Are you bilingual?

Are you bilingual?
What language do you think in?

I am multilingual.
I am a swede who knows swedish/english/german/russian
I think in swedish, I never understood how people can think in another language beside their native tongue.

Oх нихyя ж ceбe ктo к нaм пoжaлoвaл! Cкaжи-кa чтo-нибyдь нa cвoeм лoмaнoм pyccкoм cypжикe.

It depends, when I'm at the computer I usually think in english. But when I'm not I think in spanish.

>Are you bilingual?
>What language do you think in?


>I think in really stereotypical Australian slang in my head

When I lived in France, I used to think in French more often than English, it just felt easier I guess since I was surrounded by French.

>Are you bilingual?
>What language do you think in?
grunts, squawks, guttural noises


I know 3 languages and I think in a bastard cross of languages.

orkish count?

English. I'm polylingual though, so the question doesn't make 'complete' sense to me.

My answer however is still 100% correct, and would be superior to any other statement in this thread.

binnish and english
depends, sometimes i think in finnish and sometimes in english

'Murican and Mandarin. I think in English but I've had a dream in Mandarin before.

>Are you bilingual?
>What language do you think in?
Subvocalizing is for brainlets. My thoughts are too complex for inner monologue.


Oomans are pink and soft, not tough and green like da Boyz. They'z all the same size too, so they'z always arguing about who's in charge, 'cos no way of telling 'cept fer badges an' ooniforms and fings. When one of them wants to lord it over the uvvers, 'e says "I'm very speshul so'z you gotta worship me", or "I know summink wot you lot don't know so yer better lissen good". Da funny fing is, arf of 'em believe it and da over arf don't, so 'e 'as to hit 'em all anyway or run fer it. Wot a lot of mukkin' about if yer asks me. An' while they'z all arguing wiv each other over who's da boss, da Orks can clobber da lot - on Humanity and its weaknesses

all I can use fluently is just Japanese.
Reading and writing English is better than banal nips I guess but speaking and listening to it is not enough to communicate with foreigners.
I've studied French for about 1 year's merde.

I speak English, Arabic, and Esperanto fluently. I mostly think in English.
I sometimes think in Arabic when I am visiting my family on vacation.


merde means 'shit' in French, via English.


Dutch, English, German and Italian

>the very famous french word "merde" is derived from English
really? gib me the source.

Know portuguese and english, can read a bit of spanish, but not speak it

For some reason, I think in english during 90% of the time

It's not, it's derived from latin "merda", which means shit. See Italian "merda" and Spanish "mierda".

>I think in swedish, I never understood how people can think in another language beside their native tongue.
I do it in english.

I have to agree to .
My usage of English, syntax of my English phrase is much affected by my Japanese style of making sentences.
OK thanks
wow great

I think in ithkuli so I can fully articulate my deepest thoughts. as such I have unified my unconscious with my conscious being and have this transcended being and time

>it's merde
You're obviously talking about your skills?

people dont think in languages, we think in abstract thoughts. Language is a translation of the thoughts.

nah I also speak Spanish
I don't know what language I think in, that's retarded

Yes, I often go to /fr/ in order to improve my skills of french but...I cannot have sufficient results and I cannot do without my electric dictionary.

Good, I thought you were insulting my beloved language. I'll be watching YOU.

it depends, I speak 4 languages and think in all 4 of them depending on the context

I wish I could help you...

ok plz help me gain the skills of French enough to join in Légion étrangère sir.
I wish I could long for your "conseil"

>go to /fr/ to improve french
>its Sup Forums-lite telling me to kill myself

Why do you think they say it?

>telling me to kill myself
what does this "me" stand for?
I mean, who tells whom to kill himself?

both vietnamese and english, gives me different perspectives based on the language in that im thinking, works everytime.


本当に? 私にソースをGIB。


Why are you so weird?
