It was bad of you to punch that bully one time despite doing no permanent damage to him whatsoever because it's your...

>it was bad of you to punch that bully one time despite doing no permanent damage to him whatsoever because it's your duty as a good human being to be a pussy and never stand up for yourself

Why was Uncle Ben such a faggot?

Uncle Ben in the comics was way cooler. Gave Peter a motherfucking microscope.

It makes since when you think about the amount of rice and nigger jokes he got in fights over when he was a young man. He probably really set himself back in life, now to the point that he's pretty old and still can't just sit back and relax in his retirement years. He just didn't want to see Peter fall into the same pattern.

At least he didn't die over chocolate milk

Telling your teacher or adult that a bully is picking on you instead of being blood lust jerk?

This is a basic thing to do in school.

Why not just have sex with the bully?

All that ever did for me was turn name calling and mild shoving into straight up ass kickings and death threats.

Confirmed for never having dealt with any real kind of bullying ever.

Sometimes the most effective way to stop a bully is just to stand up to them once and give them a smack in the face. Even if you don't actually hurt them it's a sign that you're not going to put up with their shit and in 9/10 cases it ends there.

>literally spells out how Peter is becoming the man he will be for the rest of his life
>Ben advises not to be the kind of man that regularly beats the shit out of people and instead be something more
>Pete compromises by being a hero so he is allowed to beat the shit out of people

This is a good way to keep getting bullied and also ruin all chances of getting laid until college.

Best way to deal with a bully is to fight back one time because then you're too much trouble and they go pick up some other nerd. Unless you think you'll legit get murdered going to a teacher who doesn't give a shit because they get paid less than garbage men is never the right answer.

Pete kinda missed the point a bit and took it too literally, yeah.

Of course a faggot suggestion would be accompanied by a little girl picture with a mouthful of shit.

Why am I even surprised, at this point? Actually, wait, I know exactly why I'm surprised-- It wasn't posted by a tripfag.

It's always great to remember that Peter is a flawed person and was a legitimate bully as Spider-Man for decades.

ITT: a bunch of edgelords too immature to understand fucking SPIDER-MAN embarrass themselves

>A faggot doesn't understand criticism of changing social mores


>Best way to deal with a bully is to fight back one time because then you're too much trouble and they go pick up some other nerd.
People literally die doing that.
Try that shit in any major US city and the gang the kid belongs to will put you in the hospital.

The modern "bully" isn't some Flash Thompson-esque football star.

Most people don't live in Detroit, Jamarkus. Beat a cunt in Denver or New Orleans for being a cunt, and no one in your school will bat an eye.

Note the
>unless you think you're going to get murdered
Rules are obviously different if you go to some shithole gangbanger school. Though I'd imagine if they're gonna kill you for fighting they're gonna kill you for snitching.

so then you tell them again
then those people get expelled

if you live in the ghetto maybe. anywhere else, if you fight back, you will get caught and ONLY you will get in trouble.

>Beat a cunt in Denver or New Orleans for being a cunt, and no one in your school will bat an eye.
Why do you think bullies exist?
Everyone agrees that the little shit was a cunt.


Damn nigga, you're dumb as fuck.

>pic related, it's you

I believe they exist everywhere. Kinda like cockroaches. And just like cockroaches, you have to use different techniques to drive them off, depending on your environment.

Most Bully's are Flash Thompsons

They are some asshole who thinks that they deserve to treat other people like shit and have learned learned that they can get away with being a bully

That never worked for me in school until I finally hit back at the bully. Got suspended three days but he never bothered me again.

So you get suspended. Suspensions in highschool are a joke, take your vacation while word spreads around that you got kicked out for beating up the bully and return the conquering hero.

Then you get regrouped into the problem students section and have to essentially give up ever going to college.

Life isn't like it isn't on Pleasantville.

This really isn't a solution. All you'll do is escalate the situation without getting anything decisive done. It's better to just fight back and risk some disciplinary action. It shows the bully that you aren't an easy mark and he'll most likely start picking on someone else. If it escalates to the point of death threats or straight up cases of genuine assault then you involve the police. Any kind of school authority will try to keep it on the down low and won't actually do anything to really stop the bully, but only do OSS or something else equally ineffectual because they just don't get paid enough to handle that kind of shit, even though it is their job.

I skipped half my freshman year, got ISS for backtalking several times, and dropped out my junior year. I still managed to go to a good four year college by getting my GED and doing two years at a local community college. One infraction against another "problem student" isn't going to do shit. Blow me.

Who would ever hire you with that record?

>and have to essentially give up ever going to college.


Oh wait, you're serious, let me laugh some more


Okay, first off? Getting into community college is a joke, and it will actually probably have more contacts and serve you better than ponying up for a state college. Second off, learning a trade is more profitable for WAY more folks than going to college. Third off-- This shit does nothing to affect your chances of getting into a state college, if you're still dumb enough to want that.

Christ. You are such a dumb nigger you MUST be white.

>15 years old
>Uncle buys you a microscope
>Earn some side money to pay him back
>Mugger runs by
>Get home
>Uncle dead
>Same guy from earlier did it
>Still have my microspcope

>implying community college is university

Plenty of people. I'm not an ex-con. I've never really had any trouble finding work, except when I was actually in highschool.

