I don't really hate living in my country

I don't really hate living in my country

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only subhuman hyper cuckolds hate their country

me neither

being poor in warm area is better than cold area
see russia

I bet most Brazilian posters here have wealthy parents, specially the nationalist ones like OP.


Are they compatible?

Impossible, you're probably not even Brazilian

False. There are no nationalistic rich people.

kinda, never had any necessities, family loves me, I have everything I want in my city idk
it's not even nationalism/patriotism, I'm not really proud of the country or whatever, I just lead a happy life here

me neither, wouldn't move from here

I just wish it wasnt so shit.

95% of the world is shit.

Yes but we are in the bottom 5% of Absolute shit.


There are no "bottom" shit. All of them are shit.

Yeah but I mean, this is not part of my reality at all, never had anyone I know being killed, these things only happen in very poor areas and it's usually gang fights

Yes there is. Some countries are worse off than others.

I live in the North East, so its a part of my reality.

Wealthy Brazilians are nationalistic because want to be respected by foreigners.

>Brazilian nationalism: Not hating one's country

same as any other poster on Sup Forums from a poor country

And you hate your country because you want to be accepted in some circlejerk. You are worse than them.

No. People who hate Brazil hate it because its a miserable place. It always has been and always will be. Granted, I'll admit there are the Euro cocking sucking Brazilians who are desperate for identity and acceptance.

Wealthy Brazilians have some kinda hidden desire to be identified as Europeans?

Nationalism is increasing in first world and it will be harder and harder for third worlders to immigrate.

So it's time to stop whining and fight for your country.

not really
wealthy people can leave the country and move to another with good quality whenever they want

Levi Strauss said upper class(Gran Filo?) in Brazil had that kind of longing for Europe 70 years ago in Tristes Tropiques. Maybe the situation is different today tho.

Some do.

When did I insinuate I want to move?

Lies. There are no nationalistic rich people. They can move to ever place they want

Calling all brazilians for a revolution.
We will gather as many people as possible and kill all prisoners. Then we'll kill all politicians and start anew

For example. In the 20th Century there was a policy to bleach the mixed-negroid population through massive waves of Euro immigration.

They want to be identified as Europeans from Brazil and want special treatment because of it.

same man
I live in a pleasant city with good infrastructure, my family has a good incoming (far away to be rich tho), never got mugged...
there's no reason for me to hate the condition of my life here

I just hate our women.

>Nationalism is increasing in first world
Muslim nationalism maybe. You wh*toid cuckolds are fucked.