other woman has triplets, she wins. Or if the other woman has quadruplets, she wins. And so on and so on. You get the idea?

The show has as many episodes as it needs. It would be long running show and each season we would change locations.

Your idea is shit

>some blacked spammer legitimately thinks this is a good idea

All washed up female celebrities are kidnapped and forced to do several sexual acts.
A lottery is drawn based on what they have to do.
The unluckiest ones have to alter their bodies in grotesque ways in order to appeal to certain fetishes (fat, muscle, pregnant, etc..)

real life TTT

>50 randomly picked men are put into a locked office building
>5-7 are told to kill the rest and who the other traitors are
>1-3 are told to protect the rest and kill the traitors, not told how many traitors there are, only who the other detectives are
>nobody knows how many traitors or detectives there are, only that once all the traitors are dead, the building unlocks
>as time goes on increasingly deadly weapons are let into the building
>traitors and detectives are given their own special equipment at various intervals
>the more non-traitors that make it out alive, the more money everybody gets

So basically treat them to a resort with a swimming pool and cinema?

so being a "traitor" means you lose?

Honestly a bunch of skinnyfat NEETs would have even less success than black people.

my bad, being a traitor and leaving nobody alive but other traitors also gives you a payout, so either only traitors or non-traitors are left

being a traitor is harder, but the payout is almost 10x higher if you win, there'd probably some sort of physical and psychological screening beforehand to pick the people most likely to succeed as traitors

Damn, that kind of sucks. Actual hard working black people getting killed by a bunch of niggerish white faggots is a tragedy.

How would cameras work? My idea would be to have cameras set up on trees and shit and also have each person have a bomb collar with a GoPro on it. If they try to remove it they blow up, and that would actually make for some pretty interesting fights where each person is trying to rip the collar off the other.

reality tv show? here's how it would go
>1000 of random normies are picked up
>they get one task - kills as many Sup Forums regular users as possible
>they have one month to hunt them down
>the person that kills the most Sup Forums users wins. The Prize? I don't know, at lot of money, or something like that.
>even if you lose you still get 10 million dollars if you kill at least one Sup Forums user

So like Murderer in real life?

Muslims and Christians are dropped on a desert island.
Whoever converts the most from .the other group wins.
Rules are based on each group's fairy tale book

Wipeout, but with comical death traps.

Yes and then when black people are poor and have bad education racists whites point to that and say that they are inferior. But anytime successful blacks began challenging that narrative they would often be sabotaged or killed.

>wipeout style course filled with vietcong booby traps

Typical white dindus. Then Sup Forums goes and says blacks are only poor because they all have mentally retarded iqs and post unsourced infographs as proof.

16 people from all over the world are kidnapped and converted into a cyborg based off their favorite bug.
They end up fighting in a tournament, where the winner of those 12 fights the host. If the cyborg wins against the host, then it is chosen as the new host and Global Emperor

So just like big brother?

Death Race

>Crack addicts vs Meth addicts vs Heroin addicts

Imagine being this much of a cuck.

One about people doing hallucinogens for the first time. All kinds of people do them in all kinds of ways for all kinds of reasons. You start the show by introducing the character(s) that are trying them and ask them why they're doing it and what they expect, then you document their experience (not that interesting to watch usually) and then you ask them about it afterward. I would watch that show endlessly, people's first trips are always interesting to be around.

Regular folks racing on highly dangerous street courses with midsize sedans

Like once a week a helicopter flies over the indigenous tribes of Brazil and India and drops some super advanced piece of technology and we see what they do with it.

I'd watch a show where they blindfold the contestants and camera men, fly them to the middle of nowhere in the 3rd world and offer a million bucks to the team who makes it back to The Statue of Liberty in NY. They tried this back in the 90s and people almost died.

Then you film Black Panther

do you remember what it was called in the 90's?

It's already a movie.


reality tv show version of that shitty movie where the doctor kidnaps a guy and gives him a sex reassignment surgery and puts him on hormones

get a bunch of twinks together, and the point of the show is to turn them into girls by the end of it, so have a prize for whoever becomes the most beautiful girl, so slowly introduce hormones to them, tempt them with surgeries, makeup, clothes, name changes, muscular men, etc...; end of the show is when their friends and family pick them up and their son/friend has been transformed into a tranny bimbo

this show would obviously have to span like an entire year

I really can't remember it's name. It was something like lost or abandoned.

So You Think You Can Be A Merc, Drug Dealer,Serial Killer, Rapist, etc

To Catch A Predator

with real kids

Literally The Running Man

Sounds like some historical editing going on. Makes it sounds like they "dindu nuttin" and got razed to the ground for it. I'm sure it was a fucking cesspool and considered an abomination in real life. The entire thing was probably a planned eviction.

You guys realize the name "negro wall street" was satirical in nature, right?

I spitballed to a group of friends "Poopy Dollar".
I start it with a 7 episode run of literally just different denominations of cash left on bathroom
and less likely places with shit on the face-down side, with a simple cctv camera recording.
I would pitch this as a thing to launch buzz for "reality television has found bedrock", and let it be for a year.
Afterwards launch the full show (not announcing it as such).
Celebrities targeted and featured in more elaborate pranks including both real feces and money.
Cops brought in with people framed to do illegal shit to acquire feces hundreds.
Porta-john. A man covered in feces and hundreds, set loose in heavily populated areas screaming "dollariedoos for poo poo!" or some such nonsense.
I really like the idea.

"Ugly chickens deserve to die"

Not even shitposting, I REALLY want this idea to be real.

Do you even realize how much of a cuck you are?

Like American Idol except Jew comedians perform in front of 100% black audiences.

Basically like that movie Eagle Eye with Shia Labeouf except we do it to black men

Wait hold up that's basically just real life

are you actually implying there's something wrong with begin a cuck? You do realize only highly intelligent men can be cucks, right? You do realize you just confirmed you're an literal retard, right?

the clear implication is the white people didn't like how them darkies had money

there is literally nothing unethical about having Running Man style TV shows if all the combatants signed up for it on their own accord

Pirate battles.
Take two teams
They go throw basic sailing classes
Put them each on an old timey ship with only a few extra commodities they could win by fullfilling challenges.
Have their teams meet up and fight
Television Gold

Or Hotwheels style races with crazy, dangerous and semi-impossible tracks

The only way gladiatorial combat could be ethical is if there were no rewards or profiting entities.

A show where toddlers run across a minefield. If they make it across, their parents gets $100k

A show where we feed homeless people shards of metal and the audience bets on whether or not it will kill them

A show where we rig someone's house, car, office, etc. with mics and cameras and pay people to mess with them and move their stuff around and slowly drive them insane

School shooter all-stars

Tween girls from the suburbs get abducted and have to drown puppies in order to receive food

We tape a dog to a cat and see what happens

Big Brapper

Good late-thread editions.

itt: everyone posts, no one reads, all posts are shit too