
Hypothetically, how would you deal with a group of 4-8 kids of middle eastern decent who routinely sit outside their shitty hovel and harass white people that walk by? Say if this were in a mostly white suburb of a major US city, and let's say the police have been called but nothing was done.

What would you do, realistically? Keep in mind that if you resort to violence, you are (probably) a FUCKING WHITE MALE beating up innocent little refugees and you WILL get locked up.

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Attack their kids when you go downtown
By throwing some candy on the ground
Then grease 'em when they gather 'round
Napalm sticks to kids

Kick the shit out of the leader and the others will flee like rats. If they come back, kick the shit out of them again because they're kids you pussy faggot

Buy the property and evict is one.

Figure out a way to generate liability for the property owner and sue is another.

4-8 implies multiple families though, so this might be tougher.

If they harrass violent minorities, it becomes minority on minority crime and is promptly ignored by everyone, so that's an option as well.

red pilled song to be upfront with you, relative


>throw a candy bar on the ground
>watch as they all beat each other senseless for it

Just leave a bunch of loaded firearms around their area, the problem will resolve itself...

ice cream made of pork, then you tell them

Treat them with some haram candies laced with poison

Loudspeaker + recitations, songs from bat mitzvahs

Pay Tyrone and his gangsta band of merry men to flush them out.

Pay a pack of bigger (preferably brown/Mexican) kids with no future to harass/Kick the shit out of them until I know they will leave.

Pay them 60 percent up front and 40 in a week when I know they did a good job.

After all it's just business.

Just drop a bottle of bleach nearby. No shit it works.
>one kids drinks it because fuck it
>gets fucked
>all kids scared of bleach
>keep leaving bottles of bleach around in safe zones

start blaring Christian hymns and if they come onto your property hit them in the throat with a shovel


are they muslim?

Throw pork and shit over it

are they not? spray them with water guns from vantage points, throw firecrackers at them, throw paint over the wall/from on top of the building, print fake (real looking) money and hide it so they'd find it, get you and your m8s and get drunk and hang out with them till they fuck off and take over their spot.

Page 72 of the Quran

piss in a watergun and spray them down in a drive by every fucking day til they don't hang around anymore.

>massa help they shootin us with peepee
>get your license
>get your DNA from pee stained clothes
>get some sort of sex crime charge

>bear mace

Let the cops come, they can't unpiss those kids.


if you pee on your enemies, they win


Drive by with a bicycle while shooting a pepper spray mist in their direction ( using a long thin tube that runs from your pepper spray can to the saddle of your bike)

video surveillance is your best bet.

What if you put out a fire by pissing on it?

If they're not hurting anybody or doing anything wrong just ignore them if they say anything. It's not a complicated subject m8

Iraqi eye wash.

mix water, tabasco, and hand sanitizer in a squirt bottle. When the little bastards come up and start shit, give them a little squirt in the eye and walk away.

this is probably how i would do it. secretly record a video while walking by, get their harassment on tape, post anonymously to all the local facebook pages asking if anyone knows who these kids are. let it go viral in the community. post to the local police departments facebook page too.

Perhaps for a western family, but shit-skins and poor people in general bread like rabbits.

Muslims are so easy to scare off. Get a dog or pet pig and threaten to let go of the leash


let's say they're using "fighting words" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fighting_words

as in they're threatening to attack passerby's . they're also disturbing the peace. they're not "not doing anything wrong" in this case. would you like to live in a neighborhood where it's fine to be harassed just while walking down your street?

get an air horn and shatter their eardrums

or just get two German shepards and walk right up to them

>This worked in all my tenements in Brooklyn, goy!

Report their parents to the irs.

You can also hire a couple of older Negros to scare them senseless.

I would definitely consider getting a large dog. However, that only works for when I would walk by. That doesn't help all the other people they are harassing every day. Need a more permanent solution.


Have him take a shit on their sidewalk every day then

how the fuck have i not watched this before

Start kickin them. Thats how every self respecting bulgarian handles gypsies. Then you fight off the 30 gypsies hiding behind the corner.