What will be the eventual downfall of your country?

What will be the eventual downfall of your country?
>bought out by China


>United States
>Sun explodes and obliterates everything in the solar system

Retarded people.

Russian invasion. Maybe not tomorrow, maybe not in 50 years, but definitely at some point solely based on historical proof.

Nuclear hellfire hopefully

we will rise

I'm not sure, we are doing pretty good. I guess having it so good that we choose to sell the country and buy and island in the carribean instead.

something really pathetic that could've been avoided really easy

too soon

Taken over by pajeets and muslims who will then ruin the country in one generation

same as norway, steady decline into a caliphate


Or Swedish invasion

does she have a dikkk?
also, a magnitude 8 earthquake. will bring down skkkyscrapers and canal dams causing a massive flood

don't you guys fuck?

We must eventually sacrifice ourselves to save the world from American evil.

What about this?

>bought out by China

Usa will force our government to place nato bases around Russian border or we would have to face certain "unmanipulated" islamic group birthday clown gifts around the main cities, so we would then choose nato bases that would lead to a random attack from north Ossetians, that would then transform into a full scale war with Russian, that would end with the blood of every Georgian, while nato troops flee to turkey to jerk off kebab sauces.


iktfb... iktf

No as in it won't fuck you guys over or it won't happen?

Disappointed she doesn't have a feminine penis.

Natural disasters caused by man-made climate change.


both, its a non issue

Well join NATO to make that risk smaller.

We gotta do something about this

There is """"country"""" east of us that has been trying to kill us throughout history. Reckon they'll give it a shot sometime again.

Islam of course

Being bought out by China is probably the best thing that can happen.
Legitimately the eventual downfall of Australia will be how Politicians in this country only care about short term gains and funelling money to their backers rather than national development. The destruction of the NBN is the beginning of the end honestly.
As LKY said it "Australia is destined to become the backwater white trash of Asia"

it is happening.

If Russia wanted you dead you would have been dead you retarded non country.

>China buys Australia
>government starts release land and we see actual large scale residential housing projects prop up
>boomer cancer removed
Seriously the rental situation, housing costs and housing shortage in this country is fucking absurd. Where I live there are large areas of vacant land and the rental market is expensive as hell and even the shittest places have dozens of people trying to get into them. Sometime last year a developer bought up a patch of land near the highway and they are only just now finishing the construction... of fucking single level medium sized houses with just enough land to be of no use but annoying to have to mow. They could have built a block of flats and houses 100+ people but instead developers threw up a set of lego houses, all the fucking same, and are charging and arm and leg for them.
People need a fucking place to live. All of the caravan parks and motels around here are mostly full of full time residents due to the housing shortage. It's fucking infuriating. China is building empty cities, let them build some here and I'll fucking move.