>essentially give up ever going to college.
lol what? Unless you're straight ivy leaguing it colleges don't give a fuck. The biggest myth spread around the school system is that highschool matters when it comes to college. It doesn't. Worst thing that happens is you spend a semester taking remedial classes because they think you're dumb.

Who said university?

The world is a whole lot bigger than America hombre. Whilst I believe in going to a higher authority first, sometimes you really do just have to lay a muthafucka out for things to change.

If that ends up being the case then it is worth the menial punishment. Chances are you both get punished but it's ultimately worth it.

That's why he died and that's how Spider-Man became a badass. No more pussy making him into a little bitch

Most companies? Nobody cares about your highschool record, man. College is all that matters and even then it doesn't matter that much outside of certain careers. Nobody will even look at your highschool record unless you raped a girl when you were a freshmen or something.

I'd rather have it be that way than be stuck having volleyballs thrown at my face.

Think dishing out a beating one time will permanently ruin your chances of progressing into higher education.

>nigga you must be retarded

Snitching is more likely to get a gang to kill you than just straight up fighting back.

Yeah no, all that did was make them do it more to see when I would snap again.

Snitches get stitches, user. You'd know that if you ever actually been in a fight.

Then snap again. It's ridiculous how people try to justify being a pussy.

>standing up for yourself
>blood lust jerk
>weeb image
found the mormon

With great power comes great responsibility to put a few of these motherfuckers on ice.

I did, time and time again. They didn't stop, cause it amused them.
So yeah, fuck highschool and having to do this shit yourself because adults are retards.

And fuck you all for thinking this shit works.

What exactly did you do?

It doesn't work.

Once in school I guy punched me because I accidentally took his seat at the library. I told the principal, the incident was reported to his parents, he got a scolding, but no other punishment, and people started picking on me for telling on him.

So I punched a guy who was making fun of me for being a tattle and nobody said anything anymore.

My experience is that the appropriate response depends on the level of bullying. Name-calling, even minor aggression, you dish it out in kind. If it's something more severe, like some intense bullying, yeah, you gotta' report.

That's for boys, though. Girl bullying is 100 times more complex.

If you fighting back amused them then you probably did it wrong bro

If you snapped properly then you would have bloodied a few noses. I'm sure they wouldn't have found that amusing.

>That's for boys, though. Girl bullying is 100 times more complex.
This. Girl bullying is some of the most insidious shit I've ever seen.

I'm glad I went to an asian-dominated high school

All the jocks were part of the AP classes who were part of the after school clubs.

Fuck you assholes, I was a scrawny ass motherfucker, how the fuck would I have been able to do anything "properly". Rage doesn't give magical fucking ass-kicking powers like in comics.

indeed. When shit actually got physicall with the girls in my school it was after a 2 months of behind the scenes shit


>High school
>I'm the new kid
>A loner, so a popular girl essentially takes pity on me and seeks to befriend me
>This kid who's a complete douche has a crush on her
>He assumes I'm making a move and starts giving me shit
>Report on him multiple times and the staff does shit
>Apparently, the kid lost a family member in a violent manner (They never said how, but I reckon it was a robbery) and was just "venting out frustration"
>That gave him carte blanche to be a douche without repercussions
>Eventually distance myself from the girl and become more withdrawl
>End of the school year each of the new kids has to see the guidance counselor for an evaluation in how we're adapting to the new school
>I mention the problems I've had with the guy out of frustation
>Guidance counselor tells me I'm in the wrong for not reporting on him "more aggressively", and adds to my evaluation that I have "communication issues", "a tendency to alienate others" and my social interaction skills are flawed
>They blame me on my previous school, though. According to the evaluation I'm screwed-up despite the new school's best efforts.

How much damage did you do to them?

he was a string bean

Shoot him first esse. Be the alpha gorilla.

your already getting stitches so where's the harm?
checkmate :^)

Yeah this sounds about right. Schools always go to cover their own asses first and generally do their best to avoid the trouble that comes with handling complex issues. If you're lucky you'll get a decent teacher in your corner who tries to help but there's only so much they can do.

>telling the teacher will stop bullies
If this worked there would be less school shootings.

At least you didn't shoot up the school or anything.

is he backing up out of fear or preperation?

You don't have to be a brawny ass muthafucka dude, all you have to do is appropriately fuck the lead guy up so that they realise picking on you isn't worth the trouble.

And whilst I hate to say it, the other snobs are right, if they kept stirring you up chances are you did it wrong or looked like a retard. Serious question, not mocking or anything, are you like retarded or socially awkward or something?

Also what do you actually define as fighting back and standing up for yourself?

The level of ignorance you can find on the internet will never cease to astound me.

You have no idea how the real world works at all, do you kid?

oh please

Looks like he's backing up because he knows he could body that scrawny-ass black kid.


What is the context of this picture? There's no way that kid is about to try to fight that dude.

He probably believes his teachers when they tell him that all of that shit really has a lasting impact on your life.

Bella is our future SOD

Snapping doesn't mean you should or will win. It's meant to show you won't be the only one to lose something if a fight is constantly provoked. Even if they beat the shit out of you they'll remember the next time around that you're willing to grievously injure them without any regard to what becomes of either of you. That makes someone hesitate when choosing their victims.

Vice versa if your antagonizer feels absolutely no threat in pestering you, whether from you or someone you report the matter to, then they psychologically just will not see any reason to stop. Especially if they gain amusement and a sense of power from doing it.

Just to be clear snapping also doesn't solve all your problems, it just reduces them or how they happen. For example I threw a whole desk once when one idiot wouldn't listen to a simple request to fuck off after weeks of being a nuisance, he knew better than to stand tall around me since.

While I was and still am amused by the expediency of the method I should clarify I didn't win shit at the end of the day. The weird kid will always be the weird kid, but a lot of people suddenly figure out how to fuck off when told one way so something works.

I don't know what the context of the photo was but it was on twitter. It said "Chill Tyrone I said square root not square up".

Kids like that think they're impenetrable. The teacher looks like he's trying to deescalate because other wise he's going to kick that kid's ass. No way that kid is doing any damage.

bout to school him in inverse functions

And beat the crap out of a few bullies.

Glad to see someone else gets this. I feel like a lot of the younger generation have grown up being told that anything less than pacifism makes you a neanderthal or something.

I've never enjoyed fighting, but that has never stopped me from defending myself when provoked.

>That's for boys, though. Girl bullying is 100 times more complex.
How so?

Girls are crueler. See that scandal last month where the one girl didn't like another girl so she drugged her and filmed her being raped. Dudes don't do that shit to dudes they don't like, they just punch each other.

Holy fuck what type of twisted asshole would do something that fucked up

Guys will just punch each other and either make up the next day or just not give a shit. Girls will lie, steal, slander, ostrachize, and eventually physically beat who ever they're beefing with. I saw this shit go on for months in middle school

>Son I'm gonna pull this speech out of my ass that I've been practicing in the mirror for quite some time, I have no real reason to say it given that you've always been an excellent kid and nobody on earth has any spectacular enough power to warrant it, but with gr-

>That's for boys, though. Girl bullying is 100 times more complex.

I think you're confusing complexity for confounding.

Girl bullying isn't "more complex". It just seems deeper because of the profound lack of rationale behind it.

In actuality it's just as simple as boy bullying: bullies are retarded and so are their reasons

A female

>Guys will just punch each other
>Girls will lie, steal, slander, ostrachize

lol. You seriously don't think guys do all that shit, too? Guy bullies don't steal your lunch money? They don't lie and slander you to other kids? Ostracize you? Guys do every single one of those things.

Give me a break.

I love this so much

With guys you'll get some straightforward shit like insults, some physical stuff, all that. But with girls it's different. You can't really fight back against people stealing your homework, spreading nasty rumors to ostracize you, defacing your desk and locker with nasty shit, etc. I remember at my school a girl took pictures of another girl changing in the locker room and spread them around. And the pictures weren't hot or anything. The girl was ugly. I was bullied but the worst thing that ever happened to me in the locker room was guys playing keep away with my clothes, and that always stopped once Coach Pierce came in.

But what would drive someone to be so fucking cruel for incredibly petty and meanless reasons

Power trip, I guess.

>Can you believe that slut Becky actually said "Thanks!" to Chad?

Talked to her boyfriend or something

This is why I don't think people should write off the whole "cyberbullying" thing. Yeah it sounds inherently silly, but girls will use that to completely slander and drag another girl through the mud to the point where it makes their daily life miserable. Especially considering kid's social lives before 17 tend to mostly be school. Hard to walk away when you're mandated to go back to that everyday.
Remember the Sasebo slashing murder? With Nevada-tan? She killed the other girl in part because she slandered her on an online board they both frequented.

who the fuck has lunch money anymore old man? all that shit goes into an account and you just put in your pin at feeding time

Laughed too loud in this restaurant. Been waiting for an hour and counting for my friends. This made my night user

Thank you

You know people say girls are all emotion, guys are all reason? Bullying is the other way around.

Guy bullying is spur-of-the-moment shit. You call a guy you don't like or has done something you think is funny a name, or punch him, you get punched or insulted back, and you either move on, or you keep on a very basic cycle of calling him names and punching each other. All emotion.

Girl bullies are ice-cold. They meticuously plan ways to destroy their enemy. Pure, diabological reason.

Take it from me, I had both a guy bully and a girl bully in high school. The guy bully I just mocked back till he gave up. The girl bully turned all my friends and even some of the teachers against me and nearly destroyed my life. I mean, she actually, "ironically", threatened to have me killed.

It's not the same. With guys the deepest it goes when it comes to that is

>lol i saw billy in the lockerroom his dick is tiny
>hey billy gimme your $10 for lunch
>guys i think billy's a faggot
>you can't play football billy you're a faggot
It's petty shit. Girls are more cerebral. The biggest difference is that male bullies usually aren't very smart whereas female bullies might be the smartest chicks in school.

Girls go to bullying lenghts I have never seen a guy do.